Reincarnated as the Villainess! Yandere Various Reverse harem x reader!

#5 Male Villainess?


≪Y/n's Pov ≫

I Start to laugh uncontrollably, While leaning my back against a wall, I was somewhere in the halls, the odd thing is it was empty. I place my hand on my mouth trying to stop my laughing. The Heroine was such a fake bitch, it took all my might to not to start laughing in there faces, I mean how dumb can people be? In my book it was obvious she was acting. I blink a few times. Why was there no one even walking around in this part of the hall? The lights were slightly flickering. Sure It's creepy but I mean it is still apart of the school.

I stopped leaning on the wall, walking around a bit. I looked around to find the hall I walked through to get here was now just a normal wall. I hear heavy breathing behind me. I slightly turn around holding up my fist, closing my eyes ready to punch the person behind me, I spoke up while swiftly turning around, "I'M A BOSS ASS BITCH DON'T FUCK WITH ME!! I HAVE THE POWER Of GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!! STAY BACK BEFORE I BITCH SLAP YOU WITH MY GUITAR!" I Yell out, going to reach for my guitar, opening my eyes.

"What Is this An-im-e-e You speak of? You have such a mouth..I also thought you were going to look...Ugly...I mean Fujii did say you were a fake and ugly, rude, cake face, brat.." I glare at the guy, WHOA FUCK HE WAS A HOTTIE! SWEET HOT TAMALE! COUGH Control the inner fangirl...Control...Wait...Was that the male villainess...Oh no..The heroine was supposed to be crying here and run into him...This is the HOT Teacher who is suppose to be Fujii's ex-Tutor after the Heroine runs into him, because He may have...Spanked her, let's just say he was into some kinky shit...

"Are you going to say anything? Or just going to stand there." He asked crossing his arms, his muscles slightly flexing. (picture of him and Y/n) HOT DAMN- "Ehm-Hi?" I ask slightly cringing at how CRINGY I was being. Seto Minoru Was The hot Teacher's name, He was the one name I clearly remembered in the game..I mean look at him! Why Would I not remember HIS name? Sadly he died In the otome game, sure he wanted the Heroine, but he just wanted the power she held, after he found of her true ways at first he was getting to know her and love her, but after that Yumia started talking trash about the Villainess and other people He became truly disgusted at her bragging on how she ruined the Villainess life, And that was when he was 16 and the heroine was 14.

"What are you doing in these parts of the halls.." Seto asks. FUCK I'M NOT WORTHY TO BREATH THE SAME AIR AS YOU!! "Er..Just wandering around The Basic shi-" I held my breath, as he picked me up like a sack of potatoes, "Best remember girly These are my halls..Maybe some punishment is needed so you remember next time." Seto said, Grabbing my guitar off my back, Oh no...I'M gEttInG a SpAnKinG...Not that I'm complaining...

<Small time skip, With lots of Moaning and spanking>

I Was Sitting on Seto's lap laughing, I might have let out a moan while he was spanking me...He smiled at me, we did a sort of bonding. I'm mean we're not that close that I told him the Villainess past..Because I mean I have to trust him first...I mean of course, I most likely could trust him since he already knows the Heroine ways, But we did share each other's names and favorite snacks, etc "You know, Your nothing like how Fujii Described, I mean..He is woo-d by Yumia so..." He trailed off while meeting my blue eyes, His red eyes were gleaming into mine.

I snapped both of us out of the trace we were put in, by speaking, "Yea..Yumia is...Er-A Manipulative, scheming, Bitch." He let out a chuckle, "You have such a way with words." Seto teased, "Why thank you, good sir." I said while pretending to tip my nonexistent top hat. I hum while looking at him, "So..How'd you make the wall in front of me when I was trying to leave?" I ask, What can I say? I was Curious. "Ah, That is how my power works. I can warp reality." Seto said nonchalantly, "I'm Guessing Your power is ice?" Seto asked I shake my head, "Mines...Much cooler then that, If I show you will you promise not to tell anyone?" I held out my pinky, He let out a sharp grin while taking his pinky in my own.

I stood up from his lap. I looked around for my guitar to see it on the side of the sofa we were sitting on. I grab it while turning one of the buttons to music, (Like embers Guitar..Just go with it) I stood in front of Seto beginning to play my guitar while beginning to sing, I made sure not to use my Spiral that turns on my hypnotic spell.

"It was, it was September,"
My Voice was gentle and smooth.

"Winds blow, the dead leaves fall,"
My hair started a little spark of blue.

"To you, I did surrender,"
My eyes slightly sadden remembering the old villainess past.

"Two weeks, you didn't call."
Seto gave me a sympathetic look, My hair still sparking but not too much to show any flames.

"Your life goes on without me,"
I Sway my head to the side.

"My life, a losing game,"

"But you should, you should not doubt me!"

My voice got louder

"You will remember my name."

"Oh, Ember, you will remember!"

I Grin while playing the strings on my guitar

"Ember, one thing remains!"

My Hair burst-ed into blue flames.

"Oh, Ember, so warm and tender!"

"You will remember my name!"


My Guitar voice and guitar trailed off, I didn't want my hair burning up the place. Seto clapped loudly, "Amazing! That was beautiful! You could become a singer you know." My Face turned a light blue, "T-Thanks..." I was about to speak once more but cut off by the sound of the bell, "Mm, Seems like our time is up on chatting, I have A class to attend to." Seto ruffled my hair, leaning close to my face smirking, I could feel his hot breath on my lips. His mouth swifty moves to my ear, "Hopefully we run into each other soon." Seto whispered while exiting his own office, since he was sorta a high rank teacher.



≪Seto's Pov ≫

I exited out of my office The smile never leaving my face. I'll make you mine someday, Y/n Uchiha, And I don't plan on Sharing.



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