Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

3- Bloody Fight

[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 11:28 AM]


"ha... Hahaha... HaHaHaHAHAHAHA!" With an excited laugh, Yang Xiao-Long shot herself toward her new enemy, any sense of rationality she had was completely lost to the battle lust of finally being able to bet her life against a true opponent.


Either she grows stronger, or she dies trying.


The Beringel wasted no time, although its body is big it still managed to move faster than even Yang, fast enough to be right in front of the Saiyan in less than two seconds.


Yang barely managed to react with a punch, her closed fist, smaller than even a single finger of the creature collided with its knuckles.


The collision was so strong the mere shockwave resultant from it destroyed the ground beneath, the sound that came not a second after it could only be compared to a hand grenade exploding in her ear.


Yang staggered, the bones on her arm shook as she felt the power being the Beringel's attack, her flight being the only thing keeping her from being sent back.


"he...hehehe." She chuckled as she felt the true scope of the danger she is in, her strongest punch didn't even make the thing uncomfortable much less damage it.


While on the other hand, a casual punch from it almost overpowered her entirely.


The Beringel didn't waste any time it simply brought its other arm back and punched the small girl, fully intent on smashing her small form.


Yang reacted quickly, barely dodging to the right she was forced to push the back of the monster's hand away so as to not allow it to hit her with its backhand.


Taking advantage of the situation she gripped the thing's wrist with her left hand and jumped up, using her Ki she flung herself at its face kicking its cheek.


Yang felt as if she was hitting titanium, the monster's face did not even move, the strength of her attack causing no damage to it.


Yang tried to fly away but the beast was too fast, opening its maw the Beringel turned its face and bit down on her leg.




Her bones cracked as she felt pain shooting up her leg, but it wasn't over, no, after not managing to bite through her bones the monster started frantically shaking its head as it put more and more force behind its bite.


Yang knew if she didn't escape she'd lose her feet, the amount of Ki being used just to impede the Beringel from biting through her bones was astronomical, if that kept up she'd be out of fuel in mere minutes, worse still, she knew nothing but a finishing move would be able to seriously harm the beast, and even then she'd have to wear it down first.


Her bestial mind was not capable of forming complex thoughts, that is complex thoughts of anything besides combat, in her current state Yang could be described as a smart idiot.


Bracing herself yang formed a triangle with both of her hands and screamed.




Sparks flew across her fingers as the world around her turned yellow, it was just for a second, no, less than a second, in one the Beringel was biting her leg, the other its jaw was broken and its body falling backward.


Yang wasted no time and flew backward, she knew she needed to buy more time to heal herself, wild, reckless, and irrational she may currently be but if there is something she still has its instinct.


She instinctually knows how to use ki, this put together with the silver of intelligence that still remained made her instinctually connect the need to heal with the small amount of aura still regenerating inside her.


Landing on the ground with her only good leg Yang powered up to the maximum she could in the short seconds she had.


"Garlic Ho!" She shot the Ki technique and immediately flew atop the highest branch she could find.


Sitting on the tree she took her mangled feet and borough it closer, holding the wound with both her hands, she concentrated.


Instead of sending her Ki to the wound and hoping for it to heal she instead transferred her Ki toward her aura.


The simple thoughts her mind was capable of forming were unable to fully comprehend why she had done this.


Had she been in a normal state Yang would have rationalized that since her Ki is the energy of life and Aura is the light of the soul if she used her Ki to power her Aura then she would be able to theoretically enhance the Aura's concept of healing allowing her to recuperate more quickly.


And that, is exactly what happened.


Yang's aura began to regenerate at an accelerated rate, from a mere 1% to 100 in mere seconds, it didn't stop there, it just kept going higher and higher, 120% 170% 200% and finally stopping at 280%


Breathing deeply Yang took her hand out of her wound, what she saw next amazed her.


He wound was healing at an accelerated rate, some type of, black/red energy seemed to be, printing? Yes, printing the lost parts of her leg.




Hearing the beast's scream Yang shot up, looking down she saw the Beringel roaring at her, hitting the ground in anger as if demanding for her to get down.


Seeing this made something deep inside her rage, that fucker thought it could give HER orders? Veins popped out of her head as she looked at the animal's audacity and with a primal scream of rage, she shot down.




She collided with the ape not a second later, but she had learned her lesson, instead of simply punching it Yang covered her arm with both Aura and Ki.


Without noticing her Ki began to move toward her arms leaving the rest of her body unprotected, flames, black and red began to burn on her arm as she flew closer and closer to her enemy.


Unintentionally Yang Xiao-Long created a new technique, by combining both energies and having nothing but the desire to kill both her Soul and Body responded accordingly, their answer? A flaming black aura with a red ominous edge that burned everything it touched, including herself.


The personification of her fighting spirit and perpetual wish to get stronger, this flame, did not protect, nor did it reinforce Yang's body, it only gave the girl power by taking almost every single drop of it from the rest of her body.


The flame gave Yang an absurd amount of power, concentrated in a single point of her body while leaving the rest defenseless, just like how the Saiyan wanted.


Being an answer to Yang's spirit the flame constantly burned the girl's body, but at the same time, it healed it and nourished it to grow, the flame itself could be described as a tool for Yang to Break her body and rebuild it again and again until she reached the peak of which she dreamed of every day for the past two years.


The only thing the Grimm saw before its head was sent to the ground was a flaming black fist, and then, in a blur, it was looking at the sky fragments of its mask flying into the air.


It didn't feel pain, no Grimm did, but it did feel confusion, how did that little thing get so fast?


Before it had the time to answer its own question the Beringel was once again hit, this time in its chest by Yang's second punch, this one had much less impact due to the bone exoskeleton of the Grimm being much stronger than in any other part of its body.


Even still instinctively knowing the white spots were harder to damage Yang's primitive mind was far too proud to admit it simply didn't have enough strength to break it, no, she wanted to DESTROY the bastard in every single way, she wanted to break it again and again especially on the areas it was the strongest.


Power? She'd surpass it, Strength? She'd smash the fucker with her bare hands, Defence? She'll break every single bone just to prove how hopeless it really is when faced with a true Saiyan.


"HAAAAAAAAAAA!" Yang screamed as she hit the monster's chest again and again.






Bones shattered and broke after each time Yang punched the thing's exoskeleton, the only problem is, the bones that broke... Were hers.


She has power, but no resistance to take the blowback directly, each punch cost her huge amounts of Ki, both to power them and to heal her fingers.


She is getting stronger sure, but, her Ki will run out long before she is able to reach any significant power-up.


Normally Yang would have realized this new 'power' of hers served as more of a hindrance than an actual help in this situation, wild Yang, on the other hand, didn't care much about anything else besides killing the fucker in front of her.


After being constantly thrown to the ground punch after punch the Beringel became even angrier, moving fast it gripped Yang's head and lifted it up while trying to crush her skull with all its strength.


Crack* Creak* Crack*


A weird phenomenon happened, instead of Yang's skull cracking and her brain turning into mush the entirety of her body began to contort.


Her bones, muscles, fingers, toes, skin, and even organs started to, for a lack of a better word, form wounds out of nowhere.


Her heart began to struggle to beat outward, her lungs slowed down, her fingers felt like they were being crushed and blood began to tickle down from her head.


Without hesitation Yang began to trash around, weakly she started hitting the Beringel's arm, when that didn't work she focused her flames solely on her hand and gripped at the monster's finger, slowly she managed to stick them inside its body.


Once again confused at the fact the girl in its arms didn't die the Beringel roared in anger, this... Little thing that should have died when it threw that boulder became more and more of an annoyance.


Excluding the moment it met it the thing neither showed nor felt any fear, much to the contrary, it was happy, even after almost dismembering it once all the thing felt was anger but even then that was substituted for happiness, even now it could feel the thing's anger, only overshadowed by its happiness.


For the first time since its birth, not even a week prior the beringel had its first coherent thought.






The Beringel let out its loudest roar yet and began to throw Yang's body to the ground again and again as if the girl was nothing but a club.


1, 2, 3, 4...7...14 The Beringel only stopped throwing Yang around when the Saiyan finally managed to rip out two of its fingers.


Losing its grip it only managed to throw the Saiyan Girl away before having to block a torrent of black flames coming toward its face, it didn't feel pain, but it certainly feel its flesh burning.


Yang tumbled two times before managing to gain her footing and stop herself.


Her body was completely fucked, patches of her skin are purple others received enough damage to show the muscle beneath, blood flowed freely from her head and she was unable to open one of her eyes.


Even then, with her body struggling to even stand up without crumbling at the slightest breeze she still has a toothy smile on her face.


She is happy, truly happy.


But how? How had she survived that? The Beringel should have been easily able to crush her unprotected skull, for all rights and purposes she should have died.


The explanation might even be somewhat obvious for experienced Aura practitioners.


Aura is the manifestation of one's soul, meaning it acts and reacts accordingly to one's will the only exception being when one tries to harm themselves or do something that would do the same even without knowing or intending to.


Yang Xiao-Long's Aura is no different, it knew serving as a shield would only hamper her growth, so it did something different.


Instead of serving as a shield, it would imitate the weird energy it had previously interacted with, warping itself not on the outside, but inside her body, not making the body more powerful but merely more resistant to all harm.


In other words, every attack she received was spread equally through her body, when the Beringel tried to crush her skull the power behind its grip was spread all through her body, hence allowing her to survive but still leaving with heavy damage.


Had she not managed to rip the Grimm's fingers off she would have died not 10 seconds later.


If one were to look closer at this statement they would realize Yang's aura was simply doing what all other Aura's did, receiving an attack and spreading its impact through the entirety of the shield.


The difference now was simply that the Saiyan's Aura first reinforced her internal parts and used its energy to spread the impact, not block it.


Had Yang's bestial mind been capable of understanding this it would start jumping up and down in happiness, its answer to it would have been... Expected for a Saiyan.


Are you telling her that now every attack she receives will damage the entirety of her body equally, rupturing organs, ripping tendons and fibers apart, cracking and breaking her bones, turning her skin purple, and punching holes in her insides just so she heals and gets stronger for it in the future? Count her the fuck in! If JoJo characters can survive with holes in their Skulls so can she!


That is not even speaking about the combination of Ki and Aura that would heal her body on demand, allowing her to get on the precipitous of death and heal herself mid-fight to gain a Zenkai Boost.


Never in her wildest dreams would Yang have imagined gaining so much from a simple stroll through the woods, now, she just needs to survive, for even if she had the potential to do all of this, that's all she has, potential, she still needs to train for it to become reality.


"Ze... ZeahahahaHaHaHAHAHAHA!!!" Yang laughed as she strode forward, this is all she ever wanted! What those weaklings from before failed to give her! A TRUE FIGHT.


Exploding forward Yang let the black flame consume the entirety of her body, she felt it, the agony of it burning her organs, both destroying and healing them and in the process, making her stronger.


It was agony, her previous self would surely die of shock, but not her.


In a normal situation, even while in her wild state of mind she would have been agonizing on the ground, but in this case? Yang was simply too focused on killing her enemy to care for herself, even if she were to lose a limb, she would not pay much attention to it.






The beringel answered with a roar as parts of its skin began to glow an ominous red, lifting itself to its feet it brought its arm back while at the same time bringing its torso together with it, a moment later, with the support of its back it threw its strongest punch yet.



Both fists collided, if the previous collision had the sound of a grenade this one had the sound of a missile.









The air cracked as it expanded forming a vacuum that soon closed itself causing a shockwave that destroyed anything in a 20-meter radius.


The result of the collision was nothing but expected, Yang's body was thrown back at an incredible speed, her arm twisted in 3 different ways as blood gushed out of it, but, she was not the only one to be harmed.


The Beringel too was slightly thrown back during the collision, its right arm, still regenerating the lost fingers showed slight cracks as a type of black sludge flew from it, if it had a way the beast's eyes would have widened.


Yand refused to be thrown around again, twisting midair she planted her feet on the ground and dashed towards the monster, the bones on her leg cracked, to keep her flaming aura she couldn't use her Ki for anything else, even flying.



Getting close to the Beringel Yang slid through the ground, twisting her torso she imitated the gorilla and when the time came she twisted her body back and punched forward with her remaining good arm.



The Beringel reacted quickly, using his left arm it punched down fully intending to end the life of the annoying bug.



Once again fists collided, and once again two gigantic sounds rang through the forest.







This time yang was not thrown back, with the help of her entire body the Beringel only managed to break the ground below her.


This time her arm did not break but she could feel the force of the impact all through her body, the ground, fortunately, took some of the force away.


The beringel, on the other hand, had two of its fingers crushed and twisted, it simply couldn't take it anymore, its hate became so high it could be seen as black smoke started to flow outside of its body.


Lifting both of its arms it closed its fists and prepared to crush the bug below it.


Cack* CRACK*


She couldn't see it but she heard her bones being strengthened and healed under the influence of her flames, the same flames that absorbed the blood that flowed on her skin to inside her body, impeding her from dying of blood loss.


She saw it coming, but couldn't dodge it, the bones of her legs were too weak to allow for any movement, and so, if she couldn't dodge she'd take it head-on.



The Beringerl's fists came not a second later, She reacted fast, lifting both of her arms she briefly abandoned her Flaming Aura and strengthened the entirety of her body, but even then.




It wasn't quite enough.


Yang's legs broke through the ground almost making her fall, the strength was just too much, and with another push by the Beringel, she went to her knees.


With her body almost entirely inside the ground, Yang's hopes were beginning to die down, she couldn't keep it up, the Beringel continued to press down on her, her arms slowly but surely being forced down, if she doesn't find a way to overpower the beast she will surely die.


And that is not something her pride would allow it, being killed by an animal that didn't even leave its diapers is not something she will ever accept.


She saw it, Son Goku's adventure, since he was a baby, she was there to see it all, she screamed in excitement the first time he turned into a super saiyan, she lifted her arms to help him form the Genkidama, she shouted and cheered him on his fight against jiren, she SAW that little low-class Saiyan evolve into a man who would make GODS stand up in admiration.


The light of her pupils faded and disappeared as her eyes turned white with rage, veins popped up all throughout her body as she started to slowly grow.


She refused this! Kakarot became the strongest in the Universe with his training ALONE! AND SHE IS STRUGGLING TO BEAT A FUCKING ANIMAL THAT'S WEAKER THAN MOST BABY SAIYANS.






Muscles grew as she became taller, slowly the hands that were only able to warp around one of the beast's fingers grew into being able to hold the entirety of its hand.




Slowly but surely Yang started to move the beast's hand up.




The Beringel looked at its hands confused, it could feel the bug's strength starting to overpower his, it could feel its hands beginning to crack, and most importantly, it could feel the danger to its existence start to appear.





Ki exploded from Yang's form as she threw the monster's arm violently up and immediately punched its chest with all her strength.




The Beringel's carapace cracked into a hundred pieces as Yang's gigantic fist collided with it, for the first time in this battle, not only was the Beast harmed significantly but was also thrown flying seven meters back.


Crackling with energy Yang slowly flew up revealing her form, nobody in Remnant would call it beautiful by any means but all would agree she looked powerful.


She had grown to be more than 2 meters tall with muscles that ripped her clothes apart, veins ran down on her arms, had she been in her right mind she would compare her current form with that of Kale, just without the wild hair.


Muscle expansion is a technique that contrary to what most might think, is not a multiplier, you see, when one person powers up a portion of their Ki is wasted meaning that even if they power up they will not be truly at 100% power not only that but powering up takes time, time that is very precious in a fight.


The muscle expansion technique resolves those 2 problems, instead of powering up as to strengthen one's body they instead strengthen their ki inward, not letting it even touch their skin, doing this allows a fighter to power up instantly towards their 100%, in other words, it is not a power multiplying technique.


Or at least, it wasn't, not until Yang fused the light of her soul with the light of her body, creating, no, complementing both energies, making it so now, both could do together what alone they could not, in this case, they managed to create Yang Xiao-Long's first true power multiplier technique.


Even if it is a measly 70% increase, even if it would never reach Oozaru or even Kaioken, Yang Xiao-Long finally, after two years of nonstop training, studying, researching, and testing she finally managed to create her own technique.


Even if it takes too much energy to not only compress but keep her Ki inside her body, even if she loses a significant portion of her speed, even if those two things combined make it so this technique can only be used by her in brief amounts of time and only in desperate situations she still, without a teacher and only having seen those techniques through television, managed to create something so wonderful in a moment of desperation.


And Yang Xiao-long is undoubtedly in a desperate situation.


With a mighty stomp, Yang looked to the sky and screamed.




The ground below broke apart, sending thousand of rocks flying at incredible speeds away, trees were blown back as if being hit by powerful winds, any animals nearby ran for their lives, and as for the perpetrator herself?


Looking at the Beringel she smiled mockingly as if challenging the beast to try to roar louder than her, mockingly she beat the left side of her chest, the same side the Beringel had its carapace shattered.


This time the beast didn't roar, it growled.


Yang laughed, putting up a serious expression she landed on the ground and brought forth her Flames again.


She made a show of it, opening her palm with her hand on the side of her waist she concentrated every scrap of Ki and Aura she could without allowing for her transformation to fade.


A ball of flaming Ki formed on her hand, no, this energy, is not Ki, it's something new, it is the combination of her body (Karada) With her Soul (Tamashī) so, the name of this new energy will be.


"Katamashī" Or simply Shī for short.


Yes, Yang gathered all of her Shī into her palm, the energy formed into a flaming green ball that she then crushed with his fist, that in turn started to glow a paradoxical black light.


No words needed to be said, the Monster understood what was about to happen, a last attack, whoever wins will be the one to walk out alive.


It could see, the thing in front of it is in its last legs, even if it wins the next confrontation it will still need to survive its injuries.


With a snort, the Monster made a sacrifice, ripping the bone spikes on its ribs and, without taking its eyes out of the Saiyan, put them on its right fist.


Its hand began to move erratically, its essence responded to its desire forming what could only be described as a bone gauntlet on its first, but it still didn't end there, its shattered chest carapace was absorbed into its body, only for it to appear on its arm, forming into a vambrace.


More pieces of its bones started to be absorbed and put on its arm, ten seconds after its start the entirety of the Beringel's right arm and a part of its shoulder were completely encased in white bone.


The arm would never be able to move as smoothly as before, its movements would be stiff and awkward, the rest of the Beringel's body, with the exception of its face, had no protection whatsoever.


Had it been fighting with a hunter this would be the height of stupidity, something no other Grimm with a silver of intelligence would ever do, but it is not fighting with a Hunter, no, it finally realized what it is fighting against, is another monster.


The second its transformation ended both advanced toward the other, the Beringel's moves were sluggish, unaccustomed to moving with its new arm while Yang's speed was far, far slower than anything she had shown before.


Still, like all the other times both met at the center, and both collided.


Fist struck against first and for one moment everything was silent... Only for the sound of breaking bones to ring throughout the quiet forest.


Yang's bones cracked as she felt overwhelmed, the Beringel had put everything it had into that attack, it didn't have muscles, its body is composed of a black substance that it could freely manipulate as it pleased.


When she says it put the entirety of its strength in that arm, she means it.


Crack* CrackCrack*


Yang was forced back as blood gushed out of her fist, for one moment she thought it was over, but she refused, she refused to die like this, firming her legs on the ground she tried to stop herself from moving back, to no avail, the Grimm's attack was simply too powerful.


Still, she refused to give up, to give in, she had lost much in both lives, and she sure as hell won't lose her life in this one.


It was then that she felt it, a burning sensation coming deep inside her body.


Something happened, she felt... Something behind her back.





The air cracked as she stopped moving back, slowly she moved her fist forward, overpowering the Beringel, but not by her own power, something... Something was helping her!


She moved her eyes to the side, but was unable to see what was behind her back, all she was able to see were the blue particles of light covering her arm.


Something deep inside her burned, whatever it was, it would die down fast.


She didn't know what was happening, and she didn't need to, turning her eyes forward again she put all of her concentration on overpowering the Grimm in front of her.


And that is exactly what happened.


The flames in her fist exploded into a spectral blue as the Beringel's arm began to be forced back








The Beringel's exo skeleton cracked and cracked, blue flames bursting from its cracks as Yang's fist continued to go forward, gaining such power and speed that in a single second it destroyed the Grimm's arm, going right through it and striking the center of its chest.




Together with the titanic sound of the explosion the last remnants of Yang's flame left her, opting to consume the Grimm instead.




 The Grimm's roar of designation became weaker and weaker as the black flame consumed its body, not even giving it a chance to turn into ash before being destroyed, leaving only its mask behind.


Yang stood there, bloody and victorious, slowly her transformation receded, seconds later she came back to being her 10-year-old self.


She couldn't move a muscle, she wanted to look back but knew that she wouldn't be able to do something very important, she promised to do something, and she never went back on her word.


She moved forward, painfully, step by step she crouched down, took the Grimm's mask, and put it in her face.


"I- Coff* I said I would use you as a trophy like that Damm mutt monkey fucker."


Breathing heavily she looked at the state of her arms, her flame, long since extinguished could no longer help her, blood flowed freely from her like a fountain, if she doesn't heal herself in short order she will die for sure.




"I'm hungry." And then, she fell face-first on the ground, not noticing the shadow looming over her back


This chapter was supposed to be more than 6k long, in it I would go over more deeply on Yang's mind but honestly, I felt that if I continued to write after the fight everything would feel dragged so I decided to stop here.


The next chapter will be more about Yang's mind than her body, her learning more in 30 minutes in a fight than in 2 years will have... Unexpected consequences.


Anyway, if everything goes right the "Forever Fall's" mini-arc will end in 2-3 chapters, see ya!

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