Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 20 + Q and A poll

“Big sister where do you recommend we hide her?”(Xyrra)

‘We need to keep her as far away from mortals as we can. I would suggest somewhere deep in the ground or under the sea.’(Ziella)

“We will need to rebuild the world first due to the destruction she caused. For now I will move her under the sea and then set up defences so no one can go near her.”(Xyrra)

Now can we finally leave and see the world again. Can the mortals finally be free to explore the world?

“Big sis Ziella we will be able to finally leave. Will I be able to finally see my beloved sea again?”(Xyrra)

‘You will little sis. You can all go back home. Now, why are you sitting around for, go and open the sanctuary.’(Ziella)

“Your right big sis. Xituna, Xecra lets go and see what the world is like now.”(Xyrra)

“”Yes big sis””(Xituna and Xecra)

All of us walk together towards the centre of the sanctuary. In the centre of the sanctuary is where our divine helpers have gathered all of the surviving mortals. From what I can see with a quick rough count there are about two hundred mortals who survived.

“Everyone the threat has been eliminated and we are no longer at threat from danger. Soon we will open the sanctuary and you can all see the outside world.”(Xyrra)

All of the mortals stood in front of me with their eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and excitement. Every mortal here has lived their entire lives inside of the sanctuary that would keep shrinking. The only connection they have to the outside world is the stories told by us and our divine helpers and the stories that have been passed down in every family.

One of the mortals builds up the courage to step forward and ask a question. As they step forward I look down at them to see a young boy with cat ears and tail.

“Most honourable goddess will we be able to see the legendary outside world that is rumoured to be the most beautiful thing we will ever see.”(catkin boy)

I kneel to his height and put my hand on his head.

“I’m not sure what the condition of the outside world is but you will be able to see it you will all be free to explore the world as you want.”(Xyrra)

At my reply his eyes light up with excitement and he runs of back to his parents.

“Everyone who wants to see the outside world follow me.”(Xyrra)

I turn around and move towards the sanctuary border will all the mortals and divine helpers following behind.

“Azurea can you please part the barrier.”(Xyrra)

“Of course goddess Xyrra.”(Azurea)

The plant barrier in front of me starts to move and open up. As they open up I can begin to see the outside world and light starts to pour in. Everyone waits patiently as the plants start to open up for the first time in thousands of years.

Behind me, I can hear the mortals getting louder with excitement as they talk to each other about what they think is on the other side. some are telling stories of beautiful land covered in flowers with all the food you could ever want. While others are telling stories of a land where you never have to work.

However unfortunately all of their hopes and dreams disappear when the plants fully part to reveal what can only be described as a complete wasteland with not even the smallest sign of life insight. Me, Xituna and Xecra leave first moving into the wasteland. I turn to look at Xituna who has a small tear in her eye. The land is her domain so seeing it like this must be heartbreaking for her.

I move closer to her and put my arms around her.

“It will be alright Xituna we can rebuild. With your powers it won't take as long as it did when I was first born.”(Xyrra)

“Your right big sister but it was so beautiful before and I spent so long tending to it. I just wanted the mortals to see it for themselves and for the mortals who could never see it.”(Xituna)

“Then you will have to make it even more beautiful than before. So beautiful that it reaches the souls of the mortals who have already left this world.”(Xyrra)

Before Xituna can reply Azurea walks up to her and starts talking.

“Goddess Xituna I will help you in any way I can. I will start to spread the seeds from my sanctuary to the surrounding area. It might not be the quickest method but it should help.”(Azurea)

“Thank you Azurea. There's no point crying over it let's get to work. First we need to provide a source of food for the mortals and then some shelter.”(Xituna)

“Unfortunately I will not be able to help you yet. I have to find somewhere to hide Eris. I will join you as soon as I can.”(Xyrra)

Xituna, Xecra and Azurea all nod in response and then leave to get to work.


I move back into the sanctuary and increase my size so that I can carry the block of ice that Eris is in. Wrapping my tentacles around I am able to lift it.

I spend the next few hours carrying it across the wasteland towards the sea. Upon reaching the sea I slowly enter and immediately feel at home.

I swam to the deepest depths of the ocean at the bottom of a canyon the furthest from land and set the ice block down. I then start setting up defences so that no one can get here by accident or on purpose. I first set up the main defence a hurricane of water that spins fast enough and with enough force to pulverise anyone who isn’t a primordial goddess. Around this, I then set up smaller defences that will hopefully stop people from getting too close to the water hurricane. These are mostly used to cause misdirection or to make people realise the dangers of getting to close.
This should be good enough for now.

‘While you are away I will put my own defences around here. Now go back to everyone else and let me work without distraction.”(Ziella)

“Thank you, big sister.”(Xyrra)

Now let's get back and help everyone else.

Thanks to everyone's support Reincarnated as the goddess of the sea was able to get fifth in trending something that I didn't think was ever possible. So here's another chapter. I wanted to make a special chapter of some kind but I couldn't think of anything sooooo.... what about a Q and A? If you want a Q and A chapter vote in the poll and then leave any questions you have in the comments about the story or the characters. I will choose something like five to ten to try and answer I won't be able to answer them all but I will answer as many as I can.

Thank you to everyone for your support.

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