Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 31: My Own Boss

"So, what does that do for you?" Daryle asked, and I looked back at him with a bit of a blank look.

"I don't actually know until I go back and try out my printer. I just hope that I can sneak in there without waking Mary up," I sighed, but Daryle laughed.

"She is already waiting for us!" 

"What?! How do you know what?" I demanded, but then felt chills run up my spine.

"Because I was watching the two of you frolic and pick grass," Mary growled, making Daryle snap to attention with me close behind."This doesn't look like you are waiting for my training, does it?"

"No, but I have other things than just you to worry about," I said, putting up my hand. After last night I was more than a bit leary of Mary, and Aria as well. If they were going to start causing trouble and trying to boss me around, it might be better to get rid of them now, rather than waiting for something bad to happen. "Unlike you, I have more than just one person to look after. I appreciate you wanting to train me, but if you interfere with what I wish to do, then you can leave, and I will visit you when I have time."

"You think that you have a choice?!" She demanded, instantly before me, and I tried not to flinch, but couldn't help it. Still, I had to put my foot down.

"Yes, I do. If I ask Aria to leave because you don't know your place as a servant, what do you think she will do?" I challenged, not willing to back down from this, but then added, "I agree that I need to get stronger, but I set the rules here, not you, my guest."

Mary and I stood staring at each other for a bit, and then she finally turned away with a click of her tongue. "Do what you want, but I will make sure that she sees you for who you are! A lazy good-for-nothing hero!" She snapped and then vanished.

Beside me, Daryle let out a long breath and then clapped a hand on my shoulder. "That was something else! I am starting to like you more and more! Just, don't be too hard on her, okay? You know why she acts this way, right?" 

"Because if Aria and I have a child, Aria will die, and Mary will pass to our daughter," I said, and Daryle nodded as we started to walk back.

"Exactly, and Aria is Mary's 5th vessel. Since Aria was born, Mary has acted like her mother, so she is a bit overprotective. In her eyes, everyone only sees Aria as a weapon and a sacrifice to usher in the new generation," Daryle explained as we reached the edge of the woods.

"I know, but that doesn't mean she can boss me around," I muttered. "I am not used to being around people in general, especially not trying to take care of them. I am trying my best right now, but so much has happened in just one day. I went from living alone with everything I needed, to never worrying about trusting anyone. Now all I can think about is if I can trust the people around me, and how I am going to support all these people I have taken under my wing," I sighed, feeling icky from the thoughts about being responsible.

"You'll figure it out," Daryle said with a laugh, stopping to pick some kind of berry from a bush. "And if you need help, let me know, alright? I have experience in leading, taking care of people, and tracking and foraging for food. You can trust me," he said as he offered me the red berry, which I took without thinking, popping it in my mouth. It had a sweet tart taste that made my lips pucker and my eyes water.

"I suppose I can trust you," I mumbled around the berry before swallowing.

We walked rather than ran back to the cave entrance in silence, but as we got closer, we could hear soft giggles coming from that direction. I squinted my eyes at Daryle before saying, "Is that music?"

He nodded with a grin. "That's Aria playing her flute. She's been doing it since she was small. She is quite talented," he said as we approached the entrance where Aria sat on a log with demons moving all around her, playing her flute while humming to herself. Her lips were stained from the berries she had been eating, and she gave us a small smile before setting aside her flute and standing up.

"How are you feeling?" Aria asked, then added, "I am sorry if Mary has been bothering you."

"I probably need to beg her now to train me, but I really need to get my printer going. I get she wants me to become stronger, but I think that my system is just as important. Depending on how it works, there are several things that I can do to help make me stronger, and our lives easier," I explained getting excited, despite everything, and this seemed to make Aria laugh.

"You really can be passionate about things, and I am sure Mary will understand. I think that you two just got off on the wrong foot," Aria smiled sweetly, but part of me was starting to wonder just how much of that smile was actually true.

She was stronger than Mary and this Daryle guy according to both of them, so she could have just killed all the demons, or protected the town if she wanted. The more I learned the more my suspicions grew, but I wasn't going to mess this up like with Mary. I had no proof of anything, so I just had to be wary but act normal for now.

"I can't say that you are wrong about that, Princess Aria," I laughed, but stopped when I saw a dark look pass across her face, but it was gone in an instant.

"Please just call me by my first name," she said quietly and looked away with a blush.

I would just ignore that death glare that flashed and enjoy her cuteness, but there was no doubt of what I had seen. This cuteness was some kind of act. One that I liked, but I also needed to be wary of. 

"Well, I am going to go set up my printer, and then find Mary, but I do want to talk to you after," I said, and Aria looked back at me hopefully. "You said you like the study of floating islands, right?"

"Oh? Yes! Did you want me to explain them to you?" She asked, excitement building on her face, and I nodded.

"Yeah, and I would like for you to help me pick one out," I explained, and Aria grabbed my hands with a bright smile.

"I will see you soon!" She said, and then leaned in and kissed me.

As I pulled away, Aria blushed and giggled, making her way back to her log as I headed towards the cave entrance. Daryle was still standing there, grinning.

"Mary is going to work you into a skeleton, you know this, right?," he teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's focus on getting this printer set up first. I'll deal with everything else later," I replied, and Daryle chuckled.

"Fair enough. Lead the way."

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