Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 32: Cam Pewter?

On the way through the cave with Daryle, I ran into Lyra, who asked to join us.

"You are going to set up your what?" Lyra asked, and Daryle shrugged.

"I am just as lost as you little demon. I have never heard of this printer thing he speaks of," Daryle said, and I stopped them both.

"Just wait here for a moment. Shelli is probably still sleeping," I said, and Lyra laughed.

"That is because you seal her curse mark with the mark of love!" Lyra laughed and then pointed to herself. "I can't wait for my turn next!"

I rolled my eyes but then moved to the golem cave where I found Shelli still sleeping. She was covered up, but if she was still this tired after last night, I should do this in another cave. 

My concern was the golem respawning, but so far none of the other monsters in the cave had done so.


I turned back to see Shelli waking up and rubbing her eyes, so I went over and kneeled down beside her. Seeing me close, Shelli pulled me in for a kiss, pulling me down to the blankets with her. I didn't fight it, but this wasn't the time for round two. The next time was going to be in a real bed!

After extracting myself from Shelli's amorous embrace, I left the golem cave with her trailing behind. Lyra and Daryle looked at us with amused grins, but I ignored their teasing and focused on the task at hand.

"Alright, let's find a suitable spot to set up the printer," I said, scanning the surroundings. The cave had demons running around, so I decided to head back to the golem cave.

As we walked, Lyra filled me in on the developments during my absence. It seemed that Mary had left in a huff after our confrontation, muttering something about proving my worth through training. Aria, on the other hand, was still playing her flute and entertaining the demons.

once we reached the spacious cavern, Lyra crawled into the blankets Shelli and I slept on and tried to invite me over. Ignoring her for now, I decided this space would serve as a temporary workshop. The only issue was that someone would have to always be in here to keep the golem from spawning again.

Once I picked a spot, I brought out my table from the back smith, then set my printer on it and pressed the glowing button on top of it. The first time I saw the printer, there were no lights.

The printer hummed to life, emitting a soft glow. A holographic menu appeared before me, displaying various options making everyone make surprised sounds but me. I expected as much, but now it was time to see what this printer had unlocked thanks to completing my quests.

I navigated through the menus and discovered the following options:

  1. System Menu: A comprehensive menu that allows you to manage various aspects of the system.
  2. Printer Menu: The menu dedicated to controlling the printer and crafting items.
  3. Skill Menu: Where you can access and manage acquired skills.
  4. Stat Menu: Displayed current stats and bonuses.

While I really wanted to go over the printer, I quickly opened the menu for my skills to see the four new skills I had received:

  1. Identify: Allows you to identify the properties of objects or creatures.
  2. Restore A skill that restores an organic or inorganic object to its Timed Original Form. Timed Original Form current limit: 00:05:00
  3. Paint: Allows you to change the base color of an inorganic object. Current Cooldown: 00:24:00
  4. Alter: Allows you to alter a specific part of an inorganic object. Current Cooldown: 00:72:00

Some interesting skills, that was for sure, but besides Restore and Identify, the other two had long cooldowns. I guess it was a time and place kind of thing.

Closing that window, I grinned and opened the Printer Menu.

Printer Menu:

  1. Print Item: Allows you to craft various items using materials.
  2. Disassemble: Break down items into their base components.
  3. Enhance: Upgrade the quality of items.
  4. Blueprint Library: Access blueprints for crafting.
  5. Storage: Manage the items stored in the printer.

I eagerly explored the options, and the Blueprint Library caught my eye. Opening it, I found a list of blueprints for various items, ranging from weapons and armor to furniture and tools, but everything was ranked common. There were also no waifus.

After scanning over the list, my eyes stopped on the one thing that was out of place.

Blue Print: Leon's Computer

Print time: 00:24:00

Items Required: None

Item's Description: This is a carbon copy of your computer from Earth. It not only contains your files, but also an internet connection, but not to Earth. Multiple services can be accessed through the internet, making this an essential item for all Enchanter Printers, and owners.

I didn't really even think about it and pressed the button to start printing. As soon as I did, my printer folded out, and then launched three fist-sized diamond-shaped drones. The three triangles buzzed around the printer and then started to emit a beam of light. 

"Who! My sister is going to fall head over heels for you! Ha! You are a blessing in disguise!" Daryle lamented, and I looked over at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and he gave me a knowing smile.

"I will give up on Aria, but in return, I want you to meet my sister!" Daryle laughed, then pointed at my printer. "If you just showed her that alone without even talking, I am sure she would fall in love with you!"

"Hey! Isn't this your sister we are talking about?" I asked, but another voice answered and I turned to see Aria and Mary walking this way.

"You are just looking to pawn her off of you," Mary growled as she walked over to glare at me, then my printer. "Is this really what you made me wait for? What are you even making with this strange machine?"

"A computer," I said plainly, and everyone looked at me strangely.

"What is a cam pewter? Is it a special material?" Aria asked cutely, and I smiled.

"Com-pew-ter, computer. All one word. Anyways, it is to help me print things better, and it seems I can order things," I said, secretly very excited about this part. 

I had been concerned that I would have to go fight monsters or something to make money, but if I could just buy and sell other world products, then I would be able to live an easy life with no problem. 

The only downside was that the products wouldn't be from my old home world, Earth. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I would just have to wait and find out. 

For now, I had better entertain Mary.

"So," I said, turning to the fox spirit. "Can we go do some training now?" I asked but then winced as Mary cracked her knuckles.

"Oh, I am going to train you alright!" She growled, and grabbed both Daryle and me, dragging us to the cave entrance.

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