Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Q and A

I have finished writing the Q and A. I didnt expect this to take as long as it has. It was also harder to write than I thought.


“Hello everyone for getting to fifth on trending I wanted to do a special chapter of some kind, but I didn’t know what to do. So, I let the readers decide if you wanted a Q and A chapter instead and you voted yes. I will now try and answer all your questions the best that I can. Before that, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me and my work and helping me get onto trending. This is something that I didn’t even dream of when I started writing. When I first started writing I didn’t think that my writing was very good, but my opinion has been changing slowly that it might be better than I thought as so many seem to like what I write. Again, thank you everyone for all your support. Now for this Q and A, I will be joined by Xyrra, Xituna, Xecra and Ziella.”(Kraken1)

“Greetings everyone.”(Xyrra)

“Hello everyone.”(Xituna)

“Welcome mortals this once I will allow you to stand before me.”(Xecra)

“Hello everyone hopefully together we can answer your questions.”(Ziella)

“Now our first question comes from Corn on discord.”(Kraken1)

“It seems like Ziella wasn’t always in charge of a world so how did she get the chance to be in charge of this new one? Is there some system among the higher gods that decides it?”(Corn)

“I can answer this one. From when we are born true gods are taught how to run a world by an older god while helping them with theirs. Once our teacher decides we are ready we are given our own world to run while being supervised by our teacher. Once our teacher has decided that we no longer need to be supervised we are given full control of the world and it officially becomes ours. Currently, I am still being supervised but eventually, I will become a full true god with a world that I fully own.”(Ziella)

“How long until you no longer need to be supervised?”(Xyrra)

“I’m not sure it’s different for each teacher and student. It will at least be a few thousand years by an estimate about another thirty thousand years and then I will have my own world that I can manage with my cute little sisters.”(Ziella)

“Hehe I look forward to it big sis Ziella.”(Xituna)

“The next question comes from Jpcvb on scribblehub.”(Kraken1)

“In the story, we already know that have God's from outside their world do you plan for exploring that? Or will be like this time when sometimes they will come here cause troubles ou1? not and so on?”(Jpcvb)

“The world of the gods outside of the world will be explored but at the moment I only plan to explore it on the surface level and not go too deep. For now, I want to focus on the world and the existing characters. I might go deeper into the outside gods eventually but not at the moment.”(Kraken1)

“I would like to see who big sister Ziellas big sister or brother is.”(Xyrra)

“That won't be happening. There is no need to know or meet my teacher.”(Ziella)

“Next we have two similar questions from Sageforce and Luixs.”(Kraken1)

“Do you have a plan for the story from here?”(Sageforce)

“Do you have a general idea of which direction your story is going to go? Or do you just go with the flow?”(Luixs)

“When writing I come up with the main events that will happen and then I go with the flow. I find that planning too much restricts what I can write and I am also just bad at it. I also find that going with the flow at least for me makes it feel more organic.2It's also just easier to write like that.”(Kraken1)

“The next few questions are going to be about the side story. First we have a question from Maclord.”(Kraken1)

“Will there be a continuation of that side story?”(Maclord)

“There will be a continuation of the side story however I am planning to rewrite some of it so it might be a while until the next part as I do not have the time for it at the moment.”(Kraken1)

“I can’t wait to meet them.”(Xituna)

“If they were chosen by big sister then I will allow them in my presence.”(Xecra)

“The next question comes from Aegis_Of_The_Void.3This name was for some reason difficult to write for the first time.”(Kraken1)

“How many time skips will it take to get to the time the Hero is summoned in?”( Aegis_Of_The_Void)

“The short answer is many time skips. The longer answer is that the current time period the world is in is what would be the stone age in our world. The summoned heroes are in a time period similar to the renaissance period. So it will be a few million years until we reach the same time period. At the moment I do not know how many chapters that will be at a guess the earliest will be chapter forty.”(Kraken1)

“The last few questions come from RedWolf17.”(Kraken1)

“Will the main POVs for this story be the primordial goddesses and those two heroes or will we have other POVs throughout history giving us another perspective on the goddesses and the world?”(RedWolf17)

“The main perspectives will be from the primordial goddesses. I want to use the side chapters to provide a different perspective of the world and the goddesses. I plan to have other side stories focusing on different characters once this first one with the heroes is complete.”(Kraken1)

“Are the primordial goddesses' blessings the only source for magic for regular people in this world or can the future subordinate gods also grant their own brand of magic such as light, shadow, poison, psychic etc.?”(RedWolf17)

“The minor gods will be able to give their blessings to the mortals for their domain but the domain the minor gods have will all be connected to one of the primordial goddesses in some way. Meaning that the primordial goddesses will also have control over the minor gods domains even if it is limited. For example, poison will likely come under nature as the majority of poisons come from plants.”(Kraken1)

“How interactive will the goddesses be with the mortals. for example, if there is a war between mortals and blessing wielders are on both sides. If the war is between them only and does not affect nature or the sea in general, will the goddesses interfere?”(RedWolf17)

“I can answer this one. We are allowed to guide the mortals such as giving them advice but we cannot physically interfere unless it causes damage to our domain.”(Xyrra)

“Big sister what sort of damage?”(Xituna)

“This is a question for me. Under divine law damage to a domain is ‘a mortal who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any domain belonging to a god or goddess intending to destroy or damage any such domain or being reckless as to whether any such domain would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.’ An example of a lawful excuse is for the survival of the mortal or mortals such as cutting down trees for firewood. Cutting down trees for furniture can also be a lawful excuse. However, war is not a lawful excuse and depending on the amount of damage done the god or goddess may intervene to stop the war with words or by force. It is unlikely a god will intervene if it is only minor damage.”(Ziella)

“Will there also be evil gods below the primordial goddesses to act as a sort of balance for the world and maybe a way to reset if corruption is rampant as I see the primordials as a neutral force currently?”(RedWolf17)

“The primordial goddesses are primarily a neutral force who keep the balance in the world and provide a base for everything supernatural. All of the gods below them have the freedom to be however good or evil they wish to be. The primordial goddesses are going to be doing most of the work to keep the balance. Honestly, I haven’t thought about this before I guess the answer is we will wait and see.”(Kraken1)

“And that was our last question. I hope I was able to fully answer your question4Except the last one I couldn't answer that one. and thank you to everyone who sent questions and once again thank you, everyone, for the support.”(Kraken1)

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