Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch10- I Owe You One

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A brief silence fell between them, the quiet accentuated by the gentle rustling of leaves and distant bird calls. Kazuki's expression was warm, his amber eyes shimmering with gratitude and respect.

"I mean it, Kukaku," he said, his tone earnest. "I owe much of what I've learned today to you and Yoruichi."

His words, though simple, carried a heartfelt sincerity that warmed Kukaku's heart. The sense of protective affection she held for him intensified, mingling with the unsettling emotions that continued to churn within her. Yet, she couldn't help but return his smile, her eyes softening at the genuine gratitude radiating from him.

"Thank you, Kazuki. It's... good to know you feel that way," Kukaku replied, struggling to keep her voice steady. Her gaze flickered towards Yoruichi, who was observing the exchange with a subtle, knowing smirk. It seemed as though nothing could escape Yoruichi's sharp eyes.

From her peripheral vision, Kukaku saw Yoruichi pushing herself off from the tree she was leaning against, dusting off her shihakusho as she sauntered over to them. Her gaze was focused on Kazuki, her lips curled into a teasing smile.

"Well, aren't you two getting along well," she commented, her tone laced with amusement. "But remember, Kazuki, we still have a lot to cover today."

Kazuki turned to her, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Of course, Yoruichi. I'm ready for the next step," he responded, his voice brimming with confidence.

Kukaku watched them, the pair ready to dive back into their training, their energy infectious. As Yoruichi led Kazuki back towards the training area, Kukaku took a moment to absorb the situation. A warm sense of contentment washed over her, basking in the fact that Kazuki had found a place where he belonged, where he could grow and thrive.

Yet, beneath the happiness, she could still feel the faint tendrils of that strange, elusive emotion - the jealousy that she was struggling to understand. It wasn't a bitter, spiteful jealousy; rather, it was more of a longing, a desire to be the one sharing these moments with Kazuki, guiding him along this journey.

"Alright, now that you have a sense of your Reiatsu," Yoruichi began, a playful smirk gracing her lips as she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet. "Let's put it to practical use. Remember, Kazuki, being a Shinigami isn't all about flashy swordsmanship and grand Hado techniques."

Kazuki's eyes sparkled with anticipation, a broad grin tugging at his lips. "I'm all ears, Yoruichi," he declared, eager for the new lesson.

Yoruichi moved closer, standing just within his personal space. She studied him for a moment, her golden eyes twinkling with a certain mischief. Then, reaching out, she tapped his chest lightly with a finger.

"Alright, let's play a game. Try to feel my Reiatsu and repel it using your own," she proposed, her voice low and intriguing, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

Kazuki’s eyebrows lifted, intrigued by the challenge. He tilted his head slightly, a playful grin mirroring Yoruichi's. "Repel your Reiatsu, huh?" he echoed, a glint of determination flashing in his eyes. "Sounds fun. I’m ready."

Yoruichi stepped back, putting some distance between them, her gaze never leaving Kazuki’s. Raising a hand, she summoned her Reiatsu, manifesting as a shimmering golden aura around her. "Here it comes, Kazuki. Be prepared," she warned, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

She directed a gentle wave of her Reiatsu towards him. Kazuki, eyes narrowed in concentration, raised his hand, channelling his own Reiatsu in response. As her energy neared, he released his, meeting hers mid-air. The two forces clashed, creating a small shockwave that rustled the nearby leaves. Kazuki's Reiatsu pushed back Yoruichi’s, dissipating it effectively.

"Wow," Kazuki said, a touch of disbelief coloring his voice. He looked at his hand, amazed. "That was... intense."

"Welcome to the world of Reiatsu control," Yoruichi replied, her smirk growing. "Now, let's turn the tables. You try sending your Reiatsu towards me."

Kazuki nodded, focusing his energy into his hand, just as he had seen Yoruichi do. He took a deep breath and extended his hand towards her, releasing a surge of his Reiatsu. Yoruichi effortlessly repelled it, her own golden aura shimmering brilliantly as it collided with his.

She raised an eyebrow, her gaze holding a hint of approval. "Not bad, Kazuki," she praised, her tone genuine. "You’re picking this up faster than I expected."

Kazuki, flushed with success, gave her a cheeky grin. "I guess I'm just a fast learner," he joked, a twinkle in his eyes.

After a rigorous training session, Yoruichi and Kazuki found themselves leaning against the trunk of a large, ancient oak tree. Their bodies glistened with sweat, their chest heaving with exertion, and their hearts pounding from the intense effort. Their faces bore the evidence of a productive training, flushed and filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Nearby, Kukaku had been observing them, her mind a whirlpool of conflicting emotions and unspoken thoughts. She was attempting to untangle the intricate knot of her feelings, trying to understand the unnamed sentiment that threatened to unsettle her usual composure.

Kazuki was a revelation - his aptitude for harnessing and controlling his Reiatsu was exceptional, something that both she and Yoruichi had not anticipated. His progress was not just swift, it was startling, a testament to his innate talent and potential. He had risen to Yoruichi's challenge, repelling and sending his Reiatsu with a level of control that was astonishing for a beginner.

Yoruichi, leaning back against the tree with an ease that belied the intensity of their training, turned to Kazuki. "I must admit, Kazuki," she began, her voice carrying a note of sincere admiration. "You have a gift. I've seen many shinigami train and grow, but your pace is something else."

Kazuki, slightly out of breath, offered her a sheepish smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and delight. "I'm just doing what you're teaching me, Yoruichi. You're an excellent instructor."

Her lips curved into a smirk, appreciating his modesty. "And you, Kazuki, are a promising student. But remember, this is just the beginning."

He nodded, taking a moment to regain his breath. His gaze, once flitting between Yoruichi and Kukaku, now settled on the latter. "Kukaku," he called, his voice warm with gratitude. "I owe you and Yoruichi a lot. Your support has been invaluable."


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