Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 24 – rewritten

“Who are you?”(Xyrra)

“We are the royal guard and the prices personal guards. Who are you?”(Mermaid leader)

“I am Xyrra the goddess of the sea. Aenon says you should know about me.”(Xyrra)

None of the mermaids moves and continue pointing their spears at me.

“Those are just stories no one has seen any of the gods in thousands of years. To you its prince do not say his name.”(Mermaid leader)

As I was going to reply Aenon swims between us.

“What are you doing Adrielle? She is the goddess don’t point your weapons at her.”(Aenon)

“But my prince how do we know she is? She could be here to kill or harm you.”(Adrielle)

“She matches the description of our goddess perfectly doesn’t she?”(Aenon)

“She does but it could be s trick.”(Adrielle)

“IS there any way I can prove who I am?”(Xyrra)

“Do something only I goddess could do.”(Adrielle)

“Very well then I will bless you.”(Xyrra)

Swimming over to her I gently push the spear away and put a finger on her forehead. Releasing a small amount of my magic the forehead starts to glow for a few seconds and then stops. I move back and give a gentle smile.

“You have now been blessed by the goddess of the sea.”(Xyrra)
A few seconds later of not replying probably looking at her status she looks back at me and then bows with the other mermaids doing the same.

“I apologise goddess Xyrra. We have been told many stories about you but no one has seen you in so long that not many believe the stories anymore”(Adrielle)

“Raise your heads it is partly my fault for leaving you all on your own. I had something that I had to attend to on the surface that took longer than I would have liked.”(Xyrra)

“Goddess Xyrra if whatever you had to do caused you to leave for so long it must have been of greater importance than us.”(Adrielle)

What do I tell them? Sorry I didn’t know you were here. I can’t say that.

“It is nothing you have to worry about now. Now I have a few questions for you.”(Xyrra)

“Shall I take you to the queen first? It will be a more private environment and the queen will likely have more answers”(Adrielle)

“of course lead the way.”(Xyrra)

With a bow, Adrielle swims away with me Aenon and the other guards following behind. We swim for a few minutes until we reach a more developed area where there are simple stone structures over the caves. The caves also seem to be larger and the is more evidence of developed civilisation. Such as what look to be roads, shops and houses. We continue through the ‘streets’ and we approach the largest building. Cave? Outside there are more mermaid guards.

“Goddess Xyrra this is the palace where the queen and the price reside.”(Adrielle)

“Why was the prince in the other cave?”(Xyrra)

“The prince likes to explore the surrounding area and has done it for as long as I can remember.”(Adrielle)

I only nod in reply. We approach the palace and the two guards stand to the side allowing us through. Being bigger than the other cave buildings I can fit through the door of the palace. We first enter a hallway that we swim through until we reach a room with four guards outside.

“This is where the queen works. She should be inside.”(Adrielle)

Adrielle swims inside I assume to inform the queen she is followed by the prince. A few minutes later Adrielle returns and tells me to enter. Swimming into the room and turning a corner I find a mermaid with long silver blue hair and blue eyes sitting behind a stone desk.

“Hello goddess Xyrra I am the mermaid queen Seira.”(Seira)

“Hello Queen Seira as you already know I am the goddess of the sea Xyrra. I have a few questions I would like to ask you.”(Xyrra)

“I will answer any question that I can goddess.”(Seira)

“The main question I have is where do your people come from? I don’t remember ever creating mer-people.”(Xyrra)

“I can only tell you what we have heard from stories passed down. What I have been told is that thousands of years ago a great storm swept across the land and the people sought shelter in or by the sea. For unknown reasons over time people began to take on more fish-like characteristics until they became merpeople as you see them today. The reason is unknown.”(Seira)

What could have caused that? Was it Eris’s magic? That’s the most likely reason why.

“I believe the storm contained magic that slowly transformed people.”(Xyrra)

At the mention of magic, her eyes light up.

“Magic is real. We have only ever heard stories about how magnificent it is.”(Seira)

“It is real. I have blessed Adrielle so she can now use magic. I will teach her at a later time. I can bless you if you would like?”(Xyrra)

The queen speeds towards me and bows.

“Goddess Xyrra it would be a great honour if you could.”(Seira)

I move over to her and put my hand on her head like with Adrielle there is glowing for a few seconds and then it stops. At the same time, I bless Aenon.

“Queen Seira, prince Aenon you now both have the blessing of I the sea goddess.”(Xyrra)

“Thank you my goddess I will use this power with great care.”(Seira)

“I will teach both of you at a later date. Now I have a few more questions to ask you.”(Xyrra)

I spent another few hours talking to Seira, Adriells and the prince about their history, society and them. After we had finished talking I left to explore the sea some more.

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