Reincarnated as the Villainess! Yandere Various Reverse harem x reader!

#6 The Twins

≪Y/n's Pov ≫

I snapped my fingers loudly in the middle of class. I Got it! After I'm done getting the Yandere's on my side, I've found a way to clear my name. I need to find someone with memory projection. To show my Or Yumia's memories, to prove I'm the innocence smol bean. I was sitting in my chair Like L Does in death note I put my hand on my face, like one of those Villans who tried to hold in a laugh. This dumb Heroine doesn't know what's coming to her. man I love being the Villainess. It's just so...THRILLING! I wonder if my next reincarnation will be male or female. I mean if it is male...I wonder how big I'll be, Cause I'd sooooo be a seme, "Miss Uchiha do you know the answer?" The teacher who was Seto asked, "Fuck he's so fineeee." 

Shit...I that out loud didn't I? I slam my head on the desk, as I hear some people laughing and others with mouths agape. I look up to see Yumia who was in front of me glaring, What's her problem? "S-Sir Seto! I know the answer!" Yumia blurted out with a fake stutter. I wouldn't be surprised if her ass was fake...Oh, wait! It is! I watch as some side character's blush at Yumia's stutter and how her boobs bounce as she blurted that out. I did a fake gag while someone behind me giggled, well two voice to be specific, they just sounded the same.  I turned around in my seat to see some other yandere character's, they were mostly known as "The Sexy twins" In the game. Fuckkk there also fine as hell. The only difference between the twins is their eye color. They were the flirty mischievous type.

"Your funny~" The red-eyed one said with a hint of seduction in his voice he lifted up my chins with his finger to get a better look at my face. I slightly rolled my eyes, sure it was hot that he was trying to flirt but I'm not one of those girls to hop to it. I harshly grip his hand off of my face, "Yeah.....No-"  I turned back around in my seat to see Yumia talking to Seto, she slightly glanced my way. Perhaps to see if I was jealous? Yumia bent down slightly more revealing her cleavage to Seto. Seto just smiled while speaking up so everyone can hear, "Incorrect Miss Mitsuyo, Miss Uchiha do you know the answer? Oh And Miss Mitsujo please raise your hand next time instead of just blurting out the answer." Seto calmly said. I looked at the board to see some easy math problems. I let out a sigh while saying my answers and then explaining how I got it, "That was, Correct Miss Uchiha, I'm amazed that you did all of them without even needing to write them on the board..."

I smirked while looking at Yumia, she sent a quick glare my way. Seto began to talk more about math and such. I zoned off already knowing all of it. I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to the side to speak, "Need something?" I boredly ask. They said nothing. I shrug it off zoning out like I always do.

≪No one's Pov ≫

Hiroto (blue-eyed) and Haruto (red-eyed) were using one of there many magics called mind link, It's where they can talk to each other in their minds using a link that connects there mind together. 'Why is she not swooning over are feets just to talk to us?' Asked Haruto. 'I don't know! but she's really weird.' Hiroto responded. 'Most girls are looking at males in class even Yumia our crush...' Haruto notices, 'Brother something is wrong with me, I'm not just curious about Yumia anymore....No not at all.' Hiroto looked at Y/n. 'Agreed, Shall we make her ours?' Haruto asked, 'I think we shall.' Hiroto said.

Both of the twins grinned devilishly. Little did the twins know they will soon fall deeply in love with Y/n, which will soon turn into an obsession.

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