Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch19- Shin’o Academy

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Across the room, Kazuki noticed a young woman whose demeanor seemed as calm and steady as a placid lake. Dressed in simple robes, her jet-black hair and sharp turquoise eyes added a certain mystique to her persona. She was silent, her gaze on the professor, soaking in every word. She looked deeply engrossed in a thick novel, seemingly unperturbed by the professor's address. She looked up briefly, her gaze inadvertently meeting Kazuki's. A faint smile graced her lips before she immersed herself back in her book. This was Lisa Yadōmaru, a woman of few words, her taciturn demeanor concealing a keen intellect.

Close to her was a young man with white hair and deep grey eyes. Kensei Migurama had an aura of rugged determination, his keen gaze fixed on Tsutomu, reflecting his resolve to make the most of the academy's teachings. His brows were slightly furrowed, revealing a no-nonsense attitude that stood out amid the rest.

In contrast, Mashiro Kuna, with her vibrant green hair and lively hazel eyes, was a burst of energy. She was currently engaged in a light banter with the person next to her, her laughter filling the room. Her buoyant spirit brought a refreshing energy to the otherwise serious atmosphere.

Nearby, Hiyori Sarugaki, a petite girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, was seated. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and a perpetual frown sat on her face. Her demeanor spoke of a tough exterior, a hard shell guarding a potential full of promise.

Not far from her was another white-haired student, Isane Kotetsu. She had a gentle look in her brown eyes, a softness that belied the steely resolve beneath. She paid close attention to Tsutomu's words, her face a mask of concentration, her spirit pulsating with a quiet determination.

And then there was Aizen Sousuke. His brown hair was messily falling side of his face, his glasses giving him an air of sophistication. A friendly smile adorned his face, and yet, Kazuki couldn't shake off the wave of emotions he had felt earlier when their paths crossed.

Kazuki's gaze then landed on a man who was seated at the back of the room. Dressed in a dark yukata, his blonde hair neatly styled, his sharp eyes under his green and white striped hat gave away a shrewd intelligence. This was Urahara Kisuke, a man who despite his nonchalant appearance, carried an air of mystery around him. He seemed to be observing everyone, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that piqued Kazuki's curiosity.

Each individual was unique, their spirits pulsating with various emotions – excitement, nervousness, anticipation, and determination. Despite the varied backgrounds and differing emotions, a shared purpose bound them all - to become a true Shinigami, a defender of the Soul Society.

A siren's wail echoed across the vast grounds of the Shin'o Academy, marking the end of the inaugural speech. The moment Tsutomu concluded his address, students started rising from their seats, their eyes glittering with a myriad of emotions. Each of them had been given a time and place to collect their Asauchi.

As Kazuki turned to Yoruichi to discuss their schedules, he noticed Lisa Yadōmaru making her way towards them, her turquoise eyes sparkling with curiosity. The thick novel she had been engrossed in earlier was now tucked neatly under her arm.

"Hello," Lisa greeted them in a measured tone. Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of warmth that softened her otherwise stern demeanor. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Kazuki shook his head, offering her a friendly smile. "Not at all," he said, his voice laced with warmth. "I'm Kazuki Shiba. And this is Yoruichi Shihoin."

A flicker of recognition passed through Lisa's eyes as she extended her hand, first to Kazuki and then to Yoruichi. "Lisa Yadōmaru," she said, her voice composed. "Nice to meet you."

Lisa's demeanor was a stark contrast to the storm of emotions Kazuki had experienced earlier with Aizen. Her calm and sensible nature was like a soothing balm, easing his tense nerves. It was refreshing and, in a way, intriguing.

The sound of the siren marked the beginning of their journey to obtain their Asauchi. As the trio made their way through the vast campus, Kazuki felt an undercurrent of anticipation run through him.

They soon found themselves in front of a colossal building. The Shin'ō Academy's Asauchi storeroom stood tall and imposing, its architecture reminiscent of the traditional Japanese era. It was here, in this storeroom, where every student was given an Asauchi - a nameless Zanpakutō, a weapon that would eventually become an extension of their own soul.

Stepping inside, they were met with rows upon rows of nameless swords, each one a beacon of untapped potential. It was a sight to behold, the sheer number of Asauchi a testament to the Gotei 13's strength and legacy.

Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest as he moved down the aisle, his hand reaching out to touch the hilt of one of the swords. It was cold, impersonal - a sharp contrast to what it was supposed to become.

Turning back to Yoruichi and Lisa, he saw the same anticipation mirrored in their eyes. Yoruichi, ever the confident one, wore an exhilarating smile, her golden eyes shimmering with excitement. Lisa, in contrast, was the picture of calm, her demeanor as unruffled as ever. However, her turquoise eyes were alight with an uncharacteristic fervor, revealing the thrill she too was experiencing.

The process of selecting an Asauchi was akin to a ceremony. Each student had to approach the storeroom one by one, their steps echoing through the silence as they made their way to the seemingly endless rows of nameless swords. The process wasn't hasty; it was almost spiritual, each student taking their time to choose an Asauchi that felt right, almost as if guided by an unseen force.

Lisa Yadōmaru was the first to step forward, her demeanor calm and composed as she made her way down the rows of nameless swords. Her dark turquoise eyes reflected a deep-seated resolve and confidence, their sparkling intensity mirroring her strong spirit. Her fingers trailed over the hilts of the Asauchis as she passed, her touch delicate, respectful even.

Her eyes were drawn to an Asauchi resting on a higher shelf. The blade was sleek, its silver surface gleaming under the soft light. Lisa reached out to it slowly, her hand hesitating for a moment before gripping the hilt.


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