Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 55: Daryle’s Plan

Daryle's face paled at my suggestion, and he threw up his hands to stop me. "No! I was just kidding!"


"Anyways," I sighed, rubbing my neck. "Do you mind telling me the rest of your story? I heard from Aria about Danille's mother, your father, and the bullying. While those are all catalysts that might cause something like this to happen, I feel like there is an important part of the story I am missing."

Daryle's expression turned somber, and he looked down for a moment before speaking. "It's true, Leon. Danielle and I had a tough childhood. After her mother passed away, my father left us without a second thought. We were left alone, and the people in the village didn't make it any easier for us."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Danielle was different from the other kids, and they didn't understand her. She had a natural talent for magic, but instead of appreciating it, they feared her. They called her names, spread rumors, and made her life a living hell. I did my best to protect her, but it wasn't easy. We were both outcasts."

Daryle paused, a mix of sadness and frustration in his eyes. "I thought things might get better when we joined the royal family, but it only added more complications. Danielle's unique abilities and eccentric personality didn't sit well with others at court. The nobility, especially Aria's family, didn't make things any easier. They couldn't understand her, and they treated her like a threat."

He glanced at me, his eyes pleading for understanding. "Leon, I love my sister, but her actions sometimes make it hard for people to accept her. I know she can be difficult, but she's been through so much. I just want her to be happy, and it hurts to see her struggle."

I listened attentively, realizing that there was indeed more to the story. Daryle's protective nature and the challenges both he and Danielle faced explained their complex relationship. It wasn't just about a sibling bond; it was about survival and support in the face of adversity.

"I get it, Daryle. Family is important, and it sounds like you've been through a lot together," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But there's something I need to ask you. Danielle seems to have... different feelings. How do you handle that, and why did you leave the castle?"

Daryle sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's complicated. Danielle has always been possessive of me. I believe it's because of the difficult times we went through together. She's afraid of losing the only person who's been there for her. But those feelings... they go beyond a normal sibling bond."

He looked down, seemingly embarrassed. "I didn't leave the castle just to escape Danielle's advances, but that was part of the reason. I needed space to figure things out, to find my own path. Being in that environment, with the expectations and judgments, it was suffocating. I needed to breathe, to discover who I am outside of the roles assigned to me."

I nodded, understanding the internal struggle he faced. "It's important to find yourself, Daryle. But you should also talk to Danielle about your feelings and set boundaries. It's not healthy for either of you if it continues like this."

Daryle looked at me with a mix of frustration and apprehension. "It is not as though I have not tried that. Danielle just ignores me. I am sure that you have got a taste of her personality."

I sympathized with Daryle's predicament. Dealing with someone as strong-willed and persistent as Danielle could be challenging. I thought about the situation and suggested, "Maybe it's time for a more serious conversation. Lay out your feelings, make it clear what you need from the relationship, and establish boundaries. If that doesn't work, seek advice or mediation from someone you both trust."

Daryle just shook his head. "I know what you are trying to say, Leon, but this isn't something that just popped up. The more I try to explain and distance myself, the closer Danielle tries to get!"

"Then what do you suggest?" I asked, and a smile that I didn't like slid on his face.

"She just has to fall in love with someone other than me," Daryle said slyly, rubbing his chin. Nope, this look didn't bode well for me.

"Oh? And who might you get to do that?" I asked, playing along.

"Oh, you know. My sister is quite unique, and even I can see she is pretty. She is also very smart, and amazing with mixing magic and technology! Danielle is also a surprisingly good cook, and she has a soft spot for cute animals. I'm sure there's someone out there who would appreciate all her qualities," Daryle said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes on him. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

Daryle grinned. "Why not, Leon? You're here to help us build a new home, and Danielle clearly isn't leaving anytime soon, right? Don't you see her as a potential romantic interest?"

How did I know this was where this was going? I must be a seer or just have incredibly bad luck. 

"You know I have three women already, right?" I sighed, and Daryle nodded.

"Exactly! Adding one more should be nothing for you, right?" Darlye asked. "Come on! Danielle is super smart, and if you make her yours, then my life will be better!"

"Man, you really know how to motivate a person, don't you?" I asked sarcastically.

Daryle laughed, patting me on the back. "I'm just saying, it could solve a lot of problems. Plus, you're already in the middle of this mess, so why not embrace it?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "This is not how I expected my day to go. Fine, I'll talk to Danielle and see if we can figure something out. But don't expect miracles. I only recently tossed out my V card after holding on to it for 22 years. Needless to say, I am not an experienced romantic."

Daryle grinned, clearly pleased with his brilliant idea. "Bah! I still am a virgin, so you have me beat! You're doing me a huge favor, Leon. Just think about it as a way to help your brother. Plus, you know I will help you with anything that I can!"

I sighed, wondering how I got myself into these situations. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just get back before they start wondering where we disappeared to."

As we walked back to the group, I couldn't help but think about the upcoming conversation with Danielle. This was going to be one interesting and potentially awkward discussion. Little did I know that my new life in Emberfall was about to get even more complicated.

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Scarlet Siren

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