Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 8 – The Flame System Part 3 (Skill Strengths)

Organos continued, "Each skill has 4 forms, depending on the amount of your affinity: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Maximum. For an affinity of 1 to 30 out of 120, you will receive the Basic form of the skill. For example, a Red Fireball with this affinity will have minimal firepower, even at its maximum level of 30."

Mav noticed some of the younger children fidgeting nervously. The idea of receiving only the basic form of a skill seemed almost disappointing, especially after hearing about the more powerful forms. Mav clenched his fists again, silently hoping that his affinity would be high enough to at least reach the Intermediate level.

"With an affinity of 31 to 60," he continued, "you will obtain the Intermediate form of the skill. A Red Fireball with this level of affinity will be stronger than the Basic form, even at level 1." Mav felt a bit more at ease hearing this. "Intermediate didn’t sound too bad," Mav thought to himself, feeling a small surge of hope.

"For an affinity of 61 to 90, you will achieve the Advanced form," he explained. "A Red Fireball with this affinity will have significantly greater firepower and effectiveness, even at lower levels. And finally, for an affinity of 91 to 120, you will unlock the Maximum form of the skill, the most potent and powerful version available."

The children’s eyes widened with awe at the prospect of reaching the maximum form. Mav could almost see the images of powerful warriors and legendary heroes flickering in their minds, just as they did in his own. He imagined himself casting a Red Fireball so powerful it could change the tide of a battle. The thought sent a thrill through him.

"The number of levels one can achieve in their entire lifetime depends on the totals of the level of your skills across all Flame Types," he continued, pacing slowly as he spoke.

"Every person will be bestowed 120 Mana Points, which is the same for everyone, no matter what their level is. Mana Points are used to cast skills. The amount of affinity you have for a flame type can affect each skill's mana cost and cooldown, which you can check later."

"Remember, your mana is your lifeline. When awake, it regenerates slowly—at a rate of about 5 MP per hour. But during sleep, this rate increases to 40 MP per hour. Mastering the ability to rest and sleep, no matter the circumstances, will be crucial on your journeys as flame users."

Mav considered this. Mana Points were the energy source for their skills. Knowing how many points each skill would cost and how long it would take to recover them seemed crucial.

"Finally," he said, his voice softening, "everyone will be bestowed an item box with an infinite capacity, allowing you to store and use items as needed."

The children exchanged glances, murmuring excitedly. An infinite item box? That sounded like something out of a storybook. Mav could already imagine all the things he could collect and store, ready to use whenever he needed.

"These concepts might seem confusing now," the old man reassured them, "but you will understand them better once you receive your affinities and check your status boxes."

He paused, allowing the information to sink in. The room was quiet, the only sounds were the crackling of the flames and the children’s steady breathing. Mav felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension building within him. This was more than just a lesson; it was the start of something that could define his entire life.

Organos' gaze softened as he looked out over the group, and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "As you receive your Flame today, remember that each type has its own path and purpose. Some Flames may seem less powerful at first glance, but with dedication and training, even the most unexpected ones can become invaluable."

Mav’s heart skipped a beat at those words. He thought back to the Dark flame and its mysterious, seemingly useless nature. Could there be more to it than anyone realized?

Organos continued, his voice carrying a sense of gravity that made the moment feel even more significant. "Today marks the beginning of your journey. Embrace the Flame you are given and use it to make a difference in the world. Whether you become a warrior, a healer, or a protector, know that you are part of something much greater than yourself."

Mav swallowed hard, feeling the weight of those words. He wasn’t just here to receive some magical abilities; he was about to step into a world where his choices and actions would shape his destiny—and maybe even the destiny of others. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying.

With that, Organos clapped his hands again, the sound echoing off the ancient stone walls of the temple. It was a signal, a call to action that reverberated through the air and sent a wave of energy through the children. "Now, let us proceed with the ceremony. May the Flames guide you and grant you strength as you embark on this new chapter of your lives."

The room buzzed with renewed energy as the head priest stepped aside, revealing the central area where the Bestowal would take place. The sacred flames that had stood as silent guardians during the explanation now seemed to burn brighter, as if they, too, were eager to see what would unfold.

Mav exchanged glances with Emily and Nacht. Emily’s eyes were wide with excitement, though Mav could see the slight tremor in her hands as she clasped them together. Nacht, on the other hand, appeared calm and collected, but there was a certain tension in his jaw that betrayed his own nervousness. Mav took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. This was it. Everything they had heard, everything they had imagined, was about to become real.

As the children began to move toward the central area, their footsteps echoed softly in the vast temple. The ancient walls, adorned with carvings and symbols of the Flames, seemed to watch over them, as if they, too, were waiting to witness the unfolding of new destinies.

Mav’s heart pounded in his chest, each beat resonating with the anticipation that filled the air. The world outside the temple seemed to fade away, leaving only the sacred space and the flames that would soon reveal their fates. He felt a mix of wonder and trepidation, unsure of what the future held but eager to face it nonetheless.

As they neared the center, Organos raised his hands, signaling for them to stop. The children lined up in front of the Torches of Bestowal—five torches interconnected and surrounding an elevated platform where the children would stand. Only the head priest had been granted the power to activate this sacred device.

Organos spoke once more, his voice low but firm, filling the space with an almost reverent tone. "One by one, you will step forward and receive your Flame. When your name is called, approach the flames, and they will bestow upon you the affinity that will guide your path."

The grand hall of the temple was filled with a hushed anticipation, the gathered families standing close together, their gazes fixed on the circular platform at the center of the room. Mav stood with his parents, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the solemn atmosphere.

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