Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 46: Gacha Something Good!

While I would come back to those two options, nothing would stop me from checking out the Material Lottery. If there was one thing about video games from my age that had become popular, it was the gacha mechanic.


  1. Common Material Gacha (1 point)
  2. Uncommon Material Gacha (5 points)
  3. Rare Material Gacha (20 points)
  4. Epic Material Gacha (50 points)
  5. Legendary Material Gacha (100 points)
  6. Divine Material Gacha (500 points)

I couldn't help but chuckle at the names. Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Divine. It sounded like a progression through typical video game rarities. Unfortunately, I only had 5 Material points. That didn't give me much of a choice.

"What is a lottery?" Shelli asked, and I smiled.

"A lottery is like a game of chance where you spend points or money to get rewards. In this case, I can spend my Material points on different levels of gacha to get materials of varying rarity. It's a bit like opening a surprise box and hoping for something good," I explained.

Shelli nodded, looking intrigued. "So, are you going to try it?"

"Absolutely! It's like a little gamble, and who knows, we might get something really useful," I said with a grin. I selected the Uncommon Material Gacha, hoping for a decent reward.

The screen shimmered for a moment before revealing the result.


You have received:

(Uncommon) Moonshadow Silk x1

(Common) Lesser Void Essence Crystal x2

(Uncommon) Froststeel Ingot x1

"Hey! I needed that silk! Now I have enough to make my Shadowstep Boots! It also gave me more than one item, but nothing higher than uncommon! Doesn't mean I can't get higher, but this was more than I was expecting!" I cheered, making Shelli giggle.

"I really love seeing you get so excited," Shelli purred and then kissed my chest, making me blush slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I mean, this is my passion. Ever since I learned in my world that there were machines like my printer, I became obsessed with them. I have always loved anime and fantasy stories, but being able to print them out and seeing them in real life just made the stories that much better," I said, trying to explain myself for some reason.

Shelli smiled warmly. "It's wonderful to see someone so passionate about their interests. And with this system, your passion seems to be paying off. What's next on the agenda?"

I closed the Material Lottery menu and glanced at the remaining options in the System Menu. "Well, we have Character and Setting options. I'm curious about what they entail. Shall we check them out?"

Shelli nodded, intrigued by the possibilities. We navigated to the Character option.


  1. Character Sheet
  2. Character Customization
  3. Titles
  4. Affinities
  5. Character Lottery

The Character Customization and Character Lottery jumped out at me and I fought with myself to jump straight to number five, but I had to be calm. This was all so much for my heart. I had never expected to find options like this, and part of me was surprised that I hadn't seen some kind of battle pass for quests.

As overwhelming as this all was, I decided to start with the Character Sheet to understand more about how it worked.


Name: Leon Briar

Race: Human

Level: 3

Experience: 320/1000

Class: Printer Mage

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Healthy

Next Level: 680 XP


That was about what I was expecting, but I was sad to see that I had no Character Points. They must be a much rare commodity compared to Material Points.

Closing the window, I opened Character Customization thinking it was going to be some kind of character creation screen. That was not the case, and instead it just showed me naked with boxes near certain parts of my body. Focusing on the box that said pants, another screen opened with a picture icon of my pants.

Frowning, I looked over, and my pants were within arm's reach, so I selected them in the window. The moment I did, my pants vanished, and then instantly were on me, even though I was under blankets, and Shelli was lying on me. 

"That is really handy!" Shelli exclaimed as she looked down and felt the pants I was now wearing. "It looks like one side of the boxes is for clothing, and then other armor!"

It was true, and on top of that, there was an option to switch between them! While this wasn't what I had originally thought, it was still pretty damn cool and convenient! 

I looked into titles, but there wasn't anything there yet. I guess I would have to complete a quest or an event to get one. Not the end of the world. The rest of the things could be garbage, and I would still be over the moon about the detail in this system!

Next was Affinities, but there was only Necromancy. Not surprising, but I wanted to learn more magic in the future. It would be a total waste not to learn as much as I could considering that I came from a world where it just didn't exist.

Closing the window, I smiled at the last one. I had no Character Points, but I still was itching to know what the gacha was all about.



  1. (Legendary) Radiant Summer Leon Set - Guaranteed after 10 points: 0/10

Set Includes:

(Legendary) Radiant Sunburst Shirt: While worn, your body will always evenly tan and you will never get a sunburn.

(Legendary) Radiant Water Resistant Swimming Trunks: While worn, they can be activated for up to 1 hour a day. While active, all external water is repelled to a distance of 10 feet in diameter.

(Legendary) Radiant Sandals of Eternal Comfort: While worn, your feet will always be comfortable regardless of the terrain.

  1. (Rare) Mystic Scholar Leon Set - Guaranteed after 6 points: 0/6

Set Includes:

(Rare) Mystic Scholar Robe: Provides a bonus to magical knowledge acquisition and reduces the cooldown of Identify.

(Uncommon) Mystic Scholar Hat: Enhances concentration during study sessions and provides a small boost to magical power.

(Common) Mystic Scholar Spectacles: Improves vision and reduces eye strain during prolonged reading.

3. (Common) Casual Explorer Leon Set - Guaranteed after 2 points: 0/2

Set Includes:

(Common) Explorer Jacket: Provides mild protection against the elements and grants a bonus to resilience.

(Common) Traveler's Backpack: Increases inventory space and preserves all food as is while stored.

(Common) Comfortable Travel Shoes: Enhances travel comfort and reduces fatigue.

There was another list, but I couldn't believe my eyes after looking over the first one. While there were no weapons, the level of detail and thought put into these sets was astonishing. It seemed like a mix of practicality and style. I knew I wanted every one of the sets, but the one that caught my attention the most was the legendary one. 

The shorts were pretty crazy, but that shirt! I didn't care what it looked like, but I could go to the beach now and read for an entire day without worrying about getting turned into a boiled lobster! These were clearly just casual rewards, but the next list was even better but seemed far less obtainable.


  1. (Legendary) Crimson Archmage of Printing Leon Set - Guaranteed after 50 points: 0/50

Set Includes:

(Legendary)Printing Archmage's Robes: Boosts magical power and allows for the instant creation of simple magical constructs.

(Legendary) Printing Archmage's Hood: Grants access to advanced printing options and increases mana regeneration.

(Legendary) Printing Archmage’s Gloves: Enables the creation of magical inscriptions in the air, providing temporary magical barriers.

  1. (Epic) Shadowblade of the Printer's Void Leon Set - Guaranteed after 30 points: 0/30

Set Includes:

(Epic) Shadowblade Cloak: Grants the ability to meld into shadows and enhances stealth.

(Epic) Shadowblade Gloves: Allows for the creation of shadowy illusions and boosts agility.

(Epic) Shadowblade Boots: Provides silent movement and increases resilience against attacks.

  1. (Rare) Celestial Print Guardian Leon Set - Guaranteed after 15 points: 0/15

Set Includes:

(Rare) Celestial Print Guardian Armor: Enhances overall defense and provides resistance against magical attacks.

(Uncommon) Celestial Print Guardian Gauntlets: Allows for the temporary creation of magical shields.

(Common) Celestial Print Guardian Boots: Grants the ability to walk on air for a short duration.

The details on these were even more incredible. The thought that went into making each set unique and catered to different playstyles or preferences was evident. The Legendary Crimson Archmage of Printing Leon Set, in particular, caught my attention. It seemed like the ultimate set for someone like me, who focused on using the printer as a primary tool.

Shelli was peering over my shoulder, looking at the sets with interest. "These sets are truly impressive. It's like they were tailor-made for your abilities. What are you thinking, Leon?"

I scratched my head, pondering the options. "They're amazing, but look at the last set!" 


  1. (Divine) Celestial Artisan Leon Set - There is no guaranteed number of points to acquire: 0/????

(Divine) Celestial Printer Addon: When attached to your Enchanted Printer, gain access to Divine STL List. All non-Divine project times are reduced by half.

(Divine) Celestial Etching Pen: This item can be used to inscribe Divine Enchantments on projects created by the Enchanter Printer. While using this tool, your Arcane Insight is increased by 300.

(Divine) Celestial Inkwell of Infinite Creativity: Provides an infinite supply of Divine-quality ink with various magical properties.

  1. (Divine) Archmage of Living Canvas Leon Set - There is no guaranteed number of points to acquire: 0/????

(Divine) Living Canvas Robes: Allows the user to manipulate reality temporarily, creating illusions and altering surroundings.

(Divine) Living Canvas Gloves: Grants the ability to bring drawings to life temporarily, creating animated constructs.

(Divine) Living Canvas Sandals: Provides the ability to walk through paintings and enter a pocket dimension of your own creation.

  1. (Divine) Hamazon Prime Leon Set  - There is no guaranteed number of points to acquire: 0/????

(Divine) Hamazon Prime Subscription: All orders from Hamazon now appear instantly when ordered. Access To Prime Only Benefits.

(Divine) Hamazon Prime Cube of Transformation: (Single Use) Unique crafting item used to infuse with a construct. Doing so increases the construct's rarity to Divine, gives the Divine Transformation Skill, and replaces old skills with new Divine-level skills. 

(Divine) Hamazon Prime Customer Service: Gain access to a Divine-level customer service representative.

These sets were so broken, and I loved it! Divine sets with such incredible bonuses! The Celestial Artisan Leon Set seemed tailor-made for maximizing the efficiency of my printer. The Archmage of Living Canvas Leon Set offered reality manipulation and the ability to bring drawings to life. The Hamazon Prime Leon Set had perks related to Hamazon, the in-game marketplace and even a Divine-level customer service representative!

"Divine sets are on a whole other level! These bonuses are insane, especially the Celestial Artisan Leon Set. Imagine the possibilities with a Divine STL List and an infinite supply of Divine-quality ink!" I exclaimed, my excitement reaching new heights.

Shelli was equally amazed. "The options are truly extraordinary. It seems like these sets are designed for players who want to specialize in specific aspects of the game. Which one are you leaning towards, Leon?"

I laughed out loud at this. "Since I haven't even got 1 Character Point yet, those sets are like pipe dreams. Considering how little points the first two lists cost, and they have a certain amount of points needed, I am a long way away!"

Shelli chuckled, understanding the reality of the situation. "True, it might take some time to accumulate enough points for those Divine sets. But it's still exciting to think about the possibilities for the future. Now, is there anything else in the System Menu you'd like to explore?"

I nodded, realizing there was still one more option that caught my eye.


  1. World Settings (Restricted. Must be level 800, or higher. Must have Divine Creator Title)
  2. Player Settings (Restricted. Must be level 800, or higher. Must have Divine Creator Title)

Well, I should have known this would be the case. I was level 3, so I could just forget about this section for the foreseeable future. The idea of getting to level 800 wasn't daunting, it was insane!

Despite the overwhelming information and options presented by the system, I felt a renewed sense of excitement and curiosity. Shelli and I had delved into the depths of the menus, discovering the intricacies of character customization, gacha lotteries, and divine sets that seemed like a distant dream. As I lay in bed with Shelli, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her companionship and the unexpected turn my life had taken.

"Leon, this world is truly fascinating, isn't it?" Shelli said, her eyes reflecting the same wonder I felt.

"Yeah, it's like a blend of fantasy, magic, and technology. I've always loved those elements in stories, and now I get to experience them firsthand," I replied, a smile playing on my lips.

Shelli snuggled closer, her wing gently wrapping around us. "I'm glad you're here, Leon. It's been ages since I had such an interesting companion. And with the system, who knows what adventures await us?"

With a chuckle, I agreed. "Well, I hope the adventures involve more exciting discoveries and fewer near-death experiences. Maybe some more gacha luck too."

"Speaking of which," Shelli said, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "do you think we could maybe have another round?"

I was no savant, but I didn't need to be to understand what Shelli was implying! 

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