Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch9- Training

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Yoruichi paused for a moment, letting the information sink in. When she spoke again, her voice was softer, more serious. "Learning to control your Reiatsu is the first and most crucial step. Without control, your power would be chaotic and dangerous. But with it... you can harness your abilities effectively."

Yoruichi paused her explanation of Reiatsu, appraising Kazuki with a new sense of curiosity. There was a light in her eyes, an ember of interest that hadn’t been there before.

"Feeling your Reiatsu is one thing," she said, leaning forward with her hands on her hips, a smirk playing on her lips. "But controlling it is quite another. Are you ready to give it a try?"

Kazuki's eyes shone with a fierce determination. "Absolutely," he responded, eager to understand the force humming within him.

Yoruichi moved closer, positioning herself in front of him. "Let's start with the basics. Close your eyes and try to concentrate on that humming sensation," she suggested, her tone serious yet laced with a soft note of excitement.

Kazuki nodded and did as she instructed. His breathing slowed, his body relaxed, and he focused on the unfamiliar sensation within him. He felt the gentle hum, echoing his heartbeat. He concentrated on it, the sensation gradually becoming more pronounced.

Yoruichi watched him, her golden eyes reflecting a keen interest. She leaned in a little closer, her voice a low murmur. "That’s it. Feel it… embrace it… control it..."

As he started to grasp the concept of Reiatsu, his body began to radiate a faint glow, a visible manifestation of his spiritual energy. Yoruichi's eyes widened slightly in surprise, her smirk widening into a grin.

"I didn’t expect you to grasp it this quickly, Kazuki. You're a natural," she praised, her voice genuine.

The gentle pulse of Reiatsu thrummed within him, a steady rhythm that seemed to align perfectly with the beat of his heart. As he delved deeper into this sensation, Kazuki began to feel an inexplicable connection to everything around him. It was as if an unseen thread was tying him to each living entity in his vicinity. He felt the whisper of the wind rustling through the leaves, the cautious scampering of a squirrel nearby, the quiet hum of insects. Every subtle shift, every tiny flutter seemed to resonate with his Reiatsu, creating an intricate symphony of life.

He could sense the sturdy oaks, their ancient roots drawing nutrients from the earth, their branches reaching for the skies. He felt the quick flitting of a butterfly, the flutter of its delicate wings creating tiny ripples in the air. He could even sense the tiniest of ants, laboriously carrying a morsel back to its colony.

However, what amazed him most was his newfound awareness of the people around him. He could sense Yoruichi in front of him, her Reiatsu vibrant and strong. Her energy was akin to a crackling fire, radiating a warm glow. And then there was Kukaku, her energy a calm, steady river, resilient yet tranquil.

Kazuki opened his eyes, finding Yoruichi observing him with a grin. "I can feel... everything," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "It's incredible."

Yoruichi chuckled, the sound resonating with genuine amusement. "Well, color me impressed," she said, her gaze sparkling with intrigue. "You are indeed a natural, Kazuki."

Despite his burgeoning ability, Kazuki remained humble. He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "I just followed your guidance, Yoruichi."

Her response was a dismissive wave of her hand. "I merely pointed you in the right direction. You did the hard work yourself."

From the side, Kukaku watched the exchange. The pang in her chest was still present, the feeling of jealousy still stirring. It wasn't aimed at Yoruichi, she knew that much. The surprising source was Kazuki. But why?

Kukaku turned her gaze away, her brows furrowing in confusion. She couldn't quite comprehend the root of her jealousy. Perhaps it was due to the bond that was forming between Yoruichi and Kazuki. She felt a twinge of regret; she wanted to be the one guiding him, helping him understand his potential. But seeing Kazuki's quick progress under Yoruichi's tutelage, she had to admit that her friend was better suited for the task.

Kukaku drew a deep breath, attempting to shake off her unease. It was ridiculous, she concluded. Kazuki was family, and she should be happy for him.

"Kukaku?" Kazuki's voice broke through her thoughts. She turned her attention back to him, seeing a hint of concern in his gaze. "Are you alright?" he asked, his tone gentle.

The warmth in his voice melted the last remnants of her unease. Kukaku offered him a smile, her reply firm. "I'm fine, Kazuki. Just glad to see you're learning so fast."

Kazuki returned her smile, the sincerity in his gaze undeniable. "Thanks to Yoruichi, and you," he said, a subtle emphasis on the last word. "I couldn't have done it without you both."

Kukaku was caught off guard by the purity radiating from Kazuki's smile. It was soft and genuine, almost ethereal in its innocence. Even without any memory of his past, Kazuki seemed untouched by the world's harsh realities. There was a subtle charm in that naive simplicity, something raw and genuine that tugged at Kukaku's heartstrings.

But how was it possible for him to possess such an untainted demeanor? How could one spring forth out of nothing? Even if Kazuki could not recall his past, the experiences that shaped him should have left imprints on his psyche. His innocent smile, however, suggested otherwise.

His unblemished smile caused a stir in Kukaku's heart, a strange sensation that felt unnerving yet captivating. She had been trying to suppress these budding feelings, unsure of their origin or purpose. But that smile - that pure, heartfelt smile - was hard to overlook. It was like a soft melody that resonated with her soul, leaving her yearning for more.


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