Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 3

Looking in the mirror I see a woman who looks in human terms to be about twenty years old. I have light blue skin and midnight blue hair with dark purple highlights. Like Ziella I have bright golden eyes. I assume this is the sign of a primordial goddess. The upper half of my body looks human, but my lower half is made up of many different tentacles there looks to be about thirty of them. I can use the tentacles in the sea or on land.

What I am currently wearing looks like a formal dress but in the form of a swimming costume. It is a dual purpose for swimming and also formal occasions. It also seems to transform when going from land to sea. In the sea, it takes more of a swimming costume form and on land, it looks more like a Victorian formal ball gown. It is dark red with gold stitching and embroidery. When on land it flows down to the ground. When in the sea it covers my human half and goes down to where my knees would be if I had legs, it also has shorter sleeves that go to my elbows instead of my hands.

My tentacles are blue like my skin. They look to be at least five hundred feet long at their natural length which I assume changes corresponding to my current size. They can also grow longer if I need them to at my full size they can grow at least a couple of hundred feet long.

Dispersing the mirror I look around at my surroundings. The only life that there is currently is some trees and plants I do not see any sign of any animals or civilisation. Has life not evolved fully yet?


(I forgot to mention that life hasn’t fully evolved yet. It will likely take a few thousand years as it is accelerated by magic. Part of your job is to help sea life evolve correctly. Your sisters will help life evolve on the land and in the sky. You won't be alone for long your sisters will be joining you soon. I recommend exploring the world and then finding somewhere to make your home I will give you temporary access to earth magic so that you can make a home. - Ziella)

A home sound like a good idea. I will explore this island a bit more and then go in search of a home.
I move further inland. When I get closer to the trees I focus on changing my size and getting smaller. Like the water magic, it feels natural to use. I shrink down to my smallest size of fifteen feet. I walk among the trees. The trees all look very young they have not developed fully I am currently taller than most of them. Many of the trees look like the trees from earth such as oak and pine however there are some trees that I haven’t seen before they are much rarer but some are emitting magic and others are brighter colours such as reds, blues and yellows. Similar to the trees there are many flowers I have seen before such as roses but there are others that I haven’t seen before such as in one area the plants glow along with the trees. Not many of the trees glow and they are all in one area but they look beautiful all glowing different colours together.

After looking and the trees and plants on the land I go back to the sea. Swimming away from the island I go in search of an area to become my home. Most of the underwater looks the same mostly just flat seabed and a few rocks. I am mostly concerned with where it is in relation to land. I eventually find an area that is between two large continents that are at least a few thousand miles from each other.

Looking at my status I see that I have a new skill.

[Mastery of earth](Temporary)

So I can now use earth magic to make my house. I start by practising my magic. Like the water magic, it feels natural to use but it is harder to use and feels foreign like it doesn’t belong with me.

To start my home crate an entrance that is big enough for me to get through in my largest size. I decided to make my house underground. I then start to make a corridor going in and rooms coming off of it.

500 years later.

It has taken me five hundred years but I have finally finished my house. It hasn’t been fully decorated or furnished but I will wait until life forms to make it look nicer. Currently, it has a corridor going in with rooms coming off for different purposes such as a living room a bedroom and also a throne room. I included for the future a servant’s quarters if I need it in the future. it is my mini palace that I will improve in the future.

Going outside I see that some life has started to form under the sea. There is now some small plant life that looks like seaweed there are also some small animals that will likely become fish eventually.

I swim through the sea looking at all the new life when I get a message I have been waiting hundreds of years to see.


(The Goddess of the land has been born close to your location. Head to an island to your south.)

I immediately surface and head south to find my sister. I eventually reach the island. On it is a woman who looks like she is in her twenties she has green skin and dark green hair. Her entire body is covered in plants that also act as her clothing in the form of a dress.

I move onto land and get closer to her. As I get closer she opens her eyes like me and Ziella she has bright golden eyes. She sits up and looks around when she sees me she jumps and me and hugs me shouting.


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