Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 25

As I swim through the sea, I let out some of my magic to help everything grow and live. Most of what I see isn’t that bad there is still sea life and some plants. It is nowhere near as lively as it used to be but with time it will be back to its former glory. I have noticed that the further from the Merpeople I get the less lively it is. Were they looking after it? If so, I will have to find a way to thank them for looking after everything for so long.

I thought I would have a lot more work to do but it seems I can let nature work itself for now at least. The land was hit much harder even though the sea was so rough there is still life down here. Maybe they went down deep enough to avoid the storm? I will have to check the deep sea after taking a quick look at my house.

After another few hours, I reach my house or where it should be. Swimming close to the seabed I look around carefully in case if has caved in or something. I start using my tentacles to move rocks and soil until I move one rock and small hole caves in. This must be it. Moving closer I start moving more rocks and as I do more of the ground falls in. It must have caved in during everything that happened this will take a while to clear out. Moving just enough for me to enter through I have a look inside to find that everything is pretty much as it was it seems the cave-in stopped and then didn’t continue for some reason when more fell on top.

I will have to come back later to clear it out and rebuild the entrance. For now, I will search the deeper ocean for any life.


After swimming for a while, I find an undersea ravine and start swimming down it. I keep swimming deeper and deeper while it gets darker. I have been swimming down for about twenty minutes now and I haven’t seen anything. Should I keep going or assume there is nothing down here? No, I will keep going I can’t have negative thoughts yet. Something must be alive down here it's so far from the surface it shouldn’t have been affected. This might be the only part of the world that Eris did not spread her influence on I must find it no matter how long it takes.

As I go deeper the water around me starts to get lighter. How does that work? I keep going until I can see some sort of glowing light. I swim over to have a look. The light comes closer until a fish swim past glowing. I was about to follow it when more sped past me I estimate there were at least twenty.

I haven’t seen glowing fish before. Are they new or have they always been here without me knowing? The deeper I get the more glowing Sealife I find of all different kinds. I am amazed by the variety of the life down here some are fish like while some are more like jellyfish and many others. All around me the sea creatures glow beautifully and swim elegantly in the darkness. I haven’t seen anything this beautiful before except my sisters nothing is better than them. I could just stay here for the next few thousand years. That’s not too long, is it? I can’t do that my little sisters will miss me I need to be quick.


[POV ??]

Darkness, that is all I have ever seen except the glow of the fish in the darkness. I swim through the darkness in search of food which usually isn’t too difficult to find as the glowing fish are easy to see in the darkness. I often volunteer to hunt so that I can the colours and light of the fish which is the only time I can see light and colour. It’s a wonderful change from the darkness of the deep sea I can’t even see my only family or myself.

I have heard stories from our ancestors of a world above covered in light and colour. A world where you can see and do as you want unlike here. Down here there isn’t much to do but over the years we have come up with many different games. They are fun to play with friends but not being able to see in the darkness makes it a lot harder especially when I haven’t even seen my best friend. Being in the darkness alone can be relaxing but gets boring quickly so we tend to stay together and fight off the boredom.

Now, why haven’t I found any glowing fish? Has something scared them off? I will keep searching I can’t come back empty-handed everyone is counting on me for food. Swimming onward I keep searching but the further I go the more worried I get. What if our only source of food has left? We could move somewhere else, but the space down here is limited, and we can't go higher. People have tried but most don’t come back and the few that do come back alive and from what I have heard their bodies are not in good condition when they do something up there can harm even the strongest warrior with ease and brutality.

I stop swimming as I can feel vibrations in the water from something large moving. Is this what has been killing the others? I try to swim away as fast as I can but whatever it is, is faster than me and much, much larger. I can’t die here; I don’t want to die here. What should I do? The large creature stops close to me, and the rushing movement of water stops me where I am, and I can no longer move out of fear. I wait, I wait for the creature to sink its teeth into me to rip me apart but all that happens is that it talks to me in a gentle voice.

“Hello. Who are you?”(??)

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