Reincarnated as a ‘Useless’ Dark Flame User

Chapter 9 – The Bestowal Ceremony

As the tension in the room mounted, Organos, the head priest, took his place at the front of the chamber. Draped in ceremonial robes adorned with symbols of the Flame God, he raised his hands, calling for silence. The murmurs that had been rippling through the crowd faded, leaving a profound stillness in their wake.

"Before we begin the sacred ceremony of Bestowal," Organos intoned, his voice echoing through the chamber, "let us offer our prayers and blessings to the Flame God, the eternal light who guides our paths and shapes our destinies."

The head priest’s voice grew deeper, more resonant, as he led the assembly in prayer. "Flame God, we stand before You, humble and devoted, grateful for the flames You have gifted to us. These flames are the very essence of our existence, the fire that burns within each of us, driving us to greater heights and illuminating the darkness of our world."

He paused, his eyes closed, as if communing directly with the divine. "As we prepare to witness the Bestowal of Your sacred flames upon the children of this village, we ask for Your guidance and wisdom. May Your flames burn brightly within them, granting them strength, purpose, and the power to protect our lands from all that would seek to harm it. Blessed be Your name, oh Flame God, now and forever."

"Amen," the congregation responded in unison, their voices a unified reverence that filled the chamber.

As the final echoes of the prayer faded, Organos lowered his hands and stepped back, his gaze sweeping over the gathered families. With a slow, deliberate motion, he reached out and touched the ornate staff he carried, which bore the emblem of the Flame God at its head.

In that moment, the circular platform at the center of the torches began to glow, a soft, warm light emanating from its edges. The light spread across the floor, illuminating the sacred symbols etched into the stone, each one representing a different flame—Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and the lesser-known Dark.

The glow intensified, bathing the entire room in a golden hue that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The air grew thick with a sense of anticipation, as if the very flames themselves were waiting to be called upon.

Organos took a deep breath, his voice steady and strong as he spoke the words that would begin the ceremony. "The Flame God has blessed us with His presence. Let the Bestowal commence."

With those words, Organos unfurled a scroll and began to read the first name, his voice clear and resonant in the silent hall. The name echoed through the chamber, marking the start of a ceremony that would forever change the lives of those gathered before the platform, each awaiting their turn to receive the flames that would define their destinies.

As the room fell into a tense, expectant silence, Organos called out, “Your Highness, Princess Chloe Chorafia.” Instantly, a wave of profound reverence swept through the hall. The head priest dropped to one knee, and all present followed suit, including Mav. He, too, sank to one knee, feeling the weight of the moment and the significance of the occasion. The air grew thick with anticipation, and the flickering torchlight cast long, wavering shadows across the walls, amplifying the solemnity of the scene.

Princess Chloe stepped forward with a transcendent grace that commanded respect. Her green hair shimmered under the light, flowing around her shoulders like a river of emerald. Her yellow eyes, intense and thoughtful, radiated a quiet confidence that seemed almost otherworldly. As she approached the central platform, her regal presence amplified the atmosphere of anticipation.

She placed her feet onto the circle at the center of the platform, and a dramatic display unfolded. The torches surrounding her flared to life with an almost sentient intensity. A brilliant green flame roared from one of the torches, soaring higher than the others and bathing the room in a vibrant, verdant light. The yellow flame rose next, though it was smaller by comparison, its warmth subtle but unmistakable. The blue and red flames flickered into existence, their modest heights a mere whisper next to the yellow flame and the towering green flame. The spectacle was nothing short of mesmerizing, drawing gasps of awe from the crowd. Organos’s eyes widened in amazement, clearly impressed by the display of power.

“Display status,” Organos instructed with a tone of reverence. Princess Chloe nodded calmly and spoke the command. Her status box materialized with a soft, green glow, revealing:

Red Flame Affinity: 30/120

Green Flame Affinity: 90/120

Blue Flame Affinity: 30/120

Yellow Flame Affinity: 40/120

Dark Flame Affinity: 0/120


Red Fireball (Basic) lvl. 1/30

Green Protection (Advanced) lvl. 1/90

Blue Heal (Basic) lvl. 1/30

Yellow Enhancement (Intermediate) lvl. 1/40

Organos marveled at the display, his admiration palpable. “As expected from Your Highness,” he said, his voice carrying a tone of deep respect. The murmurs of astonishment rippled through the crowd, their awe evident as they observed the princess’s impressive affinities.

Princess Chloe remained composed, her face a mask of serenity. She turned to Organos and asked in a soft but authoritative voice, “Is it done?”

The head priest nodded respectfully. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Thank you,” she replied, her voice carrying a clear note of gratitude. With a final, graceful nod, she turned and made her way toward the exit, her guards flanking her.

As Princess Chloe passed by Mav, their eyes met briefly. Mav was captivated by the striking golden hue of her eyes, which seemed to hold an entire world within them. The connection was fleeting, but it left him with a profound sense of wonder. Before he could fully process the moment, she had already looked away and continued toward the door.

Mav remained still, his thoughts a whirl of awe and curiosity. As the door closed behind her, he refocused on the ceremony, trying to steady himself for what was to come next.

With Princess Chloe’s departure, Organos turned his attention back to the children. One by one, they stepped into the circle, and Mav watched with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The scene became a blur of activity: most children displayed basic affinities, while a few demonstrated intermediate levels. None, however, came close to the impressive results of the princess.

The mounting contrast heightened Mav’s nerves. What if his affinities turned out to be basic too? He pictured life back in Oraios Village: the simple routines of villagers tending to their crops and making trips to the capital. Trying to comfort himself, he mused that helping his mother with her vegetables and accompanying his father on errands wouldn’t be so bad.

Lost in these thoughts, Mav didn’t notice when the head priest called his name. It wasn’t until his mother gently tapped his shoulder that he snapped back to attention. “Mav Rose,” the priest called again.

A wave of nervousness washed over him, but he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he approached the torches. Each step felt heavier with the weight of his anxiety and anticipation.

Mav slowly stepped into the circle, his heart racing with each step. As he stood in the center, he watched the flames flicker to life.

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