Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch59- Premonition

Settled on the rooftop of the Shiba Clan abode, Kazuki's eyes traced the intricate pattern of the midnight sky. Stars twinkled like a dusting of silver on the deep blue canvas, yet they provided little solace to his troubled mind. Slumber, usually a comforting oblivion, seemed an unattainable tranquility tonight. Something obscure and elusive, a feeling, a warning perhaps, kept gnawing at his subconscious. An event loomed on the horizon, its nature remained veiled, its exact timing unknown. It was akin to a forgotten tune or a word on the tip of the tongue. No matter how hard he pushed his mind, the understanding eluded him.

Fingers wrapped around the hilt of his Zanpakuto, Kazuki drew out Kamijō Tenseiga. The god-devouring heavenly serpent's blade glinted ominously in the moonlight. The enigma that it was, its mere presence was a source of comfort. He placed it gently across his lap, feeling the cold, familiar metal against his skin, and closed his eyes, sinking into the depth of his inner consciousness.

The universe within him welcomed him like an old friend, stretching out to the infinite in all directions, bathing him in ethereal starlight. An endless expanse of cosmos filled with stars, nebulae, and a sense of boundless tranquility stretched before him. It pulsed with raw energy, a testament to the unexplored powers resting within him. At the center, weaving in and out of the constellations, was Kamijō Tenseiga, a celestial serpent born of cosmic energy and starlight. An entity both majestic and ominous, its wisdom-filled eyes sparkled like diamonds, and its voice held a profound authority.

"Kamijō, why do I have these feelings?" Kazuki asked, his voice echoing in the cosmic silence.

The serpentine creature stirred, the galaxies swirling within its form twinkling brighter for a moment. The resonance of its response rumbled through the cosmos, like thunder echoing in the far reaches of space. "Life is not singular, Kazuki. What you are experiencing could be fragments of your past, echoes of your future, or shadows of your present. As humans, you view life in a linear pattern, but you are more than human now. As a Shinigami, you are closer to divinity than humanity. Break your earthly bonds, unshackle your mind."

The words hung in the air, echoing in the silent cosmos, a powerful mantra that rumbled with an otherworldly wisdom. Yet, it wasn't as easy as the spirit made it sound. His memories were elusive, his past a blank slate, and his future uncertain. Kazuki was more than a lost soul, he was a Shinigami with an immense latent potential. And while that offered a sense of power, it also carried a burden of ambiguity. But he was determined to explore the depths of his abilities, to tap into the mysterious power his Zanpakuto represented, and to learn more about his elusive past.

"I don't know why I have them. My past? I don't think so. My future? Maybe. The world is full of strange abilities. Just today, I awakened a speaking serpentine universe." Kazuki's tone held a playful undertone as he looked at his Zanpakuto spirit.

The celestial serpent merely hummed, "Then reach out to your future, Kazuki. What does it say?"

Obediently, Kazuki closed his eyes and concentrated. His mind ebbed and flowed like a vast ocean, a steady rhythm pounding against the walls of his thoughts. There was a sudden clarity, as if he were hovering over his consciousness, witnessing everything from a serene distance. And then, after what felt like an eternity, a name surfaced to his mind. "Kakyo!" he said, his voice reverberating through the cosmic silence.

It wasn't a memory of an event or an image, but a rush of emotions that the name triggered. The kindness that radiated from her, a certain tenderness in her voice, and the warmth of her smile. He remembered the intricate patterns of her kimono and the way she carried herself with grace. She was a rare combination of strength and compassion, a person who inspired respect and warmth in equal measure.

"Kakyo?" The spirit's tone seemed intrigued. "An interaction from the recent past. What does it hold for your future, Kazuki?"

"She is in danger, I don't know how, but I know it," Kazuki began, a sudden tightness clutching his chest. The impact of the realization hit him like a punch, seeping into his bones. The love that Kukaku and Yoruichi harbored for Kakyo was palpable. They saw in her a maternal figure, a font of kindness and wisdom. And even though his own association with Kakyo was brief, her grace and warmth left an indelible mark on his heart.

There was a certain vulnerability in her kindness, one that worried him now. "I need to act," he affirmed, shaking off his hesitation. Rising from the rooftop, he allowed his instincts to guide his path, his feet moving with newfound urgency.

What happened next left him in mild shock. He was moving in Shunpo, his body darting across rooftops with an agility he had only ever dreamt of. It was as if his body was merely reacting to the urgency in his heart, executing the technique flawlessly.

His trail ended at the 10th Division's lodge. Standing before him were three men, their bodies rigid, their reiatsu humming with aggression. Their posture spoke volumes about their intent. They weren't there to protect, but to attack. He could sense it in their predatory stance, the bloodthirsty glint in their eyes. A quick scan of the surroundings told him Kakyo wasn't there.

Carefully, Kazuki sidestepped into the shadows and maneuvered around the building, finding a vantage point through an open window. His heart hammered against his ribs as the scene unfolded before him. Inside, a man held Kakyo against the wall, his blade gleaming menacingly under the flickering candlelight. His green eyes bore into her with an intensity that screamed danger. His dark-green hair tied tightly in a braid seemed oddly contrasting to the chaos that ensued.

As Kazuki watched the scenario unfold, his blood ran cold. The sight of Kakyo, her back against the wall, her face a mask of stoic defiance against her aggressor, ignited a fire within him.


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