Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 58: Very Valuable Customer

Printer Menu:

  1. Print Item
  2. Disassemble
  3. Enhance
  4. Blueprint Library
  5. Storage

I selected the Blueprint Library and scrolled till I found what I was looking for. 

Blue Print: Enchanted Healing Salve [Ready to print]

Print time: 00:10:00

Items Required: Healing Herbs, Crystalized Water

Item's Description: A potent salve that accelerates natural healing. Applied to wounds, it boosts the regenerative properties of the body.


Blue Print: Shadow Step Boots [Ready to print]

Print time: 00:15:00

Items Required: Moonshadow Silk, Essence of Stealthroot

Item's Description: Boots that grant enhanced agility and stealth. Allows the wearer to step into shadows briefly, avoiding detection.


Blue Print: Luminous Warding Amulet

Print time: 00:20:00

Items Required: Radiant Crystals, Silver Chain

Item's Description: An amulet that emits a protective aura. Grants resistance to dark magic and enhances the wearer's defenses.


Blue Print: Blue Blaze Daggers

Print time: 01:30:00

Items Required: Metal Ingot, Hide Leather, Ember Crystal

Item's Description: Daggers imbued with the essence of blue flames. The blades can inflict both physical and magical burns on the target that can last for up to 1 hour. Higher-level materials will increase and augment this effect.


Blue Print: Scaling Scimitar 

Print time: 03:40:00

Items Required: Metal Ingot, Hide Leather, Mutation Crystal, Experience Crystal

Item's Description: A versatile scimitar with a unique scaling mechanism. The blade adapts and becomes more effective as the wielder gains experience in combat. The longer the wielder uses the scimitar, the sharper and more powerful it becomes. Higher-level materials will increase and augment this effect.


Blue Print: Beautiful Kunoichi Kari Golem

Print time: 14 days

Items Required: Magical Core, 

Carbon Fiber Frame, Silk Threads, Essence of Shadow Blossom, Life Crystal, Shadow Crystal, Agility Crystal

Item's Description: A humanoid golem infused with magical and stealthy properties. Functions without a soul as a loyal and protective companion. Possesses agility, camouflage, and limited magical abilities. Skills can be customized, but appearance cannot on this model. Higher-level materials will increase and augment this effect.

Well, that was disappointing, but I should have known something like creating a person would take a lot of materials. There were two more new choices, both weapons, but I could build neither. That must mean I had been spending much time dicking around and not enough farming resources from monsters and the island.

With a sigh, I scrolled back up. I might be able to get some from Hammazon, but for now, I just started the Shadow Step Boots.

The entire time I was messing around with my printer and getting it started, I hadn't heard a peep from Danielle. After I was sure it was working, I turned back to see that Danielle wasn't even in the room anymore. Narrowing my eyes, I looked at the door, but even in my concentration on my printer, I would have heard it open and close.

That made me turn back and walk over to the computer. As soon as I was close enough, I groaned when I saw the highlighted Icon. I hadn't expected anyone but myself to be able to use it, and for some reason, I felt like she shouldn't have gone without me. I don't know why I felt that way, but I did.

With a sigh, I walked the rest of the way to my desk and double-clicked on the Hamazon icon on my screen. Immediately, I was sucked into the IHSR, but I was standing in what looked like a police station, but super futuristic.

"Leon Briar," A mechanical voice announced, and I turned my head to the sound of the voice to see a screen. It was of Danielle pacing in what must be a cell block.

I put my hand over my face and cursed under my breath. What in god's name could have this woman done in such a short time to get locked up?! 

"Yes. That is me," I answered, and the screen switched to a man with white hair and a grizzled face that belonged in the bush. 

The man was wearing what looked like a mall cop security uniform, and he looked extra mad for some reason.

"A denizen of your world has entered ours with you, the hero. This is a direct violation of code 2.336. Entry to IHSR without the accompaniment of a hero. If found guilty, which she clearly is, she will spend her entire time in this cell, and be banished from IHSR for life. You will also receive a week-long suspension from accessing IHSR."

What the fuck did he just say? This must be a joke, or something, right?

"You can be serious?!" I demanded, but the man just gave me a smug look and nodded. 

Ooo, I hated people like this. Give them the tiniest bit of power and authority, and it all goes to their heads. Still, this was a pickle, but I wasn't completely at a loss.

"HAMA!" I shouted, and my friendly TV appeared.

"Yes? Have you come to... Why are we in the IHSR Security Headquarters?" Hama asked, looking around confused.

"My friend Danielle accidentally entered IHSR, and now she is banned? Not only that, but I am banned for a week? What kind of bullshit is this?" I asked, keeping calm even if my words didn't sound like it. 

"What?" Hama asked and then turned to the screen. "Is this true, Head Captain Grier?"

I turned my head to the screen, but the man on it no longer looked smug. No, that look had been replaced by panic.

Head Captain Grier stammered for a moment before regaining his composure. "Well, you see, it's a standard protocol. Heroes are supposed to enter the IHSR with their assigned guide, and unauthorized entries are a serious matter."

"Oh? Really? Did you check to see how many visits the hero has logged in for? The total hours spent in IHSR?" Hama asked in a pressing tone.

"Well, umm, no."

"Ah, so then you wouldn't know that his introduction to IHSR hasn't been completed since he has only sent less than 2 hours in IHSR. Hmm, I guess that also means you didn't check anything about him, or you would have seen that he was considered a Very Valuable Customer," Hama explained, his voice dripping with acid.

"V-Very V-Valued Customer?!" Captain Grier stuttered, starting to sweat profusely.

To be honest, I was just hoping Hama could sort this all out, but this was great! I almost wished I had some popcorn and a SlothMan chair in my inventory to pull out for this! I had no idea that I was such a valued customer!

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