Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 57: Setting Everything Up

"Gah!" I let out as I put the bed down for the sixth time. "Isn't this my room? Why do we keep moving the bed around?!'

The room was in a state of chaos, with furniture being shifted around and magical decorations rearranged. The girls were deeply engrossed in the process of setting up each room according to their preferences, and I found myself caught in the whirlwind of their decisions.

Shelli, with her love for nature and serenity, insisted on having a variety of plants and flowers in her room. Lyra, on the other hand, wanted a cozy room covered from floor to ceiling in pink and black, filled with stuffed animals and other cute things. Aria, to my surprise, wanted the same kind of room as Lyra, but hers had fewer stuffies, and somehow had a more royal feel.

And then there was Danielle, who seemed to be torn between her desire for a functional magical workspace and the need for a place to display her eclectic collection of technological items she had created.

"Leon, can you please decide on a placement for the bed?" Shelli asked with a giggle, holding a potted plant in her hands.

"I have been trying, but you keep saying that it doesn't look right!" I exasperated, tossing my hands in the air, and making her laugh.

"Alright, alright, let me take a look," Shelli said, placing the plant on a nearby table and approaching the bed. After a moment of contemplation, she gestured towards a corner. "How about there? It's close to the window, so you'll get some natural light, and the plant can sit on the table beside it."

I sighed in relief. "Sure, that works. Now can we move on to the next room?"

As we continued the room arrangements, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of laughter, discussions, and occasional playful arguments. It felt like we were not just creating living spaces but weaving a tapestry of our personalities and quirks.

Once the rooms were finally in order, we gathered in the communal area to discuss the next steps. Danielle had set up her magical research equipment in her designated space, eagerly preparing to delve into her experiments. The house felt alive with the energy of its inhabitants.

Suddenly, Lyra's eyes lit up with excitement. "I've got an idea! How about we have a little celebration to mark our new home? Once Mary comes with all the demons, we can have a massive party!"

I hadn't forgotten about the demons, but I also hadn't thought I would be able to set up the entire house on the first trip. This was moving faster than I expected, but it was a good thing. Still, I had put all my focus on getting the place ready, and my printer was still silent.

"If you guys want to get ready for that, I would like to go get my printer and everything set up," I said, and Shelli nodded.

"Yes, I am sure that you have been dying to get to that, but thank you very much for waiting, and helping us get set up," Shelli said with a smile as Danielle rushed over to me.

"Can I come with you?!" She asked with excitement, and I smiled. 

Out of all the girls, Danielle was the only one who really showed any interest in my class. The others were more worried about me getting physically stronger, and that made sense. Still, it was nice that at least one of them was a nerd like me.

"Sure," I laughed and waved for her to follow as we left my room and headed down the hall to the far end of the second story.

The house was two stories and pretty huge, with a long building attached to it for the demons, and a massive dome off to the side. That building was Danielle's laboratory which she thankfully set up away from the main building. 

The place wasn't what you would normally think of a house, since all the walls were made out of metal. Everything about the place was square, giving it a bit of a modern look mixed with the future.

Once we reached the designated area for my workspace, I felt a surge of excitement. The room was spacious, with large windows allowing natural light to flood in. I could already envision the printing and testing processes that would take place here.

"I've been eagerly waiting for this moment," I said, unlocking the door to the room. "Let's get everything set up."

As I entered the room, I started to pull my desk, table, and chair out, and with Danielle's help, we got the room set up. I could have moved everything by myself, but Danielle seemed happy to help. After the stations were set up, I brought out my printer and computer.

"Can I try setting up your computer?" Danielle asked, and I looked back at her after setting my printer on its stand.

"I mean, I don't mind if you know how," I said, and Danielle nodded confidently.

"I was paying attention when you were hooking it up before," Daniel said and got to work.

In truth, there really wasn't much to set up any computer. Plug the monitor into the computer, keyboard, and mouse... Yet it still took two hours last time. Thankfully, Danielle wasn't asking questions, and the computer was set up in less than five minutes.

"Is this right?" Daniel asked, and in response, I pressed the power button. "Wha?! What is going on here?!"

I couldn't help but laugh as Danielle watched the screen come to life. She tried to touch the screen but then pulled back in shock.

"How can I see another world on here?! Why is this world made of stars?!" Danielle explained, and I had to give it my all not to fall over laughing. Her shock at seeing moving pictures was too good, but it was understandable.

"This is called a monitor, and it pulled these pictures," I explained, and then put my hand on the tower. "From this box. There is a lot more to it than that, but I might be able to figure out how to do it if I can ever get access to the regular internet."

Danielle just looked at me with big sparkling eyes. This was a side of her that I had yet to see.

"You mean that you can teach me to make this?! Just imagine the things that we can do!" Danielle was elated, and I patted her head, making her look up at me with a blushing smile that made me pause.

It felt like I was looking at a different person. All day she had either been haughty or nervous, but at this moment, she seemed genuinely happy and excited. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I can teach you the basics, and you can experiment from there," I replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Danielle in this shared interest.

Danielle's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "This is incredible! I've always dreamt of combining magic and technology in new ways, and this... this is beyond my wildest dreams!"

I chuckled at her excitement. "Well, welcome to the world of computers, but this is only the tip of the iceberg as they say. Now, it's time to get my printer going!"

As Danielle continued to marvel at the computer, I turned my attention to setting up the 3D printer. It took no time, and I opened the printer menu as soon as it started up.

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