Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch18- Aizen!

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Suddenly, a primal instinct surged through him, a protective fury that was both ferocious and unnerving. The woman with orange hair and blue eyes, he had to protect her. From what or whom, he didn't know. All he knew was the overwhelming urge to keep her safe.

Kazuki shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He glanced at Yoruichi, her concerned gaze meeting his. He offered her a weak smile, his hand subtly dismissing Aizen's extended one.

"Kazuki," he said, his voice laced with a grit and determination that didn't go unnoticed by Yoruichi. "Kazuki Shiba."

Aizen pulled back his hand, his eyes flashing with a brief moment of surprise before he composed himself. "Pleased to meet you, Kazuki Shiba," he said, his voice as smooth as silk. He gave them a nod before turning away and leaving them.

Kazuki watched him leave, the storm of emotions slowly subsiding. His heart rate gradually returned to normal, the primal rage fading into a distant echo.

Yoruichi touched his arm lightly, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay, Kazuki?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Kazuki didn't know how to respond. A whirlwind of emotions had suddenly seized him, leaving him disoriented and grappling for words. He had never experienced such an outpouring of inexplicable rage and fear towards a person he had just met. The woman's image, the orange hair and striking blue eyes, were seared into his mind, the instinctive protective urge towards her as puzzling as the intensity of his response to Aizen.

He shook his head, trying to dispel the lingering confusion. "It's nothing," he said, his voice steady despite the internal chaos. His silver hair, like a halo under the room's dim lighting, seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, and his sky-blue eyes, while still reflecting some of his earlier turmoil, were back to their usual calm.

But Yoruichi was not convinced. Her golden eyes scrutinized him, detecting the slightest tremor in his voice, the almost imperceptible tightness around his eyes. She had known him to be resilient, his usually radiant personality masking a resolve and determination that was deeply ingrained. Yet, his current disposition concerned her, a crack appearing in his usually composed demeanor.

"Kazuki, it clearly isn't nothing," she said, her voice steady, matching the seriousness in her eyes. "You looked like you saw a ghost."

He turned to her, appreciating her concern but not wanting to draw her into his confusion. "I can't explain it, Yoruichi," he said, his voice softer now, the remnants of his inner turmoil still perceptible. "I don't understand it myself."

The classroom, previously filled with idle chatter, started quieting down as the instructor entered the room. Yoruichi shot Kazuki one last look of concern before turning her attention to the front. He appreciated her worry but was also glad for the distraction.

As the instructor, an old, stern-looking Shinigami, made his way to the front of the classroom, a hush fell over the room. His imposing figure exuded an aura of power and authority, commanding the respect and attention of every individual present. Kazuki watched him intently, his mind momentarily distracted from the recent encounter with Aizen.

"Welcome to the Shin'o Academy," the instructor began, his gruff voice echoing off the high ceilings, "I am Professor Tsutomu. Here, you will learn the ways of the Shinigami. You will learn to harness your spiritual power and hone your Zanpakutō skills. This path is not an easy one; it is fraught with challenges and sacrifices. Only those with true resolve and unwavering determination will survive."

Tsutomu, his gaze stern and focused, continued with his introductory speech. "The journey you have chosen to embark upon will last four long years," he said, his voice filling the silent room. "The first year will primarily consist of theoretical studies and physical training. This is where you will lay the foundations for your future as Shinigami."

Kazuki felt a ripple of anticipation pass through him, his heart beating slightly faster at the prospect. A year of rigorous physical and theoretical training would be a challenge, but it was a challenge he was eager to meet.

"From the second year onwards," Tsutomu continued, "the real test begins. We will engage in regular field trips, providing you with on-field learning experiences. As you progress through the academy, these trips will increase in frequency, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be a Shinigami."

Kazuki's eyes sparkled at the prospect, his mind already visualizing the excitement of real-world application of his studies. But then, Tsutomu's next words brought him back to reality.

"In your fourth and final year, you will undertake an internship with one of the thirteen divisions. This will give you a taste of what life is truly like within the Gotei 13."

The gravity of Tsutomu's words echoed through the room, the four-year journey painting a daunting yet exciting path. Kazuki felt a rush of adrenaline course through him. It was not fear but an anticipation of the challenges and trials that awaited him.

"You will all soon be given an Asauchi," Tsutomu's gaze swept over the room, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "These swords are the ultimate Zanpakutō, for they have the potential to become anything. Over 6,000 members of the Gotei 13, upon first entering the Shin'ō Academy, are loaned one of these nameless Zanpakutō. Once you join a division, this same blade will officially become yours."

"All Shinigami," Tsutomu's voice lowered, a serious edge to his tone, "must spend every waking moment with their own Asauchi. It's through this constant interaction that you imprint the essence of your soul into the blade, molding it into a unique Zanpakutō that resonates with you alone."

As Professor Tsutomu concluded his address, Kazuki felt a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins. His gaze swept across the room, catching sight of his fellow students, a diverse group, each with a unique aura.

Next to him, Yoruichi Shihoin was seated comfortably, her golden eyes reflecting a sense of serene confidence. Her radiant aura, coupled with an air of amusement, added a unique charm to her personality. She was casually leaning back in her chair, her golden eyes locked onto Tsutomu. A teasing smile played on her lips, hinting at her unflappable nature and readiness to embark on this journey.


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