Reincarnated as the Villainess! Yandere Various Reverse harem x reader!

#4 Run-in with the Heroine

Crown princes name: Akami

≪Y/n's Pov ≫

I put all of the yaoi manga's back into my bag. The Limousine came to a halt. My Black bag clung to my waist. I Open the Door of the limousine, exiting out of it. My Eyes slightly widen, The school in front of me looked like a giant castle. (picture) The Limousine I was once in took off, I stared in awe as people began to enter the giant castle looking school.

My eyes glance over at a certain female, A Smirk places itself on my face. The female I'm looking at has long blonde hair to her waist And grey eyes. She wore what seemed to be the school uniform. I slightly cringe at her skirt. It was awfully short. She ran over to a white-haired while...Fujii, I think? I don't really pay attention to names when I play trashy otome games...

The Heroine clung to the crown prince's brother. Ohh! you don't understand how much I want to punch this conniving snake! She freaking made the old Villainess life a living hell. Since got is my harem can't I make this bitch go poof? Nah That would be too easy, I want to torture her first! teehee. 

I walk into the giant castle-like school, taking in everything, it was so fancy! If I'm correct this should be chapter...3? On the Otome game, meaning The Heroine, would bump into me sometime around and begin crying, And then I would be portrayed as the enemy to Akami and Fujii since they are only slight yandere, for now...

Let's see! The first mission given by myself is to show the true Heroines colors, Which will most likely take some time since I need to gather up information and proof. I should most likely then meet the other yandere's before the Heroine does. I let out a dark chuckle while walking to the head office. Some people giving me the 'tf' face.



Once I make it to the Head office, I knock on the door, "Come in!" A cheerful voice yells. I open the door, peeking my head through to see The Heroines mother, "Oh! Miss Y/n! So glad to see you! Please come sit! come! come!" The Heroines mother smiled brightly while positioning to sit down, on the chair in front of her desk. I walk over to the chair plopping myself down my legs spread open, much like a man.

"You seem...Rather Different." The Heroines mother looking at my posture, and examining my looks. I scoff while, giving her a deadly glare, "My schedule please?" I asked rather rudely, What can I say? I was a delinquent in my old life, and maybe a gangster...I also maybe killed a few people..Er, yeah...

"O-Of Course." The Heroines mother stammered while placing a piece of paper in front of me. "Tsk– Thanks....Woman." She looked slightly taken back at me calling her woman, Sure she seemed nice. but there's like this urge for me to be rude to everyone, like on the inside I'm an anime-loving yandere loving fanatic. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, Right? I swipe the paper off of her desk while heading out to my first class.

As I was walking the halls I notice, The Heroine and Akami walking towards me. I blinked a few times wondering they were heading this way. They stopped in front of me, The heroine or should I say Yumia Held out her hand for a shake, "Hi! I'm Yumia Mitsuyo! Welcome to Royal magic school! Who might you be?" Yumia asked with a fake smile. I grin, "Hello Yumia. I'm Y/n Uchiha, You might remember me." Yumia's smile falls while clinging close to Akami. She was obviously trying to play me as the villain here. Akami sends a glare my way. I roll my eyes, "P-Please don't H-Hurt me Y/n-chan!" Fake tears feel from Yumia's face. Oh goodness, how fake can this girl get?

"First of all, why would I hit you?  You're my childhood friend!" I fake my surprize honestly let's just give her a taste of her own medicine. Tear's fall from my eyes, "Y-You would even say I would hit you as a child!" I say with tears falling down, "You would also say I was trash and said you would take everything from me!" I cry out. Akami looks slightly surprised at me crying. I tried to hold in a giggle at the Heroines face, I run away letting out sobs. I was smirking while running off.


≪No one's Pov ≫

Yumia looked slightly taken back, Y/n ever had the guts to even speak up when she starting talking about how Y/n would hit her and such, As a child Y/n would just look down saying nothing. "S-She's Lying! And Her c-crying was fake! I-I think she was making fun of me!" Yumia cried out hugging Akami.

Akami felt a slight pang in his chest seeing Y/n run away crying, but he thought nothing of it. It was obvious she was lying about Yumia. but why did his heart want to believe she was telling the truth.

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