Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 2

Waking up I look around to see that I am underwater I start to panic but then I realise that I can breathe underwater. I then realised what had just happened. I am the goddess of the sea now aren’t I? if so it's most likely natural that I can breathe underwater.

I am currently laying on the seabed I try to get up but I find it very hard to do so. I keep trying and eventually, I manage to sit up. Looking down at where my legs should be I see instead tentacles. Am I half-human half-octopus? Or is it something more like a Kraken? I start trying to move them this is very difficult to do as there are so many of them. After trying for about ten minutes, I get one to move. I focus on the feeling of when it moved and tried again. It moved again.

I eventually spend an unknown amount of time learning how to use them. But now I can use all of them as if I have been using them for years. Now that I can move them should I try swimming? I start by moving my tentacles inwards and then pushing them back out this seems to work but is not very effective I only moved a few feet. I keep trying this method until I remember that Ziella said I have full control over the element of water.

But how do I use magic? Is there some kind of status like there is in the story’s and games?


In front of me, a box appears. Which I assume is my status.

Name – Xyrra
Gender – Female
Age – 2000
Race – Primordial Goddess
Titles – Goddess of the sea
Level – N/A
Stats – N/A
Skills – [Complete authority over water] – [Give blessing of water] – [Give blessing of fire](locked) – [Create divine helpers}(locked) – [Primordial gods eye] – [Primordial transformation]

I don’t know what most of this means is there a way to find out more. Like what is a primordial goddess.

(A primordial goddess is one of the four original goddesses of this world who have been here since the beginning of time. The four primordial goddesses are the creation goddess, the goddess of water, the goddess of land and the goddess of the sky. As the goddess of water, you are the second oldest of the four goddesses.)

That’s helpful now what are my skills.

[Complete authority over water] – (As the goddess of the sea you have complete control over water and are unmatched by everyone except the creator goddess herself. The element of water will bend to you will no matter what you wish to do with it no matter what form it is in. This is a skill that is only given to the goddess of the sea.)

[Give blessing of water] – (As the goddess of the sea you are also the administrator of the water element. For mortals to be able to use the element of water they or one of their ancestors needs to have been blessed by you so that they can borrow I tiny piece of your boundless and inexhaustible power. You can decide how much control over the element they have and any restrictions. You also have the power to take away the blessing if you wish to do so.)

[Give blessing of fire](Locked) – (The element of fire is the most dangerous of the basic elements. For someone to be bestowed this power they need to be deemed worthy by all three of the nature goddesses or the creator goddess herself.) – (This skill is locked until the other two nature goddesses are born)

[Create divine helpers] (Locked) – (This allows you to create a race that will help you in your mission of protecting the sea. You can create the race however you wish them to be but there are some limitations. The race that you will create will travel the world to protect the ocean where you can’t.)

[Primordial Gods eye] – (God’s eye is the ultimate form of the skill [appraisal] it allows you to see as much information as you want about something or someone. No mortal can hide information from you. It will also tell you if they are lying or not. This is a skill only given to the four primordial goddesses all other gods get the inferior skill [God’s eye].)

[Primordial transformation] – (As a primordial goddess you can change your size at will but there is a maximum and minimum limit. You can also transform into and type of sea lifeform.)

Am I a bit too overpowered? Well, I am a primordial goddess so it might make sense then.

How am I already two thousand years old? I will think about that later.

Can I use water magic to swim then? I focus on the water around me and use it to move through the water. Around me, I feel the water moving like it is trying to push me. I keep focusing on this feeling until I start to move through the water. I am now swimming using what I think is water magic. To me, at least magic feels natural like it is a part of me but this could be because I am the goddess of the sea and I have the skill [Complete authority over water].

I am now swimming through the water at very high speeds. This is the most fun I have had in years. I love the freedom of swimming through the sea and just being at sea it's why I joined the Royal navy in my past life for the freedom of being at sea.

I keep swimming and swimming as fast as I can for as long as I can. But no matter how far I go I can't see any form of life no fish, coral or seaweed. I decided to surface to see what it is like on the surface.

Swimming upwards I break the surface of the water and see nothing for as far as I can see. I swim some more in search of land. I swim for what is probably a few hundred miles and start to see land. I swim faster to towards it. Once I reach it I climb out the water a bit on the beach supported by my many tentacles. There are few trees and plants on the land but the one thing I find the strangest is the size of them and the land. They are both tiny or is it that I am just a lot bigger than they are?

I remember the skill [Primordial transformation] I must be a lot taller than the trees then. What is my current size?


(Your current size is one thousand feet this is your maximum height. Your minimum height is fifteen feet.)

What I am one thousand feet tall. Why am I so tall and why is my minimum height so tall as well.

(The reason you are so tall is that I don’t wall any mortals to be looking down on my beautiful sister. As a primordial goddess, the mortals must be looking up at you. Your other sisters will have the same limits. You will also be taller than non-primordial gods.– Ziella)

Well, that sort of makes sense. But what if a want to visit a mortal town or city. I will figure it out then.

Ziella called me beautiful but what do I look like. I haven’t got a mirror. Could I create one out of water? I imagine the form of a mirror made of water. The water around me starts to float up in front of me and form the shape of a mirror.

I can now see what I look like in this life.

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