Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 52: So, About That Golem?

She had a pretty face with a small nose, and full lips that seemed to pout in annoyance. Despite the intimidating demeanor, there was a playful glint in her eyes.

"Alright, follow me. I'll show you what I've been working on," I said, leading Danielle away from the meadow and towards the area where I planned to set up my printer.

As we walked, I couldn't help but glance at the massive warship behind us. The contrast between the majestic floating island and the imposing vessel was striking.

"So, what exactly do you do with that magical printer of yours?" Danielle asked, her curiosity evident.

"Well, it's a unique device that allows me to create various objects using magical materials. I can print anything from tools and weapons to decorative items and even golems," I explained.

"Golems? That sounds interesting. Can you make one for me?" Danielle asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Before I could answer, Ashagan's shadowy cat form appeared between us, making Danielle step back in surprise.

"I get a body before anyone else gets a golem, right master?!" Ashagan demanded, looking between us.

Danielle stared at Ashagan for a moment, and then suddenly scooped her form up and started to cuddle her. Ashagan didn't seem to like it, but Danielle was clearly stronger than her small form gave her credit for.

"Unhand me, you fool brother loving beast!" Ashagan complained, but Danielle didn't relent.

"Look at you, so small and adorable! I'll call you Shadowkins!" Danielle cooed, ignoring Ashagan's protests.

"Shadowkins?!" Ashagan hissed, clearly offended. "Master, do something about this!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. "Danielle, let her go. Ashagan doesn't like being treated like a pet."

Danielle sighed dramatically but released Ashagan, who promptly returned to her usual shadowy form, shooting me a glare. Danielle seemed to recover quickly from her disappointment.

"So, about that golem?" Danielle asked, turning her attention back to me.

"Sure, I can create a golem, but I promised Ashagan one first. After that, I can possibly make one, but it would have to be after a few other items. I also don't know how long it will take. Considering my computer took an entire day, I will have to assume that a body should take much longer," I explained, but this didn't seem to phase Danielle.

"That is fine, I don't plan on leaving, so you can take as long as you want," Danielle said with a self-satisfied look.

"Wait... you aren't leaving?" I asked in confusion, and Danielle nodded.

"I have permission from the king to set up my new laboratory on any of the floating islands to help keep our country's secrets safe! Or at least that is who I convinced his majesty!" Danielle laughed and then gave me a serious but mischievous smile.

 "Plus, you not only know how to do many things that I don't but you have also gotten a little too close to my brother for my tastes! That means that you and I will be spending a lot of time together from now on so I can make sure you aren't putting the moves on him!" Danielle laughed, and I facepalmed, rolling my eyes as I did.

I couldn't believe my luck. Not only did I have to deal with the quirks of Daryle, but now I had his overly protective and mischievous sister, Danielle, to contend with. It seemed like my life was taking a turn into the realm of family drama.

"Wait, are you serious about setting up a laboratory here? And what do you mean about me getting too close to your brother?" I asked, trying to process the sudden influx of information.

"Of course, I'm serious! Emberfall is the perfect place for my experiments, and I'll be working on groundbreaking magical research. As for my dear brother, well, I just want to make sure he's in good hands. You know how brothers can be, always getting into trouble," Danielle replied, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"I think you have the wrong impression about me," I sighed. "I like girls, not men. I have no interest in your brother. I have Shelli, Lyra, and Princess Aria, and that is more than enough for me!"

At the mention of Aria's name, Danielle seemed to ignore everything I had said, and her look became dark. "That woman is always trying to steal my Dary from me!" She snapped, looking royally pissed, but I wanted to smack her upside the head at this point.

Just how could someone be so mentally confused could one person be? How didn't she see that no girls were after him, and that was most likely because of her? 

It would be easy just to write her off as being a nut job in love with her brother, but there was probably a lot more to it. I knew about mental disorders, but I was no expert. If I had to guess, Danielle could possibly be suffering from borderline personality disorder, or it could be related to some past trauma.

Did I really want to get involved with this? Did I have a choice at this point? 

Sure, I could ignore it, but this person clearly wasn't leaving, and I don't think I could make them. I could possibly ask Aria or Mary, but that might only make things worse.

Rather than argue with Danielle, I switched the subject by first summoning my table for my printer, and my desk Daryle had made. That stopped Danielle's ranting, and she came over to watch me, suddenly subdued and expressionless as I summoned my printer, then computer.

I set up my workstation and explained the basics of how the magical printer worked. Danielle, despite her earlier quirks, seemed genuinely fascinated by the technology. She asked numerous questions about the materials I used, the limitations of the printer, and the potential applications of the objects it could create.

I tried to answer them the best I could, but with all the questions, it took me over two hours to set everything up. For each thing I did, Danielle would start by asking why I did it, then what it was for, and any other questions that followed. 

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