Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 6

I swim through the sea like usual to make sure everything is as it should be. This is what I do most of the time and will be doing in the future at least until everything evolves fully to support itself. I make sure that all life in the sea is living in harmony or at least keep it that way the best I can.

By now life in the sea has evolved significantly since I became the goddess of the sea. The sea looks like what you would see on tv in my last life. The main difference is some of the more magical sea life. For example, there are what seem to be magic fish they are fish that glow and emit mana. The stronger the mana the more they glow. I haven’t seen these fish do any magic yet but it could be a possibility. If they can use magic, it probably won’t be very powerful or at least it won’t be yet. Thinking about how do mortals use magic? Xituna and I just do it naturally do mortals have to use a chant or something like in anime and manga?


(For the majority of mortals they have to pray to the primordial goddess they got their blessing from. They pray to ask the goddess for permission to use their powers. Every time someone prays to use a goddess power the goddess hears the prayers and at that stage, they can give permission or not. However, when there are millions of mortals the goddess can block out or filter the prayers so that the majority of them are accepted automatically. If you do this, you filter it so that you only receive the prayers for power that you want to hear such as if someone is going to commit murder you will be able to stop it. – Ziella)

Thank you Ziella. So they have to pray to me to use my power. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I knew that someone might make a religion about us or something, but I did not think about it before. Do I want people to pray to me? I don’t know if I have a choice. If the mortals are to use my power to protect themselves against monsters or something they will have to. Maybe I can allow them to pray to me but not create an entire religion or at least not a full organised religion with churches and cathedrals. If they have a religion in small groups that should be alright. I will also have to be careful with what mortals I give my blessing to and who I interact with.

As I swim through the sea the look at how much everything has changed over the years. The sea looks beautiful with all the different colours and sea life living together in harmony. How will this look in the future will it be the same or will change and will the changes be for the better or the worst. I want all forms of life whether they live in the sea, land or air to live in peace with as little conflict as possible. I know that avoiding conflict completely will be almost impossible so I want to limit it as much as possible.


Hearing a voice in the language of the sea I turn around towards the voice to see a small red glowing fish.

“What's wrong little one?”(Xyrra)


I forgot that the language of the sea is very limited.


“I will help you if I can.”(Xyrra)


The fish turns around and swims away. I follow behind the fish to a small coral reef. The fish swims to a rocky area covered in coral and seaweed. The fish swims closer to a specific area and using its fin points towards another fish in a small cave with a shark outside trying to get at the fish. Is the fish in the cave the red fishes friend or family?


What should I do I’m not supposed to interfere with the natural order of things too much? I can help this once can’t I.

“Leave the fish alone.”(Xyrra)

I first try telling the shark to go away. I thought this might work as I am the goddess of the sea but instead it just looks at me and then goes back to the fish. Maybe it can’t tell that I am the goddess of the sea. Next, I try gently moving the water around the shark to scare it away but this doesn’t work either. I don’t want to kill it.

Wait can I release my divine power to scare it off. Focusing on my divine power I release I very small amount of it. This catches the sharks attention it turns to look at me a looks to be deciding if it can win against me. After a few moments, it decides it can't and swims away. So I can use my divine power to scare mortals.

The fish in the cave swims out towards me and the red fish. The fish in the cave is a glowing blue fish. They both swim together like they are happy that they are both safe. They stay together and talk for a bit and by talk I mean they talk in single words. They then turn towards me.

“Thank.”(Red fish)

“You.”(Blue fish)

“Your welcome.”(Xyrra)

I then turn to leave but the fish start to follow me.

“Why are you following me? You are both safe now.”(Xyrra)

“Help.”(red fish)

“you.”(Blue fish)

Do they want to help me?

“Thank”(Red fish)

“you.”(Blue fish)

“Help”(Red fish)

“you”(Blue fish)

“You want to thank me by helping me?”(Xyrra)
“”Yes””(Blue fish and red fish)

But how can they help me?


(They can help you by becoming your divine helpers. If they do they will take on a more humanoid form with a higher intelligence and will be able to help you in protecting the sea. You will also be able to choose what they look like this will also affect what your future divine helpers will look like. For further details look at the skill. – Ziella)

That sounds like a good idea. Now I just need to come up with what they will look like when they become my divine helpers.


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