Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 19

I stand opposite Eris feeling my power build-up. As time goes on the stronger I feel. I assume there is a limit to how strong I am but its takes time to return to me once my limiter has been removed.

Looking at Eris I can see the surprise in her eyes. But why? Is it because my limiter was removed or because of my power. Whatever the reason she currently has her guard down. Taking advantage of this I throw two water blades at her and move closer as fast as I can. The first one hits and knocks her back while the second one misses. Now awoken from her surprise she raises her scythe ready to counterattack. However, I do not give her the chance to. Once I am close enough I extend my tentacle towards hers some of them grabbing her scythe while others reach for her body. She tries to stop me but she is not fast enough I can grab hold of her scythe. However, I am not able to get her as she lets go of the scythe and jumps back.

Eris resummons her scythe making it disappear from my grasp. Before I can close the distance again Eris can with a swing of her scythe send three blades of darkness towards me. In the process of trying to avoid them, I am hit by one and lose a few tentacles.

We continue to exchange blows both magical physical with both of us getting hits on each other. I need to get a weapon I am at a disadvantage without one. I can I make one using water magic? I focus on the water I have collected forming into the shape of a weapon. The water starts to solidify and become something between water and ice not quite solid but not quite liquid. Is this a non-Newtonian fluid? As I hold the strange material I feel that it becomes more solid the more pressure I put on it.

I form the substance into the shape of a spear. Raising it above my head I throw it at Eris with all my force. As flies through the air, it is not solid but not fully liquid. Eris raises her scythe to block it but as it impacts on the blade of the scythe I can just about see that it hardens until the blade of the scythe shatters. Using my powers over water I was able to tell that the substance hardened enough to break the blade.

Staggering back Eris looks even more shocked than she was before.

“How can you be so powerful? It should be impossible to break this scythe except for the most powerful of gods.”(Eris)

“I have no idea that’s something you will have to ask big sister Ziella she is the one who created me. Has seeing my powerful persuaded you to give up yet?”(Xyrra)

At my question, Eris’s expression of shock changed to be more serious and determined.

“Of course, I will not surrender I will kill you all and then free Ziella so that she can return to me.”(Eris)

“Big sister Ziella does not belong to you she is her own free person and she can do whatever she likes with her life.”(Xyrra)

“You are incorrect Ziella belongs to me and me alone. Once I have freed her I will have to re-educate her so that she knows who truly loves and cares for her. I will have to find somewhere secure that she cannot leave without my permission.”(Eris)

“you say that you want to free her from us but then you want to imprison her yourself?.”(Xyrra)

“This is different you have seduced her and are making her stay here under false pretences of family. However, I am the only one who truly loves her. What I am doing is for love and if to express my love and care I have to be a little rough with my methods that is alright as it is for love and only I truly care for her.”(Eris)

Not wanting to hear more of her speech about her soc called love I throw another spear at her and run toward her.

“You know that you are crazy.”(Xyrra)

“That does not matter to me as long as I can free my Ziella”(Eris)

I reform the substance into the shape of a rapier and lung towards her thrusting the rapier towards her heart. The blades make contact with Eris’s body and the blade hardens piercing her skin. The blade continues to move through her body piercing her heart. I pull out the blade to see black blood flowing from where I stabbed her.

Eris’s eyes widen and her body goes limp and falls to the ground with a thud. Moving over to her body I no longer see life within her. Did I kill her?.

‘Xyrra she is not dead yet only her body has been killed. Before she can create a new body we need to seal her. If you can encase her in ice I will be able to put a seal on her.’(Ziella)

Moving back I gather up all the water in the area and then surround Eris’s body with it. I then focus on it becoming ice. Slowly the water started to solidify ut it feels like something is trying to fight back. I push more of my energy into the water and speed up the process.

A few minutes later the water has completely frozen and I start to feel an increase of divine energy in the area. I move back as a column of purple light floods down from the sky and surrounds the frozen Eris.

The ice begins to turn slightly purple as what I assume to be the seal is put on it. Moments later the light vanishes what is left is Eris encased in purple ice.

‘We will have to find somewhere secure to hide her so that no mortals can find her. If a mortal does find her it can be dangerous for them and they might even try to free her which we can't let happen.’(Ziella)

“I will get on that right away big sister.”(Xyrra)

I look at the block of ice. Has the problem been solved? Is the world now free again? As I am coming to terms with what just happened two voices shouted out from behind me.

“”Big sister you did it.””(Xituna and Xecra)

Turning around I see both of my adorable little sisters running towards me. They both jump on me and hug me.

I did just save the world, didn’t I.


Thank you to Maze_Runner for the new cover.

This story is also now available on Belletristica if you are interested in reading it there.

I don't know if this was good fight scene or not. It is harder to write a fight scene than I originally thought.

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