Reincarnated as the Villainess! Yandere Various Reverse harem x reader!

#7 Liar?

⫷ Fujii's Pov     ⫸

I look around the school with Yumia clinging to my arm. "F-Fujii, W-What if Y/n tries to hurt me again!" Yumia cried out, tear's falling from her cheeks. I smile at Yumia while wiping her tears away with my thumb. My face then turned into a dark one, "I'll make sure she doesn't harm a single hair on you." Yumia smiled on me while clinging onto my arm this time pressing her boobs up against me.

A female girl with dark midnight purple hair and circle glasses runs up to us. "Y-Y-Yumia! I-I finished your homework!" The girl bowed while holding out what I believe is to be homework. I gave Yumia a questioning look, "Yumia, why is it that she has your homework?" I question Yumia, "W-Well you s-see– I-I Asked, er Alex! To check over my- h-homework!" Yumia lied out of her teeth, Why was she lying? The girl 'Alex' spoke in a hushed whisper, "M-My Names not Alex.....It's Sakura..."

I look at Yumia to only see a noticeable scowl but quickly turned back into a smiling face, I smiled gently at Sakura, "Miss Sakura, If You don't mind may I see the homework." I asked politely. Yumia clutched onto my arm tighter, Sakura gave me a hesitant look while handing me Yumia homework. My eyes skim across the paper. This definitely wasn't Yumia's handwriting. Yumia lied, easily to my face, What else is she lying about? Yumia roughly snatched the paper out of my hand.

"F-Fujii class is going to start in a few!" Yumia let out of my arm pushing me forward, I was about to speak but got cut off by her voice, "You go along, I'll catch up later!" Yumia said, I debatably walked to my next class. As other students doing the same.


⫷ No One's Pov     ⫸

Yumia and Sakura watched Fujii walking away. Yumia glared at Sakura while crossing her arms, giving Sakura a disgusted look. "Listen here, You freak! I told you Never, give me my homework in public spaces." Yumia raised her hand, smacking Sakura harshly on the cheek. Sakura let out a small whimper of pain. Yumia's teeth clenched while gripping onto Sakura's hair forcing her to look at her, "Aw, Do you think you're better than me because you have a rare hair color?! Oh Wow it's also much smoother!" Yumia slammed Sakura's face onto the locker, "You're lucky I even let you be around me!" Yumia smiled while looking at Sakura, "Aw Is your nose bleeding? Tsk, You know what I hate your hair."

"Creation magic!" Yumia whispers yelled while a pair of scissors appears in her hand, "N-No please..I-I'll tell people that y-your hurting me." Sakura cried, tears forming in her eyes, "Honeslty- Who do you think you are, It's not like anyone will believe you! Everyone knows I'm the school's angel!" Yumia sassy replied Yumia was still gripping Sakura's hair about to cut it all off.



Y/n Was just passing by the halls until she heard a loud slam on a locker, Y/n moved the sucker around that was in her mouth, gently taking it out making a popping sound. Y/n aimed her sucker at Yumia, Throwing it directly at her. The sucker swishing in the air, at inhuman speed. It knocked the scissors right out of her hand. "Fuck, I'm such a bad bitch." Y/n mumbled while walking over to Yumia. Her high heeled black boots clacking behind her.

Yumia looked at Y/n with a bewildered look. Yumia let go of Sakura's hair, Sakura falling to the floor, in the process. Yumia gave Y/n a snarky look, "What You didn't have enough? I mean, just stealing your fiancee and best friend, oh! and family, Wasn't enough, eh? I mean of course they would want me, I'm better than you in every way..." Yumia let out a giggle. Y/n gave Yumia a bored look, "Sweetie, I don't know who you think you are, but in the end, I would advise you to delete yourself from this whole existence." Y/n took a small look at her nails while giving Yumia a dark look.

"Well, Either way, You Will get hurt." Y/n mouth twisted into a devilish grin. "please! What can you do? I already destroyed you, Let me tell you Y/n. I took everyone you love, I don't know where all this pride came from. but I assure you, You'll be the one who'll get hurt, You might look different, but your still the same., Your still this weak pathetic little girl." Venom laced Yumia's every word. Y/n looked at Yumia, trying not to attack her.

"Well, I should get going, My Fujii Is waiting for me." Yumia looked at Y/n and Sakura one last time before flipping her hair, and walking away.

Y/n looked down at Sakura's shaking form, "Get up." Sakura didn't respond, Blood still dripping from her nose. Y/n let out a sigh, While wrapping her arms around Sakura. Picking her up bridal style, "It's Ok, Yumia won't hurt you anymore." Y/n paused while heading to the nurse's office. Tears fell from Sakura's eyes holding onto Y/n tightly, "I'll protect you." Y/n said looking straight ahead.

Sakura started to full out cry, "T-Thank you!" Sakura hiccuped, No one has ever stood up for her, 3 years of physical, and verbal bullying, 3 years of doing Yumia's homework, Finally might have come to an end.



Y/n laid Sakura down on a bed in the nurse's office. Y/n looked around for any sign of the nurse. Suddenly a pink-haired male fell straight into Y/n's arms. "O-Oh I'm So Sorry! I-I can be a clutz sometimes!" The pink-haired male looked up at Y/n, His eyes instantly held hearts in them, his breath was taken away, "I-I'm the nurse here!" The pink-haired nurse eeped out, "M-My names Mujo kina!" Mujo said He had the sudden urge to kiss the girl who was holding him. He was smitten by a girl he just met. "Er- I'm Y/n Uchiha, My friend needs help, She has a broken nose...I think." Y/n tailed off breaking the male out of his lustful gaze. Y/n helped Mujo up back on his feet.

"O-Oh Y-Yes, I-I'll get right to it!" Mujo blushed brightly. 'Cute'...Y/n thought



Fujii stood in shock as he just witnessed, Yumia bullying Sakura, and speaking about stealing Y/n fiance and best friend. Fujii suddenly understood That he fucked up. He took the wrong side. Instead of trusting innocent Y/n as a child he went with Yumia, The one who seemed to be better at everything. But it was just a cover-up. Yumia was a cold-hearted bitch, And Now Fujii Finally understood.

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