Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch101- Enjoy Your Evening

The evening wound down, and the pair found themselves standing on the restaurant's balcony, looking over the expansive city beneath them. The twinkling lights mirrored the vast expanse of the star-studded sky above, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.

"It's fascinating," Canary mused, "how the world below appears so peaceful, so serene from up here, when in reality, it's anything but."

Haruto followed her gaze, taking in the view. "It's all about perspectives. From this height, individual problems seem so small, almost non-existent."

As they conversed, enjoying the ambiance and the drinks in their hands, Haruto's En sensed a presence that made his demeanor shift, albeit subtly. He didn't need to turn around to know who was approaching from behind, his senses providing him with all the information he needed.

The voice that broke their conversation was cheerful, dripping with a brand of amiability that most found unnerving. "King Haruto, turning the city upside down and then having a date with such a beautiful woman. Truly, only you could manage such feats."

Without turning, Haruto's voice carried its usual calmness. "Mr. Pariston."

Pariston Hill, the Vice-Chairman of the Hunter Association, stepped into their line of sight, his grin unabated. His golden blonde hair shimmered in the ambient light, contrasting starkly with his sharp red tie. His suit was perfectly tailored, much like Haruto's, but where Haruto exuded quiet authority, Pariston radiated a mix of mischief and veiled intentions. Beside him stood a striking woman with cascading black hair and piercing blue eyes. Her long evening gown, a shimmering silver, complemented Pariston's attire. She radiated grace and danger in equal measure.

"To rid the United States of Saherta of its Mafia, a task our association found quite troublesome. I must thank you," Pariston mused.

Finally giving Pariston his attention, Haruto turned, his eyes assessing the man before him. "Are you here to thank me, or gauge my intentions?"

Pariston's smile never wavered. "Perhaps a bit of both? But mainly to extend an invitation."

Haruto glanced at the woman next to Pariston, raising an eyebrow in silent inquiry. Canary subtly positioned herself closer to Haruto, a silent display of solidarity.

"This," Pariston motioned to the woman, "is Celine, a fellow Hunter and my associate for the evening."

Celine inclined her head, her blue eyes assessing Haruto with curiosity. "It's an honor to meet the famed King of the Meteor Kingdom."

Haruto's gaze locked onto Pariston, his posture unchanged but the atmosphere around him noticeably different. A weighty silence blanketed the balcony, pressing down on everyone present. The city lights below seemed to dim ever so slightly, as though respecting the gravity of the moment.

"I don't play games," Haruto began, his voice low yet resonant, each word calculated and intentional. "And I especially don't appreciate my words being disregarded. When the Meteor Kingdom declared that every citizen is under our protection, it wasn't a mere proclamation—it was a binding decree. Just as I stood against the world when my Kingdom went unrecognized, I'll stand once more. And any who choose to challenge that declaration will find themselves as adversaries of the Meteor Kingdom."

The tension was palpable, the night's gentle breeze suddenly feeling chilling. Pariston's ever-present grin didn't falter, but the overbearing force of Haruto's Nen was unmistakable. It was as if an invisible wall had risen around Haruto, emphasizing his dominion and authority. While Pariston was known for his ability to mask his emotions, the sheer pressure of Haruto's Nen was hard to ignore. The playful mischief in his eyes was momentarily overshadowed by a flicker of unease.

Beside him, Celine began to tremble. Even though her aura was formidable, standing amidst this confrontation was like a deer caught in headlights. The strength she exuded moments ago seemed fragile, her confidence shaken. Pariston, sensing her distress, subtly tightened his grip around her, offering silent support.

Canary, sensing the escalating tension, subtly maneuvered herself between Haruto and the visitors, her eyes sharply focused on Celine. The message was clear: any threat towards Haruto would not be tolerated.

Pariston, attempting to regain control of the situation, took a deep breath, his smile regaining some of its original vivacity. "Your passion for your Kingdom is admirable, King Haruto. My apologies for any misunderstandings."

Haruto's stare was unwavering, his response devoid of emotion. "No misunderstandings. Only clarifications."

A weighty pause ensued. It felt like hours had passed, but in reality, mere seconds had ticked by. The balance had been tipped, and the power dynamics on display were clear to all present.

Attempting to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory, Celine interjected, her voice quivering but determined. "The Hunter Association has always been neutral, King Haruto. We do not wish to challenge the Meteor Kingdom's sovereignty."

Haruto turned his attention to her, his expression unreadable. "Then ensure your actions align with your words. Neutrality is respected, but betrayal is not forgotten."

Celine nodded, swallowing hard. "Understood."

Haruto, deciding the conversation had served its purpose, inclined his head slightly, a clear dismissal. "Enjoy your evening, Vice-Chairman, Miss Celine."

Pariston, sensing it was time to make a graceful exit, nodded, his smile returning, albeit less vibrant. "Always a pleasure, King Haruto. Until next time."

With that, Pariston and Celine departed, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with unsaid words and potent energy.

Once they were gone, Canary let out a sigh, her shoulders dropping as she released the tension. "That was intense," she murmured.

Haruto, always the composed figure, nodded. "It was necessary. The Hunter Association needs to know where we stand."

After their departure, the duo turned to look at the sprawling city lights once more. The vast expanse of twinkling lights painted a serene picture, starkly contrasting the intense exchange from moments ago. Silence hung between them, but it wasn't the tense quietude from earlier; it was more contemplative, the kind of quiet that speaks of shared experiences and unspoken understanding.

Canary leaned into Haruto, the weight of the world momentarily lifting from her shoulders. Haruto, feeling the subtle shift, gently encircled her waist with his arm, pulling her close. Canary nestled comfortably against him, her back to his chest. They stood like that, two silhouettes bathed in the soft glow of city lights, momentarily lost in the embrace.

With the vast expanse of the city unfolding beneath them, Haruto and Canary's proximity blurred the line between personal space and intimacy. The warmth emanating from him, combined with the cool evening breeze, wrapped Canary in a cocoon of comfort. It was a perfect balance, mirroring their unique dynamic.

Canary broke the silence, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I sometimes wonder if our paths would have crossed, even if fate hadn't intervened that day when we first met."

Haruto turned to face her, the soft ambient light illuminating his features in a way that added depth to his contemplative gaze. "Fate, destiny, whatever one might call it—our paths did cross, Canary. And that's what matters."

She looked up, her gray eyes meeting his violet ones. The distance between them seemed to shrink as they stood there, lost in a moment that felt detached from the world around them.

Their faces were mere inches apart now, the weight of their shared history and the potential of their future pressing down on them. It was a turning point, a moment poised on the precipice of change.

Haruto leaned in, his breath mingling with hers. Canary's eyes fluttered closed as she tilted her face up to meet his. Their lips brushed together tentatively, a soft exploration that was more a question than an assertion.

The world around them faded as the space between their lips vanished, their kiss deepening. It was gentle and hesitant, a blending of two souls seeking solace and understanding in each other. The intensity of the moment, combined with the soft lull of the city sounds below, wrapped them in a cocoon of intimacy.

The kiss broke naturally, a soft sigh escaping Canary's lips. Haruto rested his forehead against hers, their breaths intermingling, the afterglow of their shared moment evident in their slightly flushed faces.

They pulled apart, but the distance was only physical. Their eyes held a promise, a silent understanding that while the path ahead might be uncertain, they'd face it together.

Canary's voice, softer now, broke the momentary silence. "I never imagined we'd be here, in this moment."

Haruto's response was a whisper, filled with genuine emotion. "Neither did I, but sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways."

She nestled against him, their bodies fitting together seamlessly. They remained like that, two souls wrapped up in each other, as the night deepened and the city lights continued to shimmer below.


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