Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 187: Filling in Blanks Pt 3

Well this was not getting any brighter. “So what happens to the villain that kills a defending hero?” I asked, shaking my head. “Feels wrong to call the people the invading gods send heroes.

Eldros sighed at this. “Depends. If there are more heroes, they will absorb the dead hero’s points and then look for the other’s. If there are no more, all the power is stripped from them, their memories wiped, and they are left with nothing more than what they had to start with. Worst part is that no one gets a choice in the matter. They are just used for doing evil, and then left with no memories. Most of them are either killed by one group or another, or they take their own lives.”

These little revelations made me grit my teeth. This was just wrong in so many ways, but getting upset about it would solve nothing. I needed to process the information, but a disturbing thought crossed my mind, and I looked to my mother.

“Was I like these Gods of the Roundtable?” I asked, slowly, but Gachica just smiled warmly at me, and Eldros laughed from beside me, clapping a hand to my shoulder.

“If Eon found you annoying, the Gods of the Roundtable were devoted to your downfall.You were a master golem artificer as a god, and one of the strongest among all gods. Your abilities allowed you to create golems that you sent to other worlds, but ones that you blessed using your own points, and then piloted using your own soul. When it came to defending your own world, and others, you were unrivaled. The only thing that prevented you from overthrowing the Roundtable was the teams of heroes on each of the god’s worlds,” Eldros explained, and then smiled. “So if you are asking if you were the same, then not at all.”

Eldros seemed like he was finished speaking, but then a thought expression crossed his face. “Now that I think about it, all realities were pretty peaceful right before you disappeared. You were the cause of this, so that might actually be the reason why Eon sent you to Earth. That world is run by an idiot that always pushed the people of Earth to war. It could be that Eon was trying to make you more prone to violence, thinking that you would go out and try to help people. That clearly didn’t happen, but who can say if this result was not his plan all along.”

"So, let me get this straight," I started, rubbing my temples as if that would somehow make the whirlwind of revelations easier to digest. "I was a god, a master golem artificer, no less, pissing off the divine equivalent of a high school clique because I wanted peace and didn't play by their 'My hero can beat up your hero' rules. Then, Eon, the cosmic wildcard, decides I need a 'time-out' on Earth, a planet run by a god with the diplomatic finesse of a toddler, to possibly make me more aggressive? And now, I'm back, half-divine, with parents who are gods and a resume that makes absolutely no sense. Did I miss anything, or is that the gist of it?"

Eldros chuckled, the sound rich with amusement. "You've summarized it quite well, actually. It's almost as if the cosmos is writing its own comedy, with us as unwitting actors."

Gachica nodded, her expression a mix of pride and amusement. "Indeed. And don't forget, you're also supposed to navigate this cosmic farce while trying to prevent divine high school drama from escalating into full-blown celestial warfare. No pressure."

"Great. Just great," I muttered, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "I feel like I've been cast in a divine sitcom. So, what's next? Do I need to attend a family reunion in the sky, shake hands with the cloud people, and apologize for being 'unintentionally absent' for a few millennia?"

"That might not be necessary," Eldros said with a grin. "Since you will now have access to the second floor of IHSR, you will be meeting many of the divine. They will also remember you as well, but this will be a blessing and a curse. You will probably see this all as more of a curse than anything, but there is nothing to be done about it.

"Why do I suddenly feel like I am not going to like this next part?" I asked, and my mother smiled.

"Because you aren't. Many of the divine don't like you, but that is to be expected. The real problem that you are going to face is the amount of divine that will be lining up to seek favor with you. To say that they will be throwing themselves at you, would be an understatement. Imagine Black Friday shoppers, but instead of discount TVs, they're all after divine favor and golem blueprints. You'll be like the hottest tech startup in the celestial realm, and everyone will want a piece of the action."

I groaned. "So, I'm basically going to be swarmed by divine fanboys and fangirls? That's just perfect."

Eldros nodded, his expression a blend of sympathy and mischief. "Indeed. And remember, your creations, your golems, they're not just marvels of artifice. They represent a power that could shift the balance in any divine conflict. You'll need to be cautious about who you align with."

Gachica leaned in, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "And, darling, let's not forget about the divine dating scene. Now that you're back and your heritage is known, you'll be considered quite the catch. I'd prepare for an onslaught of heavenly matchmaking attempts. You might find gods and goddesses trying to set you up with their favorite acolytes or even themselves."

I blinked. "Wait, what? Divine dating scene? That's a thing?" I asked, but then gave myself a good smack. "No! I don't give a shit! I have my team of lovely ladies, and I am not looking for more members! I mean, unless there is a world with 8 days in a week, then I might consider, but I will be packing a can of 'bitch-be-gone' spray when I go!"

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