Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 50: Emberfall

I quickly sat up, ignoring my sore body and tired muscles. "Really? Can we visit it? How are we going to get there?!" I demanded, and Aria laughed.

"Mary will stay here with the demons, and Daryle will help you fly. All of the rest of us can already fly," Aria explained, not looking directly at me, making me laugh, but cry inside.

"Don't worry, brother! I will teach you about levitating magic as we fly! You still don't have enough magical power to make the trip one way from here!" Daryle laughed as he came into view and offered me a hand up.

I took his hand and was pulled to my feet. 

I guess it made sense that I wouldn't be able to travel far on my meager Magical Power, but that brought another question to mind.

"Hey, do you have a level?" I asked, but Daryle just frowned at me.

"Level?" Daryle asked, frowning. "What does that even mean? Something to do with your special printer power?"

"It is only part of your system, along with other heroes that have the same kind of blessing," Shelli explained, and Daryle hammered his fist into his palm.

"Ah! You mean the power rating assigned from the identify skill of a hero with a blessing?" He asked, and I nodded. "Last time I was checked a year ago it was 384, but I am sure I am closer to 400, but getting over that hump is hard. Mary is only 502, but I could never even come close to her. Humans have an upper limit of 450 without magical items, but none have ever reached 500. The highest ever recorded is of Ember, and that ancient dragon was 690." 

690? And I had to get to level 800 to have access to the system setting?! What would I even be at that point?! A god?

"That's quite impressive, Daryle. I guess dragons do have an advantage when it comes to power levels," I commented, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the numbers.

"Well, Ember is an ancient dragon, and I doubt anyone else will ever reach that level. But enough about that. Let's get ready for our trip to Emberfall!" Aria exclaimed, trying to change the topic.

We gathered our belongings and made our way to an open area where Daryle would help me learn levitation magic. Aria, Shelli, and Lyra hovered effortlessly in the air, their wings flapping gracefully. I, on the other hand, felt like a clumsy novice as I attempted to control my magical energy.

Daryle patiently guided me through the process, explaining the intricacies of levitation magic. After a few failed attempts and some awkward moments of floating uncontrollably, I started to get the hang of it. It was a strange sensation, but with Daryle's guidance, I managed to maintain a stable hover.

"Great job, Leon! You're a quick learner," Daryle praised, and I grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Now, let's head to Emberfall!" Aria announced, and Daryle took the lead, soaring into the sky with powerful wingbeats.

I followed suit, using my newfound levitation magic to stay airborne. The feeling of flying through the air was exhilarating, and I marveled at the vast landscape beneath us.

It didn't take long for me to feel exhaustion start to kick in, but Daryle had been watching me. Right before I ran out of magic, I felt his magic lift me up.

"How did you know I was almost out of magic?" I asked as we continued on, and Daryle laughed.

"When you get to my level, you can just sense things. If you were closer to my strength, I might not be able to tell as well, but you are pretty low-level, even with your hero's blessing. So, it really isn't hard for me to sense your magical energy," Daryle explained.

As we flew, Emberfall came into view. The floating island looked like something out of a storybook, but at the same time, had never seen anything that could compare. There were four major sections of the island that I could see.

The first of them is a beautiful lush green meadow with lots of open space. If there was any spot to settle, that would be the one. Not too far from it was a large body of water that had a waterfall pouring into it. They came from the side of what looked to be a volcano. The last area looked like a crater, but I could see strange green, blue, and black unholy-looking smoke rising from it. That must be the resting place for the dragon, Ember.

The flying sensation was both thrilling and surreal, and I couldn't help but be in awe of the magical world around me. As we approached Emberfall, I could see the details of the floating island more clearly. The meadow, the waterfall, the volcanic area, and the mysterious crater all held their own unique allure.

We landed in the meadow, and I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the surroundings. The grass was vibrant green, and various flowers added bursts of color to the landscape. The air was crisp and carried the scent of nature.

"Daryle, you can stay here and keep an eye on Leon. I'll take Shelli and Lyra to explore the other areas," Aria suggested, and Daryle nodded.

"Sure thing. Leon, if you need anything or if there's trouble, just give me a shout. I'll be nearby," Daryle assured me.

Aria, Shelli, and Lyra gracefully took flight again, leaving me with Daryle in the serene meadow. We sat down on the grass, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility in the peaceful environment.

Part of me wanted to argue with the girls, but before leaving I had stored my printer. No matter what the girls found on this island, I had already decided after first setting eyes on the majestic floating island.

This was going to be our new home, I had no doubt of it. That meant that I needed to start preparing things and get working on a place to stay.

"So, you finally reached Emberfall?" A familiar female voice in my head asked, and I winced.

I had forgotten about the sister.


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