Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 4

My new sister continues to hug me as she calls to me again.

“Hello sister”(Xyrra)

“Hello big sister”(Sister)

She looks at me with a large smile looking very happy.

“My name is Xyrra what is yours?”(Xyrra)

“I am Xituna big sister”(Xituna)

“That’s a wonderful name.”(Xyrra)

She is really like a child. I put my hand on her head and give her a head pat.


She has light green skin and dark green hair with bright golden eyes. Her body is covered in various plants such as vines and flowers that decorate her body. These plants also make up her clothes in the form of a dress that is primarily brown that goes down to her knees. Her hair is tied up in one single large braid that is decorated with flowers of various colours.

“Xituna have you seen your status yet?”(Xyrra)

“I haven’t big sister. What is a status.”(Xituna)

“Your status tells you what skills you can use such as magic.”(Xyrra)

When I mentioned magic her eyes lit up in excitement.

“Big sister I can use magic.”(Xituna)

“You can Xituna you are now a primordial goddess.”(Xyrra)

“Yay magic. Big sister can you teach me magic?”(Xituna)

“I can. First can you open your status and show me?”(Xyrra)

“Yes big sister.”(Xituna)

Xituna opens her status so that I can see it.

Name – Xituna
Gender – Female
Age – 100
Race – Primordial Goddess
Titles – Goddess of the land
Level – N/A
Stats – N/A
Skills – [Complete authority over nature and earth] – [Give blessing of nature or earth] – [Give blessing of fire](locked) – [Create divine helpers}(locked) – [Primordial gods eye] – [Primordial transformation]

It looks like most of her skills are mostly the same as mine but some are different.

“Xituna can you focus on the skills to get more detail about them.”(Xyrra)

Xituna focuses on the skills and they come up with more detail.

[Complete authority over nature and earth] - (The primordial goddess Xituna has complete control over both nature and earth. The element of nature is the power to control plants while the element of earth is the power to control what makes up the planet Both the earth and nature elements are one in the same one cannot exist without the other.)
[Give blessing of nature or earth] – (The primordial goddess of land Xituna has can bestow the element of nature or earth upon a mortal allowing them to borrow her power. In addition, she also can revoke this blessing if she wishes to.)

She looks to have two different elements that she can use and give to mortals. Why does she have two?


(To Xituna the elements of nature and earth are one and the same. They are only different for mortals as it would be too much for them to control both at once. It also stops mortals from gaining too much power – Ziella.)

That makes sense. Are mortals then limited to one element or is it just that nature and earth magic together is too powerful for mortals?


(Mortals borrow your power by channelling it through their soul. Naturally, their soul is only strong enough to channel one element at a time if they try more it will break their soul. If they strengthen their soul they might be able to channel another but most mortals won’t live long enough for that to happen – Ziella)

Thank you for answering my questions, Ziella. So we will have to be careful with who we give our blessings to especially if this will affect their descendants. What if they don’t want the element they get from their family or maybe they will see it as an honour to have any blessing. This will be especially true if we don’t bless many mortals. We will see in the future.

I look over towards Xituna to see she has taken on a smaller form and is running between the now grown-up trees. She really does act like a child. I change my size to match hers and slowly move over to her. I can’t move very fast on land.

“Xituna can you come here?”(Xyrra)

“Yes big sister.”(xituna)

“Xituna did big sister ziella tell you what your job is?”(Xyrra)

“Big sister Ziella told me that I am to protect the land in this world she created while big sister Xyrra protects the sea and my future little sister will protect the sky.”(Xituna)

“That’s right. This is a very important job protecting big sisters world are you ready for it?”(Xyrra)

“I will do my best to help protect big sister Ziella’s world.”(Xituna)

“That’s good. For the first few hundred years I will help you but then you will have to work on your own while I do my work.”(Xyrra)

“Yes big sister. I will learn all I can to help big sister Xyrra and big sister Ziella.”(Xituna)

Saying this she has a large smile on her face eager to help.

“But big sister what am I supposed to do exactly?”(Xituna)

“That’s a good question its probably best to ask big sister Ziella.”(Xituna)


(Both your jobs are the same for now all you have to do is help develop and guide your domain. Help guide them to be healthy and prosperous – Ziella)

“I understand big sister Ziella. Big sister Xyrra let's do our best.”(Xituna)

She jumps at me hugging me once again and still smiling. I hug her back and smile.

“yes let's do our best to help big sister Ziella.”(Xyrra)


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