Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 23

Over the next few days after the battle, the mortals rested and buried the dead building a monument in memory of them. We are now standing at the entrance of the cemetery for the over two hundred who died fighting the undead.

“We are here today in remembrance of those who gave their lives to protect the lives of the people of this land. They thought heroically in the face of an unknown enemy who is the second greatest threat this world has ever seen. They faced the enemy without fear and without a doubt. Without their sacrifice, many more may have met the same fate. May they rest in peace and may they have a peaceful and healthy reincarnation.”(Xyrra)

“”May they rest in peace””(Everyone)

The rabbit man whose name I found out to be Armel walks forward with a flaming torch towards the monument in the centre of the cemetery. The monument is a square column about twenty feet that ends at a point. It has been surrounded by dry hay and long branches stood up leaning against it. As Armel reaches it he throws the torch onto the hay which quickly catches fire that spreads quickly around the monument. We all stand here for about another half an hour before people start to leave. People keep leaving until only Xecra, Xituna and I are left.

“If only I could have helped.”(Xyrra)

“It's not your fault you couldn’t do anything. You were stopped by the divine law. You can't blame yourself big sister.”(Xituna)

“The mortals were able to protect themselves so there is nothing to worry about. It would have been good if we could have helped not like I wanted to help them.”(Xecra)

“Your both right I shouldn’t dwell on something outside of my control.”(Xyrra)

As the days and then months and finally years continued the mortals who are now calling themselves primus liberos or for short liberos have been building new towns and villages mostly with wood and wattle and daub with a few stone buildings mostly as experiments. They have been able to do this as nature has started to reclaim the decimated land with the help of Xituna and Azurea. On their own, they have developed architecture, farming, blacksmithing and many other skills and technologies on their own.

They have decided to set up a form of government which with a bit of guidance has become a council with Armel as the high chancellor there is also the chancellor as well as the Archbishop, bishop, grand paladin and the commander in chief. They have started the foundations of what will be respectable, well run and loved country.

Oh, and they started a religion calling themselves communion of the four divines. We tried to stop them but nothing we could do worked. Currently, they have one ‘cathedral’ which is one of the few stone buildings in the largest settlement. It’s nothing elaborate but it’s bigger and more decorated than the surrounding buildings. They also have a few small chapels in other settlements. They have priests and even a holy order of knights. They haven’t worked out how to work with metal yet, so the knights are using stone weapons and using natural materials for armour.

It hasn’t been long, but they have advanced and learnt quickly much quicker than I thought they would. I think at now I will be able to go back into the sea without worrying about the liberos.

Walking away from where the majority of the liberos are I start to walk back toward the sea. As I get closer to the sea the more desolate the land gets. It looks like it going to be quite a while before Xituna and Azurea can help nature cover the entire planet again.

When I reach the sea, I stop and look out at its immense beauty. No matter how much time passes the sea will always be my favourite.

After admiring the sea for a while longer I enter to find life. Not as much as there used to be but life nonetheless. Swimming around I find that life has started to recover itself. Maybe it wasn’t as damaged as I thought.

After exploring for a while longer I find signs of another kind of life. There are small caves that look to be unnatural and lived in? is there some type of more sentient life? I will have to have look. Swimming down to the caves I find that they are too small for me to go inside of so I will have to do this another way.

“Hello, is anyone in there?”(Xyrra)

I move closer to the entrance and calmly shout into it. My voice echoes down the length of the cave. I don’t receive a reply but I can hear what sounds like whispered talking.

“If anyone is down there I am not here to harm you want to ask you some questions and help you if I can.”(Xyrra)

I can some movement of both water like someone is swimming and the sound of rocks being moved.

“Who’s there?”(??)

I received a reply from an androgynous voice.

“My name is Xyrra. Can you please come out I just want to help and ask a few questions?”(Xyrra)

“Xyrra? Are you the goddess our ancestors told us of?”(??)

“My name is Xyrra and I am the goddess of the sea so I assume so.”(Xyrra)

As soon as I finished my reply I hear the rushing of water as something rushed out of the cave towards me. Seconds later in front of me is what looks to be a mermaid? Merman? The person in front of me has the upper body of a human and the lower half of a fish. The human half looks very androgynous I can’t tell if they are male, female or both. They have long flowing white hair and completely white eyes.

“What is your name?”(Xyrra)

Maybe their name can tell me something.

“I am Aenon my goddess.”(Aenon)

“What are you doing here Aenon?”(Xyrra)

“We have been living here for as long as anyone can remember but we have been told by our ancestors about you your sisters and the outside world.”(Aenon)

“But how did your people get he-“(Xyrra)

I am interrupted as more of these merpeople looking definitely female and carrying spears surround me.

“Move away from the prince!”(Mermaid)

So he’s the prince well that solves that problem.

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