Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

4- Bloody Mind

Look, I know What I said, BUT I got a little too excited and wrote a little bit too much, I was only able to write so much before the chapter started to feel dragged down, I'M SORRY I SWEAR I'M NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE!


But anyways, this chapter has tons of explanations, why? Because I need to build a power system that's why, and it also has yang's plans for the future, not all of them but most of them.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 4:00 PM.]


Yang slowly opened her eyes, above her she saw the red leaves of Forever Fall slowly falling to the ground, the light of the sun warmed her body as she peacefully looked at the moving clouds.


Lifting herself she stretched her body as she Yawned.




Feeling something strange she scratched the tingling spot on her hip, only to flinch slightly at the pain she felt after touching it.


In a second, she remembered everything, the Beowulfs, the Beringel, almost Dying multiple times, the transformation, and finally, her victory, together with that weird blue flame.


Feeling a weird sense of warmth she looked down, only to see herself wearing a skirt, she... did she have that before? Shaking her head yang moved the skirt down to look underneath, what she found could only be described as... Curious.


A red flame, in the process of healing the last remnants of a wound on her hip, when it finally did seconds later it dissipated into red particles of light.


A second later Yang felt like her entire body was on fire and then, for the first time in a long time she felt... Fine, not complete, she never felt that way ever since THAT happened but... She felt good.


"Ha...Haha... Hahahahahaha!" Yang jumped up and down, feeling the lightness of her body.


Dashing forward she started to practice her moves.


She punched forward while moving both her legs and torso rapidly, right, left, right, left, kick, low, middle, high, spin, jump, kick, knee, direct kick up, down, middle.


"hehehehehe." Yang giggled and prepared to give the last punch.


Bending her legs she jumped up with her strength alone, calling forth her flames she punched upward and screamed.


"Ha!" With a flaming fist, Yang soared towards the sky, only stopping after reaching above the trees, for a second she stopped, and saw a great portion of Forever Fall, she could see the sea on one side, the white clouds, the imposing sun and on the other side she could see the walls of vale, ugly and lifeless but still necessary for the survival of the City.


Even knowing there are Grimm down there, both in the forest and the Sea Yang couldn't help but feel like the world she sees is beautiful.


Such a pity that to protect everything that is hers she will be unable to properly explore it.


Yang's face turned grim, the excitement she felt a second prior vanished under the worry for the future.


Landing softly she looked down and noticed two things, first, these are not her original clothes, and second, she isn't feeling hungry.


No, wait, three things, she could feel a weirdly sweet taste in her mouth, frowning she looked around and ran in a certain direction, arriving at the shore she keeled down and looked at her reflection in the water.


Just as she thought, she was wearing a suspiciously familiar set of armor and clothes.


She had a shallow-cut black and sleeveless red dress with what weiss schnee would most likely call a battle skirt, a pair of red gauntlets that protected the entirety of the upper part of her lower arm, connecting to what she could only describe as samurai shoulder armor, below both she could feel some type of fabric, most likely there for absorbing the impact of any hits.


On her waist, there are pieces of armor, Kusazuri are their names if she isn't mistaken, on her legs she wore shin guards that extended to the feet, where she had a type of sandal, in other words, the exact same set of clothes as her mother, Raven Branwen.


Besides the armor, on her left side, strapped to her waist there is a sword, held inside a very familiar Scabbard.


Taking the hilt of the sword Yang tried to draw it out, only to fail, she tried a second time, but that failed too, looking closer she saw a trigger on the sword's hilt and something that looked like a handrail in the scabbard, above it she saw many colors in equally sized blocks.


She knew immediately what those were, Raven's swords were completely made out of dust, something made possible with the help of her Scabbard that she filled with different types of the magical material.


Green (Plant), Blue (Ice), Red (Fire), Dark Blue (Water), Purple (Gravity), Yellow (Lightning), Cyan (Hard-Light), and White (Wind)


Clicking on the red block Yang saw the mechanism turning until the red cartridge appeared, she then heard some weird noises, less than three seconds later, they stopped.


Yang frowned, the mechanism certainly didn't take this much time in the show, thinking deeply she arrived at an answer.


This was most likely not an older version of her Mother's weapon, Omen, no, she probably made this specifically for her and put the slower time of printing the sword purposefully.


'Not one to give everything on a platter hmn?' Yang Smiled. 'So be it, I'll take the challenge.'


A warm feeling, not unlike the one she felt at the end of her fight against the Beringel surged from her chest, even while putting her hand on her mouth she couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips.


'She still cares about me.'


"Aaaa!" Yang screamed in embarrassment and took the water of the sea in her hand and splashed her face, just in time to stop herself from crying.


Cleaning the water off her face she exhaled.


'Saiyans don't cry, get yourself together.'


Yang's face turned serious as she remembered something.


'Speaking about Saiyans.' She looked intently at her reflection, remembering her exact thoughts on both fights.


'My race really is ruthless, to not even care about their own blood.'


She felt fear, remembering how little she tough of Ruby in that state, for others calling their siblings annoying might not be much or even common but to her? No, that isn't either of those things.


Ruby is the only thing in this world that she truly cares about, the only thing she would give her life to protect without even a second thought, because for her, living without Ruby would be the same as not living at all.


She knows how it feels, to not live but survive, wake up, work, come back, eat, sleep, and repeat, going through the motions with no mind of her own, she remembers, wanting to have some kind of relationship with anyone, even if just as coworkers, anything, anything at all would be better.


But she died before she could reach anything meaningful, living alone is the same as not living at all, humans are social animals, they need company, unfortunately, like her, many don't get even that from their families, much less from others.


When she came to this world she was incredibly excited, even more so after learning she could use Ki, and even more after learning she was a Saiyan, how cool was that, a new chance at life and the chance to realize her childhood dream of doing the Kamehameha.


But, there was one thing that excited her even more, a family! A new one at that, she immediately parted out to meet them properly, to interact and live with them like a proper sister, and a proper daughter, she wouldn't make the same mistakes, she'd make sure of it.


And she managed to do that, she had so much fun talking and playing together with Ruby, she did so many stupid things that only a child would be able to get away with and she enjoyed every second of it, this time she'd properly enjoy her childhood.


But, not everything was good, her father, Taiyang, entered a state of depression, leaving her and Ruby to fend off by themselves, she had to sleep hungry some nights just to feed Ruby before she managed to find a job.


Now that she looks back, maybe she should have talked with Tai, maybe she should have tried to get him back from his depression, she knew how it felt to lose someone, and she still didn't help.


Thinking about it made her feel a small amount of shame in herself.


Her preconception of Tai wouldn't allow for her to help him, living with a drunk deadbeat dad in one life was already horrible enough, seeing Tai in that state raised many Red flags in her mind, so, she stood away from him.


She was afraid, for both herself and Ruby, Drunk people don't act like themselves and constant drinkers become something they are not, she knows that, she lived through that, in the flesh.


And so, she almost lost a father again, fortunately, Tai managed to come back, and they were making good progress, she felt like she could trust him, she felt like she could truly have a father this time, that feeling long forgotten of fatherly love came back, and then he went behind her back with DustTube.


It hurt, it hurt so much she couldn't describe it, she gave him a chance, and then he did something like that, it doesn't matter whether or not he was doing it because he thought it was the best course of action, He. Betrayed. Her. Trust, something she would NEVER have done had she been in his position.


It was her past life all over again 'Children should be seen, not heard, not given explanations, and just forced to obey' Am I right?


Resentment was born out of dismissiveness, she would not accept being treated like this again, her opinions matter! She matters! Independent of what her father says or does HER. FEELINGS. MATTER.


But not to that bastard, and not to Tai either, she gave up on him that day, since then there was never any excitement or love in her words when she talked to him, in her mind she stopped thinking of him as 'Dad', and started thinking of him as 'Tai' if her feelings didn't matter to him then she would give him none.


But to Ruby? To her Yang's words mattered her feelings mattered, even while avoiding showing any sign of sadness or any other type of negative emotion when close to her sister the little reaper would always know if she was feeling down.


She hugged Yang when she was sad, kissed her cheek when she was angry, and played games with her outside when she felt lonely.


Ruby cared about her as much as she cared for Ruby herself, maybe even more, was it any wonder she came to love that girl? That she'd give her life to protect her? That she'd risk dying in a random forest just to get stronger, FOR her?


No, it wasn't any wonder, Ruby Rose became Yang's light, the reason why she wakes up and gets up from her bed every day.


And that is why her thinking of Ruby as annoying is so worrying, in that fight those Saiyan instincts proved to be able to alter her mind significantly, while yes for a fight they are wonderful, to live, they are awful.


It was at this moment she remembered something, something that Vegeta said in Gohan's movie.


'If I'm not mistaken he said Jiren's raw power wasn't that far off from them but that he used that power extremely efficiently even in the heat of battle he was free of tension in both body and mind, remaining totally relaxed till the moment he attacked.'


'Not only him but Roshi also managed to destroy a moon with a mere 280 power level, those 2 examples together with Goku's perfected ultra instinct teach me something very important, that if I don't find peace and tranquility within my mind and body, I will never be able to use 100% of my true power.'


'To protect everything I love, to not lose my feelings towards my family, I need to find peace, but, I can't do this now, this will take years of training and self-reflection, for now, I need to fight, let my instincts guide me, but not allow them to control me.'


Tightening her fist Yang came to a decision, she would continue fighting in the forest, but when she came back, she'd talk with her father and... And with her class, she made the mistake of not approaching people in her past life, too shy to even say hello.


Although for different reasons, she made the same mistake in this life too, she'll need to fix that soon, just not with her class, she hates having to deal with kids that are not her sister.


Breathing calmly Yang pressed on the sword's trigger and pulled it out.


For a moment, she was confused at seeing only half of the blade, but then she remembered something she read on the wiki.


The blades are telescopic, allowing them to be stored at roughly half-length within the scabbard and extending to their full length once drawn.


And sure enough, she saw the rest of the blade jumping out.


Contrary to Raven's katana, hers resembled a medieval sword.


"Ughk* Ugly." Yang didn't like the sword's appearance, it looked like a mass-produced piece of garbage built to be the most efficient and cheap piece of crap to be given out to an army.


"You're really making this hard on me Mom." She smiled. "But I love a challenge."


Yang lifted the sword above her head. "Let it be known that this Sword shall Henceforth be called BODEMENT!"


Yang stood there with her sword in hand and in a stupid position, putting her arm down she covered her face in embarrassment.


"By beerus, I hope no one saw that."




"Ah!" Yang jumped in fright and immediately turned toward the sound with her sword in hand, only to see an owl, a white one.




A vein popped up on her forehead, but she calmed herself down.


"Calm down yang, don't let those Saiyan instincts win Calm. Down."


Turning toward the sea she decided to test her new weapon.


Bending her legs she held the hilt of her sword with both arms, lifted it up her head, and then brought it down, humming she then gave a horizontal and diagonal slash.


It was just as she tough, the blade weighed less than paper on her hand, she never trained with such a weapon so she isn't able to say whether or not this is a good or bad thing.


Lifting the sword above her head, this time she activated her aura and allowed it to move into the sword.


Scarlet flames exploded from the weapon, and without a second of hesitation, Yang swung it down.


When she did it so a 4-meter-long crescent torrent of flames flew forward dying out only seconds later.


Yang didn't feel any kind of high heat coming off from it, whether or not it was because of the quality of the dust, her Aura, or even her resistance she didn't know, but she doubted Raven would give her anything above civilian grade dust.


Once again she lifted her arm, this time she infused the sword with Ki, bringing it down she saw the blade glow and then, a white arc of energy shot forward cutting the water apart and finally dying down 20 meters away.


She is surprised, she didn't put much KI in the attack, even then it managed to go so far, but still... Her Ki did not interact with the dust in the blade itself... Curious.


Once again she lifted the sword up, this time however she fused her energies, creating Katamashī once again.


Briefly, she noted that the process of creating this new energy was not instantaneous, her wild self managed to do it somehow but apparently, she will have to train more to achieve that.


Infusing the blade with Shī made the thing start to glow into an ominous red, for a moment Yang was confused, wherever she looked, all she could see was Red, it took her one minute to realize the light was coming off from her sword.


When she did so she simply shrugged her shoulders and prepared to slash down.


Using a moderate amount of strength she brought her arm down, the Sword glowed even brighter almost blindingly so, Yang's heart began to beat faster as she began to think what the sword would do, what kind of power it would come to bear.


Unfortunately, she never had the chance as it violently exploded with such a force that she had to glue herself to the ground to not be thrown back.




Fortunately, Yang's Ki protected both her and the sword's hilt, she would probably cry if she destroyed her mother's gift only hour after getting it.


"Coff* Coff* A littl- Coff* A little too potent for such a low-grade dust hmm?"


Shaking her head Yang put the Sword's hilt on her Scabbard and clicked.


"Let's see if I remember Green Plant, Blue Ice, Red Fire, Dark Blue Water, Purple Gravity, Yellow Lightning, Cyan Hard-Light, and White Wind."


Clicking on the green block Yang prepared to test everything again, if she gave up on one failure she wouldn't be here today.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 4:07 PM]


Looking down Yang observed the tornado being dissipated, the results of her tests were... Enlightening.


Plant dust showed one of the best results, when used with aura it allowed her to control the direction of the leaves around her, something useful for blocking an enemy's view, she theorized that in the future if she managed to gain higher grade dust and train with it properly she might be able to control vines.


Using it with Ki had wonderful results, her Ki reinforced the blade exponentially, she tested it against rocks, trees, and even her skin, surprising even her it managed to cut her slightly, something very impressive as much like child Goku even pistols wouldn't do anything to her.


The bade of course didn't escape unscathed, it had been damaged, its edge dulled, but nothing else.


Using Katamashī brought upon the best results, she made sure to use the minimum amount she possibly could, even then amazing things happened.


As she expected the blade glowed, this time however, the light was much more... concentrated on the blade itself, immediately after infusing it with Shī hundreds of leaves simply appeared around the blade, circling it, as she moved the sword the leaves followed behind.


It was somewhat beautiful, but she couldn't kill her opponents with leaves so she thought the thing was useless, that is until one leaf gazed the back of her hand and cut her skin without a single hint of resistance.


It was at that moment she realized something that in hindsight she thought herself an idiot for not doing so sooner, the leaves weren't called to the blade, they were made FROM it, meaning they were simply energy constructs in the form of leaves.


Her Katamashī combined with whatever energy the dust had made it possible for her to create solid energy constructs related to plants.


In the next minutes, she tested everything she could do with the dust, and it was amazing.


She could create gigantic vines that could both be used to attack or protect, in those same vines she could create different types of plants, considering there were hundreds of thousands of plants worldwide she couldn't help but get a headache just thinking about how much she'd have to study.


She also discovered something very curious, if she uses her Flames with the dust she could enhance its healing properties, the flame, black and red turned into a lustrous green, healing her twice as fast.


She tried to use it in the place her tail was previously but just as she thought, nothing happened, at the time she briefly thought about how that little shit even managed to rip her tail out, was it a semblance?


That boy clearly couldn't just have ripped it out with his strength alone, not only that but the medics should have been able to reattach it, and even if they couldn't her flames should be able to heal it overtime, something seriously wrong was going on she'll need to investigate it after leaving the forest.


The healing flame took less energy from her but that was simply because of the help of the Plant dust, unfortunately, she discovered she couldn't create anything else but plants, she couldn't even create wood, but that wasn't a problem, it won't be a rock that will determine her limits.


Lastly, she slashed down, the results were, disappointing, nothing besides a green arc of light.


Ice dust, infusing it with aura allowed her to freeze anything the blade touched, as expected, even while infused with aura the blade was fragile, not resisting even a single full powered swing in a rock before shattering.


Once again her Ki failed to get any reaction besides strengthening the blade enough to become significantly more resistant.


Infusing it with Katamashī made the entire thing explode into a torrent of ice, the thing became a freezing gun that even managed to encase her hands in ince, it was very cold.


She was, unfortunately, unable to test what would happen if she swung it down as every time she infused it with Shī, no matter how little of it, it would just become a freezing ray.


Water dust, Infusing it with aura made the thing literally turn into water, that was the first time she realized she needed to train to properly control her Aura.


Infusing it with ki resulted in the thing becoming extremely heavy and resistant too, she theorized her Ki made the thing denser somehow.


Using Kamatshī showed surprising results, with it she could control nearby water and most importantly of all, turn the blade into a liquid state, although she had to leave at least a 10-centimeter-long piece of the sword on the hilt to control the rest on its liquid state.


She also found out she needed to train her mind more as to be able to return the blade to its original form, otherwise, she'd only have something dull to fight with.


A slash downward consumed the entirety of the blade allowing for her to release a powerful attack.


Gravity dust, infusing it with aura resulted in absolutely nothing, once again she reminded herself to train with her Aura more, not all Dust types were so reactive apparently.


Using Ki made her lose half of the blade as the upper half seemed to gain more and more mass, breaking off and breaking the ground, burying itself 2 meters below.


She tried it again, and this time she was able to control it, with it she managed to both increase and decrease gravity until a certain point, if she had to guess it the maximum she was able to achieve was a 6 times increase and decrease.


Using Shī, well... It made her VERY happy with the results.


The moment she used it, she felt the gravity around her increase to a point where she had to use Ki to save her bones from breaking, unfortunately, that alone was not enough to save her from plummeting to the ground, the Beringel mask fortunately didn't break.


The same couldn't be said for the blade, which shattered after she managed to, with great difficulty, lift herself up and take the sword into her hand again.


At that moment she felt extremely happy, she saw an opportunity, not only to create something like the gravity room, that if used together with Plant dust and her healing flame could replicate Goku's training just before he fought freeza, but also to learn a crucial technique every fighter needs, teleportation.


It was then that she tough of the idea of absorbing the dust's energy and trying to replicate it inside her body, but, she knew that she couldn't do that just yet, she'd first need to learn how to absorb energy, a technique that as far as she knew many characters in dragon ball could use.


Not only that but she rationalized that since time is intricate with space, and gravity is nothing else but the curvature of it, that means that if she trains hard enough she can replicate Hit's technique.


She remembers the maniacal laughter she let out at the time, she also remembers that annoying owl interrupting her.


She tried using her Ki on the dust more times but the results were the same so she proceeded to use her Katamashī.


And that was by far the best result she ever had, by infusing the sword with her energy she was able to control where the gravity field stood, she wasn't able to control its size, just its place, unfortunately for her the sword was consumed in a matter of a minute.


She was also able to create a repelling force but not an attractive one, and the most important of all, she was able to create a palm-sized dome where time seemed to be very slightly slowed down, both the dust and her Shī were consumed in less than two seconds, after that she was forced to meditate as to recuperate her energy.


As a last test, she swung the sword down creating a purple arc of energy that shot itself forward so fast she wasn't able to see anything else but the space itself around it trembling.


It was then that she remembered something that almost made her face split apart in a crazy grin, Janemba's sword, Dimension Sword was able to cut space itself, passing through dimensions and even creating portals.


From then on she promised to train extensively to be able to create a sword like that.


Lightning dust was not that special, infusing it with aura made her attacks electric and 20? Yes 20% faster.

Infusing it with Ki resulted in absolutely nothing besides getting more resistant.


Using Shī made things interesting, she got faster, much faster, if she had to give a rough estimate she'd say she was 120% more agile.


Besides that, she could also shoot lightning, somewhat useless for her, swinging it down nothing happened, no arc, no energy, no nothing, if not for the speed increase she'd think the dust useless.


Hard Light dust, infusing it with aura did nothing, with Ki she noticed she could more easily form any kind of energy construct.


Using Shī only made it easier and more potent but consumed the sword much faster.


Swinging it down made the sword longer, no, it would be better to say that an energy construct formed above the sword, testing it further showed she could make replicas of the sword at close proximity and at any angle.


This made her ask herself whether or not she could create an enemy to fight against her, but she'd have to control it which would make everything pointless, but maybe she could train to think parallel thoughts? Something to see later


Wind dust, when infused with aura allowed her to, only slightly control the air around her, it was a weak control, useful for nothing besides peeking below someone's skirt.


Infusing it with Ki made things... Erratic, had she not stopped a tornado would have formed.


Infusing it with Katamashī made it so she couldn't stop the tornado from forming this time, she had to use a Ki blast to stop the damm thing.


Yang is happy, she had discovered many interesting things today, but mainly, she learned a lesson, one to not ignore the treasures of Remnant.


Leaving out a tired sigh Yang put the sword's hilt on the Scabbard and turned around.


She had many things to do, train, study, meditate, and most importantly of all, continue to fight.


If there is something that Yang learned today is that 2 years of training are not comparable to even 30 minutes of fighting, oh yes the techniques she learned saved her life and she will undoubtedly continue to train with them but for now she needs power, and the only way to get it is to fight, and then fight some more.


Jumping in the air Yang flew upwards directly toward the forest, most of the Grimm inside it are weaklings but if she managed to find a cave then maybe she'll be able to find a strong one.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 4:23 PM]


Yang flew slowly as she looked down in search of any caves, while she looked for them she started to think about all the things she could do to improve her weapon and what type of style she wanted.


Well, that was a stupid question she'd make her own, while yes having a teacher would be nice she preferred to just be taught the basics, form a foundation, and then do her own thing, horning her skills against an opponent.


She already had a style in mind but it would be an extremely complicated one.


First, she'd need to alter the Scabbard to be able to give her different types of swords, she wanted three types, Medieval, Japanese, and Chinese, her plan is to constantly change the style of her sword together with directly abandoning it to fight hand to hand as to not allow her enemy to know just what she'll do.


Of course, she will fight with her bare hands if she thinks she'll gain more by doing so but having more options for different circumstances is a must for any fighter.


Even then training will be extremely complicated, not that she minds of course, she loves training, but she has a limited amount of time, hence why she is thinking of just jumping grades in school, she doesn't like that place she doesn't even like the kids there but at the same time... Ruby is there and she doesn't want to leave her alone.


That's not even the end of it, she'd need to alter Bodement's Scabbard and hilt to both print and consume the sword faster, contain more dust, and alter its hilt to that of the sword specified forms, Katana, Medieval, and Jian.


She could order someone to do it for her but... This is a present from her mother, no way in hell she will let anyone but her -And maybe Ruby- touch it, much less modify it.


Yang's eyebrow rose, pointing to her side she shot a Ki blast.


That destroyed the boulder coming toward her.


"This is not going to work a second time idiot, well, not that you are the same anyways."


Shooting herself down Yang landed violently on the ground.


Looking forward she saw a single Beringel, roaring as it advanced toward her.


She did not react.


For a second she thought about just ignoring it, its Roar seemed much less frightening now, its form, much less imposing, she knew for a fact a single Ki blast at full power would vaporize the thing.


But she wanted to test just how strong of a Zenkai she had gotten, well, she knows how the zenkai works but an anime is an anime and real life is real life.


Dissipating her Ki aura she crossed her arms and waited, she had no illusions, if she were to limit herself to only using Ki to strengthen her body she knew that if this Beringel turned out to be exactly as powerful as the last one the fight would be equilibrated, the only difference being intelligence and technique.


So she simply decided to test her resistance and brute strength.


The Beringel arrived, and with a loud Roar it punched, Yang returned the gesture, and just as before, the collision created a shockwave.


This time however the ground did not break, Yang had learned much during the previous fight, her wild side might not have been smart enough to use it but she sure is.


It is a simple technique, one that all Z fighters use, it doesn't have a name but to put it simply it is what allows them to throw Ki blasts with more energy than entire galaxies without burning the atmosphere or throwing punches strong enough to shake universes without obliterating the galaxy they are in and a dozen more.


The technique is... Incredibly easy to use, she just thinks about it, and it is done, of course, if she gains a sizable amount of strength in a short period she will be unable to use the technique properly for some time.


'Not that it matters right now.'


The Beringel put its right arm on the ground and prepared to attack with its left one.


'You sure are taking your sweet time.'


Not waiting for the Grimm's attack Yang dashed forward and punched the monster's chest.


The beast's chest carapace broke into a dozen shards as it was launched back, Yang did not move from her position opting to instead put her arms behind her back.


'Just as I thought, I cannot gain anything by fighting this thing, maybe if it was significantly older and wiser maybe if it knew how to fight I would have gained something but.


Yang watched as the dumb creature slowly lifted itself up, looking hatefully at her.


Unless it is a true enemy, on pair with her both physically and mentally, or at the very least a beast significantly stronger than her then any fight she participates in will be at best a beat down and a circus at worst.


Yang walked forward, her hands still on her back, closing her eyes she continued to walk forward, if the beast wouldn't be useful to strengthen her then it could at least help her obtain a new technique.


The Beringel advanced, in a second it was already above her, the girl had to fight against her instincts to keep her eyes closed.


The beast's arm came down with the force of a bus, and Yang dodged it by jumping sideways, not yet done the monster tried to follow with the back of his hand.


Yang jumped, allowing the arm to go below her as she landed on the ground once again.


With an indignant roar, the Grimm bit down on the girl's head, only to catch air as she lowered herself and calmly walked to the side, below its armpit, and out of its center.


The Beringel acted quickly, moving its body it hit the girl with its shoulder sending her crashing head-first into the ground.


Yang reacted fast, opening her eyes she put her arms in front of her, and as they touched the ground she twisted her body, jumping in the air and landing safely.


Closing her eyes once again she waited, at the moment she was not training her Ki sense or any kind of true technique, no, she was building the foundation of an ultimate technique, Ultra Instinct.


Ultra Instinct is an ultimate technique that separates the consciousness from the body, allowing it to move and fight independently of a martial artist's thoughts and emotions, or so she remembers.


The hard light dust reminded her of this technique, and to even dream of trying to obtain it she would first need to meet some standards, first, she needs to be able to control both her conscious and unconscious thoughts, meaning she needs to have a complete control over every cell of her body.


Second, she also needs to be able to think parabolically, meaning she needs to be able to have two thought processes at once without one interacting with the other.


Third, she needs to hone her instincts to the point where they become able to predict danger, this has to be done with pure instinct, no Ki, no killing intent sensing, just instinct.


Fourth, she needs to stay calm, and relaxed even in the heat of battle, not allowing her emotions to get in the way of brutal, but not evil, efficiency.


If she manages to learn those 4 things, she believes that even without God Ki she should be able to reach something very similar to Ultra Instinct.


Originally she thought the beginnings of her danger sense would start with her subconscious mind picking up vibrations in the air, low sounds, and even smells to warn her of an incoming danger she wasn't able to properly see.


After this she would train her Ki's emotion and intent sensing capabilities, if she could feel killing intent she sure as hell could feel other emotions, Goku was able to read minds via touch, she only needed to do it from far away and unconsciously.


That was her plan, at least up until she realized the incredible potential of dust, if she managed to absorb and replicate dust's energy she would be able to sense magnetic fields, slight movements of air, heat signatures, the movement of photons, and most importantly of all, sense the movement of space itself.


Now, some might ask, Yang, you fight like an animal, always trying to get hurt just to heal and get stronger, why would you train to obtain ultra instinct instead of something like Ultra Ego?


And to that, she would say it is exactly because of that, she fights like that to gain strength, sure, but the problem is, her Saiyan instincts transform her into a ruthless, sadistic monster, one that would have no problem killing anyone and anything that entered in her way, not even family.


While yes, she will continue to fight like this, she will train to control her emotions via the path to Ultra Instinct, if she were to train to obtain Ultra Ego then she will undoubtedly fall prey to her own instincts, maybe in the future when she gets her Saiyan side under control she will be able to train in the path of destruction, but not now.


The Beringel advanced once again, before it could even reach her Yang quickly moved her torso to the side, just in time to barely dodge a stinger coming towards her skull.




It wasn't over quite yet, Yang's mind warned of another attack, without doubting it she crouched down, dodging another attack coming at her.


She was then forced to jump sideways to avoid the third one, her mind once again warned her of danger, this time coming from above.


She was in an awkward position, unable to move she was forced to lift her arms, and just as she expected, she caught the Beringel's first.


What happened next was simply too fast for her to react, something slammed into her side throwing her sideways, passing right through her skin and fortunately stopping just before hitting her stomach due to the clenching of her muscles.


She smiled but had to force it down, she needed to be calm, focused, fighting the urge to open her eyes she fixed her posture and stood properly, she then slapped away whatever was stuck on her side.




She paid no mind to the screeching sound and instead focused on her bleeding wound while at the same time paying attention to the rest of the enemies following her.


'This would be a thousand times easier if I had a teacher like Whis.'


Yang was forced to block as the Beringel's fist came toward her.




Yang let out a grunt of pain as she felt her entire body shake under the pressure of the strike.


"Unfortunately for you, I am no longer the same as before."


Twisting her arm Yang gripped the Beringel's knuckles and threw it sideways, with the Grimm right open she dashed forward to strike.




She was forced to move her torso down to evade as something came behind her, not a second later she heard a clanging sound as if metal had hit against metal.


Opening her right eye she was finally able to see what had attacked her, there, with its stinger stuck in the Beringel's bone chest a wasp half the size of her lower arm.


"A lancer Hmm."


Closing her eyes again Yang threw her torso back and jumped, just in time to avoid three Lancers falling.


She breathed a sigh of relief as she finally managed to stop the bleeding on her side by clenching her muscles, even while dodging she had not stopped trying to close her wound.


It was not healed by any means and it still hurt but now she finally had a way to stop herself from bleeding to death without the help of her flames, at least on minor wounds that is.


Dashing forward once again she prepared to attack, only to trip and fall as she felt her wound burn inside her.


Reacting quickly she caught herself and retreated, the lancers were all stuck and the Beringel would need some seconds to take the one stuck in its chest out before it could attack her.




Yang held her wound as blood spurted from it, the burning sensation intensified as it began to spread, her aura trying to dissipate the damage but only worsening the situation.




Yang thought alarmed, she didn't know what type of poison the Grimm had but she could take a guess, those creatures wanted nothing but destruction, so its poison should reflect that.


Using her Ki she looked inside herself.


'Just as I expected, it's rotting me from the inside.'


Suddenly she heard the sound of air being cut, reacting on reflex she jumped, not a second later she felt something small hitting her toes.








The pain came shooting up her leg immediately she knew her toes had been broken, she briefly thought of getting some armor for her feet but discarded it, the small pad covering half her bridge was more than enough.


"FUCK!" Swearing profoundly was the only way she was able to stop herself from screaming in pain.


Once again she forced herself not to open her eyes.


Landing on the ground she felt her feet screaming in pain, but ignored it, once again she started focusing on two things at once.


Using her intuition she turned around and ran, lifting her only good feet she stomped on the ground, hitting one of the lancer's four wings.




Not giving up she lifted her other foot and stomped down again, unfortunately for her the Lancer managed to escape and immediately slash her ankle with its hand saw by ripping its wing out.


Yang smiled, she isn't angry, no, she's content, getting hit so many times, feeling pain, and committing mistakes is just what she wants, getting hit will teach her to dodge, pain will make her more resilient, committing mistakes will teach her what not to do.


She finds it funny, how those animes only showed the protagonist failing in minor things while training, in her opinion, getting a 10-centimeter metal sting from a murderous arm-sized wasp inside her chest is the best training she will ever manage to get.


Down, left, left, Yang once again was forced to dodge as tree wasps came behind her, trying to slash at her skull with their saw-like hands.


The ground shook and she jumped back, landing just behind the Beringel trying to grapple her.


While that happened she was also paying attention to her wounds, she managed to close her chest wound but unfortunately, she could not do the same to her toes, clenching her muscles to block bleeding is one thing, straightening crushed bones is a whole other thing.


One she isn't able to do, she briefly had the idea of using plant dust but discarded it after gaining a new one.


Ki is the energy of life, with it she can strengthen her body infinitely, without it she becomes as weak as any other animal, and she doesn't want that.


She wants for her Ki to nourish her growth, not be the sole reason why she is powerful, if possible she would opt to just use it to strengthen her physical body permanently like cultivators, unfortunately, she couldn't.


At least not with Ki, but With Katamashī? She thinks it just might be possible.


Aura has something called Semblance, a power that reflects one's soul, from controlling water to cutting space itself those powers can really be anything, depending solely on an individual's life and personality, a semblance can be described as a reality-bending power with strict rules posed on itself but still having the potential for evolution.


Those two energies combine to form Katamashī, a power source coming from both the body and the soul that possesses the benefits of both while being greater than the sum of its parts.


Ki can in fact bend the rules of reality, but not at the level that Yang is at the moment, Aura helps with that, it helps with the bending of the rules, allowing for Katamashī to have much more possibilities.


Utilizing this theory Yang devised a plan, using her Shī she would spread it all throughout her body, but only in minimum quantities, she'd then feed this energy to her cells, not like Ki no, but more like... Food


Her Saiyan cells can grow, not in strength but in capacity of how much power they can handle, utilizing her intent Yang should be able to 'order' her cells to use her Shī to grow, not only in capacity but also power, one that will be used to better every aspect of her.


Meaning that if she does everything right she will never have to eat or go to the bathroom again, become ageless, have an absurd healing factor, and never become sick again, that is of course if her theory is correct.


And judging by the fact the pain she is feeling is slowly going away she would say the initial stages of her plan are going smoothly.


Although she could not detect any kind of healing in her toes, meaning her Shī is unable to heal more than one wound at a time, she could spread more of it but she mainly wanted to enhance the mundane side of her body.


She believes that healing slowly will allow her cells to absorb more power in the long run and gain the ability to heal themselves without the aid of any of her 3 energies in the future.


Smiling, Yang dashed forward and delivered a powerful kick to the Beringel's right leg.


The collision caused a sound not unlike that of a gunshot, the Beringel, unprepared for the attack went down instantly.


Taking advantage of the situation Yang punched down, she planned to dismember the Grimm but only managed to destroy its feet.


'Ah, yes, I can't see shit.'


Dodging, while not easy is far more simple to do than attacking with her eyes closed, the former could be done by sensing, hearing, smelling, and feeling the danger itself, some kind of 6th sense that she has like many animals that are able to tell if something is watching them.



The Beringel roared as it turned around, swiping the back of its hand towards Yang as it did so.





Yang blocked the beast's attack with the back of her hand, using both of her hands she gripped the thing's arm and began to spin.


It wa slow at first but in less than three seconds she began to spin around at maximum speed, finally ready she pushed the Grimm's body up, ready to slam it down on the lancers.






Hearing an owl's hoot and the sound of something being cut behind her Yang became alarmed, abandoning her attack she let go of the Beringel's hand, causing the Grimm to be thrown meters into the air, roaring as it spun without control.


Unable to hold herself back Yang opened her eyes as she looked back, what she saw, made her heart skip a beat.


Centimeters behind her she saw the same owl from before, ripping apart a snake grimm the size of her leg with its talons.




Hearing the buzzing sound of her lancers Yang closed her eyes and turned around once more, she had come close to death before, this was nothing new.




Yang was forced to catch a Lancer's sting with her open palm, the creature's speed being enough to drag her back a few centimeters.


Before it could react she gripped its stinger and pulled with all her strength, ripping the thing out of its body, moving rapidly she gripped the wasp's head and its lower body, pulling it apart she ripped the Grimm in half.


Playing safe she crushed the parts on her hands and felt as they turned to ash.


Clicking on the green block of her scabbard she entered a stance and waited for both the lancers to attack and the sword to be formed.


Acting on instinct she attacked diagonally some centimeters above the right side of her head, her fist hit nothing but she was able to feel the wind displaced by the Grimm's wings.


'It must have dodged.'


Suddenly, her mind flared up, unconsciously she moved to the side while lowering her head, the only hint she dodged something was the sound of air splitting above her.


She smiled, but did not lose her concentration as she spun around and kicked the highest she could, hitting the lancer that tried to sting her skull and dodging another that flew towards her leg.


She smiled even more, her chest wound was healed and her toes did not hurt even after that kick.


Taking advantage of her position she stomped down, hitting the Lancer's sting, immobilizing the creature, yang laughed as she prepared to crush the thing under her fist, but suddenly stopped.


With a desperate expression, she jumped back, but it was too late, the Beringel's body fell, crushing her leg and the lancer below it.


The impact broke the ground, which collapsed entirely, revealing a deep hole leading directly inside a cave.


Yang is not stupid even with her eyes closed she knows her situation, if she allows herself to fall she will undoubtedly be surrounded by centinels, her way of fighting is loud which would attract even more of them.


Her wild side would jump at the challenge and her normal one was somewhat tempted but she logically knew she couldn't do this, she will undoubtedly die, either by being overwhelmed, or by being killed by whatever was making her mind scream at her to run.


Her body trembled as her teeth rattled against each other, her leg is crushed, all she has to do is heal it with her Kirashī and fly away, but she refused to.


This isn't her, she wouldn't run or give up only because a seemingly insurmountable obstacle appeared, what would she do if she started giving up now? Maybe she'll just run after seeing Salem for the first time, maybe she'll freeze in fear while watching the Gods destroy humanity.




Keeping her eyes closed she spun in the air and landed with her good leg.


Not a second later she heard the low growl coming from the Beringel, even worse she could feel slight vibrations in the ground.


The situation is dire, she needs to beat all incoming enemies before whatever is making her body tremble arrives, if she fights against whatever that is She. Will. Die.


And most likely on the first strike too.


Even knowing that, she still refuses to open her eyes, or use her Ki for anything more than reinforcing her body and her Shī to heal it.


Small rocks fell on her head as she entered a battle stance, one adjusted for her mangled right leg, the weight of the Beringel falling on her was something that her aura could not completely mitigate.


In hindsight, she should have expected it, no technique or power is perfect the first time it's used, but still, had her Aura not helped she wouldn't have a leg anymore.


The Beringel advanced, slower this time, the fall had wounded it somewhat, at least temporarily.


Yang sensed something again, quakes? No, vibrations, she could feel slight vibrations on the ground, with a smiling face she dashed towards her enemy.




Only for a lancer to burrow its stinger on her back.


'There, there was one more?!'


She fell, no, she was forced down, the lancer, unable to pass through her bones pressed down, forcing her to the ground, had her leg been fine she would be able to resist, had she allowed herself to use Ki to hold herself up she would have been fine.


Unfortunately, she had put restrictions on herself, ones that she would not break even if she were to die, Yang Xiao Long loves her life, she doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to leave Ruby alone.


But this is merely a side of her, the other one, her wild one? Her pride is simply too great to break the rules she put on herself, she WILL keep her eyes closed, she WILL NOT use her Ki for anything other than strengthening herself, and if she dies? Well... Weaklings that can't even beat down some monsters shouldn't bother staying alive, she is no exception.


Yang didn't try to catch herself, no, she instead blocked her face with both arms, and just as she had expected the Beringel's fist collided with them.


She was thrown flying back towards the cave's ceiling, and just as she planned she gripped the lancer's head behind her and ripped it out, not a second later she hit a collum, the impact broke parts of the object and crushed the Lancer on her back.


Jumping down Yang paid no mind to the pain in her back, the moment she landed dozens of centinels exploded out of the ground and began moving toward her.


Surrounded by all sides and gravely wounded Yang couldn't help but laugh.


"Ha... Hahaha. HaHAHAHAHAHAHA!" With a crazed smile on her face, Yang pulled her sword out and ran towards the Grimm.


Her body trembled slightly as the oppressing presence started to move.


Before any of you ask, yes, she will gain her own Vegeta, and I think it will surprise all of you when you find out who it is... Although, in a rivalry, she would be the Vegeta counterpart.


Anyway, I got tired of writing this long ass chapter and decided to break it down, editing this thing is a goddam nightmare.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.