Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 171: Lunar Luxuries and Luminous Lunacies Pt 1

After meeting with Argrum, I was still determining what to expect with this next shop. The name only told me a little about the owner besides their love of the cosmos. I knew I would handle the next shop owner differently than I had done with the last one, or I assumed I would be. I would have to wait and get a read on the owner before picking my character.

That was a little trick I had used in my past life since I was just a boring guy who didn't really like anything outside of my passion. I learned to read people and develop characters that would better interact with their personalities. It was just acting, but it let me get a lot more out of people when it came to designs and getting the heart of what they wanted.

After taking a deep breath, I mentally selected Lunar Luxuries, and I was transported to stand in front of a tall, twisting spire that gleamed under the moon's gentle caress. The spire, constructed from a material that seemed to drink in the moonlight, radiated a soft luminescence that made the building appear as if it were woven from strands of moonbeams themselves. This was Lunar Luxuries, Moonstone Jewelry, a place where the celestial and the terrestrial met in a dance of cosmic elegance.

Yes, it was genuinely radiant, but where did that moon come from, and when did it become night? Also, was this not only the first floor of Hamazon?! How was this tower so tall that it touched passing clouds, but where the frick did they come from?!

As I stood there, baffled by the sudden nightfall and the moon that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd accidentally stumbled into a different dimension. The last time I checked, Hamazon was a place of practicality, not a hub for celestial phenomena. I shrugged, deciding to roll with the punches. After all, when you're a 'Printer Mage turned Techno something,' you learn to expect the unexpected.

I approached the door of Lunar Luxuries, half expecting it to be made of actual moonstone or some other ethereal material. To my surprise, the door was just... a regular door, albeit with a handle that looked suspiciously like it was forged from a meteorite. "Classy," I muttered, reaching out to turn the handle.

Before I could touch it, however, the door swung open on its own, revealing a shop interior that was nothing short of a starry night sky brought to earth. Moonstones of every size and hue glittered in elegantly designed display cases, their soft glow illuminating the space with a gentle, ethereal light. The air was filled with chimes, each note ringing out like a whisper from the cosmos.

And there, in the center of this celestial showroom, stood the owner of Lunar Luxuries. Or at least, I assumed it was the owner. Dressed in garments that shimmered like the night sky, their presence was as commanding as it was enigmatic. They turned to face me, and I swear their eyes held the twinkle of distant stars.

"Welcome to Lunar Luxuries," they said, their voice as mesmerizing as the rest. "I am Luminara, guardian of the celestial treasures. How may the cosmos aid you today?"

I blinked, taking a moment to process the fact that I was speaking to someone who introduced themselves as a guardian of celestial treasures. "Uh, hi. I'm here because I'm... uh, visiting shops today. I heard you have the best moonstone jewelry this side of the Milky Way."

I was stumbling here, but I wasn't sure what to make of this person. Firstly, was it a man or a woman? The name suggested a female, not that it really mattered, but they were so androgynous that it was causing uncontrolled mental conflict in my brain. Then, there was the straight declaration of being some treasure guardian without any other remarks.

Luminara simply smiled a gesture that seemed to brighten the already luminescent room. "Ah, a connoisseur of cosmic crafts, I see. Fear not, for you have journeyed to the right spire. Our moonstone jewels are not only the finest but are also imbued with the light of a thousand stars, ensuring that each piece not only dazzles the eye but also soothes the soul."

I nodded and then decided to probe with some questions. "They sound interesting, but what made you want to start a shop like this? You are a goddess, after all, so why take on extra work in a place like Hamazon?"

Luminara's gaze drifted momentarily towards the moonlit sky visible through a skylight above, her expression mingling nostalgia with a hint of melancholy. "The cosmos," she began, her voice taking on a reflective tone, "is vast and filled with wonders beyond comprehension. Yet, amidst its boundless beauty, it is also a place of solitude. My journey through the celestial realms taught me the value of connection, of grounding oneself amidst the stars. This shop," she gestured gracefully around, "is my tether to the world, a means to share the marvels of the cosmos with those whose eyes are fixed upon the ground. It's not about taking on work; it's about forging connections, sharing stories, and bringing a piece of the heavens a little closer to home."

Her explanation resonated with a sincerity that caught me off guard. The notion of a deity seeking connection through commerce was intriguing and, frankly, quite beautiful. "That's... quite profound," I admitted, genuinely moved by her words. "And it explains the aura of this place. It's more than just a shop; it's a bridge between realms."

Luminara and her shop were a completely different beast from my meeting with Hades and Argrum, but I still had to be careful. This isn't to say that this shop and its owner sound too good to be true, but I did feel much more relaxed and invited when talking to Luminara.

Luminara smiled again, her luminosity seemingly intensifying. "Exactly. Each piece here is crafted from materials, experiences, emotions, and cosmic events. They are artifacts of the universe's story."

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