Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 54: The Picnic and Unveiling Secrets

As we approached Shelli, she wiped her hands on a cloth she had brought with her and gave me a warm smile. "Well, Leon, I'm a woman of many talents. Survival skills are just one of them."

She continued to work on dressing the deer, explaining the process and the various uses for different parts of the animal. Danielle, despite her initial hesitance, seemed genuinely interested in Shelli's explanation. I was impressed by how Shelli handled the situation, seamlessly blending her practical skills with her charming personality.

Once the deer was prepared, Shelli handed the pieces to Lyra, who was ready with a makeshift grill that Aria had conjured. The scent of cooking meat filled the air, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the prospect of a hearty meal.

As we all gathered around the makeshift picnic area, Shelli, with a twinkle in her eye, offered a piece of cooked meat to Danielle. "Here you go. Freshly cooked deer, Emberfall style."

Danielle hesitated for a moment but then accepted the food with a small smile. "Thank you."

Aria joined the conversation, trying to maintain a friendly atmosphere despite the tension between her and Danielle. "So, Danielle, what brings you to Emberfall? I didn't expect to see you here."

Danielle chewed on the deer meat thoughtfully before answering. "Well, I've convinced his majesty to allow me to set up a laboratory on one of the floating islands. I'll be conducting magical research and experiments to contribute to our kingdom's knowledge."

Aria raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Magical research, huh? Are you sure that's the only reason you're here?"

Danielle gave Aria a sidelong glance, her expression unreadable. "Of course, Princess. Why else would I be here?"

Before Aria could press further, I intervened, trying to ease the tension. "Well, it's great that Danielle is here to contribute to Emberfall. We could use more magical expertise."

Aria nodded, though her suspicion lingered. "True. We can always benefit from advancements in magic. Just make sure your experiments don't cause any problems for Emberfall."

"I assure you, Princess, my work will only bring prosperity to our kingdom," Danielle replied, her tone confident.

The conversation shifted to more lighthearted topics as we enjoyed the meal. Despite the initial tension, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, and I found myself caught between the interactions of the women. Shelli and Lyra seemed unfazed by the invisible storm brewing between the other two women, focusing on the food and sharing stories of their own adventures.

After the meal, as we were cleaning up, Aria pulled me aside, her expression serious. "Leon, be careful around Danielle. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to her presence here than she's letting on."

I nodded, understanding Aria's concern. "I'll keep an eye on her, but what is up with your hostile attitude with her?" I asked, but then added. "I am only asking so I can get a better understanding of things. I understand Daniel has unhealthy feelings towards Daryle, but the way you act around her makes her seem like she is a villain, and not from the same kingdom as you."

Aria sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "It's a complicated history between our families. The relationship between Daryle and Danielle has always been... unusual. There have been incidents in the past that led to a strained dynamic. I've tried to keep an eye out for Daryle's well-being, but it's challenging."

"I see," I replied, realizing there was a deeper layer to the situation. "If there's anything you can share that might help me understand, I'd appreciate it. I don't want to inadvertently make things worse."

Aria hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Daryle and Danielle are step-siblings. Danielle's mother married Daryle's father when they were children. Danielle was always a strange child, and I heard that she was picked on quite viciously. I guess that Daryle was always there to protect her. Things only got worse after Danielle's mother died, and then Daryle's father defected to the West, leaving both of them behind."

"Wow, that sounds like a difficult situation for both of them," I commented, absorbing the information. "No wonder their relationship is complicated. And now with Danielle setting up a laboratory here, it's adding another layer to the mix."

Aria nodded. "Exactly. I don't want to see Daryle get hurt, but I also don't want to make things worse for Danielle. I also don't like being this harsh with Danielle, but she has made Daryle's life really hard. You don't know what it is like for him to constantly hear people talking about him and his sister."

"I can imagine that it's not easy for him," I sympathized. "I'll do my best to handle the situation delicately. If there's anything else you think I should know, feel free to share it with me."

Aria gave me a grateful smile. "Thank you, Leon. I appreciate your understanding. Just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble, and let me know if you need assistance. We're all in this together."

With that, we rejoined the group, and the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Shelli and Lyra shared tales of their travels, and Danielle, while initially reserved, began opening up a bit more. It seemed like the tension was easing, at least for the moment.

After everything was done, I decided to take a walk into the forest. Shelli seemed unsure about me going alone, but I told her I wouldn't be going too far on my own. The truth was that I was curious to know where Daryle was, and I wanted to talk to him.

After having words with Aria, I was starting to get more of the picture between Danielle and Daryle. From what I could tell, Danielle had been picked on, but Daryle protected her. Pretty normal, but with her mother dying, and then the dad leaving... That would be hard on anyone, but I didn't think that was enough.

It didn't take long for Daryle to appear. It seemed like he was waiting for me, but the idiot had a goofy smile on his face.

"You really are something! Standing between my sister and Aria! What a gem you are! I mean, pretty dull and not very bright, but a gem nonetheless!" Daryle laughed, and I scowled at him.

"Ha, Ha," I said sarcastically. "If you think it is so funny, why don't I go and tell Danielle where you are hiding? Hmm?"

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