Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

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The night found Haruto in his room dressing for his dinner date with Canary. Warm amber light filtered through the ornate chandelier, casting a gentle glow on the meticulously laid out ensemble. A crisp white shirt, tailored trousers, a sleek black blazer—the suit was a testament to fine craftsmanship, each thread woven with precision and elegance.

Haruto's green hair framed his face, contrasting starkly with the pristine white shirt he buttoned up. His deft fingers moved systematically, making quick work of each button, leaving the top one open. His collar, devoid of a tie, offered a glimpse of his collarbone, hinting at the strength beneath the fabric.

The door opened silently, revealing Machi. Her eyes took in the sight before her—Haruto, the epitome of elegance and authority, standing amid a room bathed in gold hues.

"You've always had a striking figure," Machi remarked, her tone carrying a mix of admiration and familiarity, the words a simple acknowledgment of the truth. "That suit enhances it."

Haruto turned, his violet eyes meeting hers. "Thank you, Machi. It's a special occasion."

Machi approached, her eyes scanning him critically, looking for any inconsistencies or misalignments in his attire. "May I?" she asked, indicating a slightly skewed lapel.

Haruto nodded, standing still as Machi adjusted the blazer, ensuring it draped perfectly. The air was filled with a comfortable silence, a testament to their bond and understanding.

"There," Machi said, stepping back and examining her handiwork. "Perfect."

Haruto studied himself in the full-length mirror, noting the way the suit accentuated his broad shoulders and slender waist. "I must admit, the tailor did an impressive job."

Machi smirked, "Well, when you're dressing the King of Meteor Kingdom, second best won't do."

A slight upturn appeared on Haruto's lips—a fleeting, yet genuine smile. "Your assessment always matters, Machi."

She met his gaze, a hint of amusement twinkling in her eyes. "Then my assessment is that Canary won't be able to take her eyes off you."

The room was thick with unsaid words and histories interwoven over years. Haruto's response was a soft chuckle, a rare sound from him, "I can only hope."

"Is there anything else you need?" Machi inquired, her eyes once again scanning Haruto's figure for any other adjustments.

He met her gaze. "No. But thank you, Machi."

She nodded, taking a moment longer than necessary to meet his gaze. "Enjoy your evening, Haruto."

With those parting words, she stepped out, leaving Haruto to his thoughts. The room returned to its muted glow, the only sound the gentle rustle of fabric as Haruto made his final preparations.

A few minutes later, the door opened again, revealing Canary. Her gaze traveled from Haruto's feet, slowly working its way up, until her eyes locked onto his. The slight flush on her cheeks spoke louder than any words.

"Shall we?" Haruto asked, extending his arm.

Canary nodded, looping her arm through his. "We shall."

As they stepped outside, a sleek limo awaited, gleaming under the city lights. But it was Canary who captured Haruto's attention.

Canary's curly dark purple hair cascaded down her back, creating a vivid contrast against her dark skin. The dress she wore was a deep shade of burgundy, hugging her silhouette gracefully and flowing out at the hem. It brought out the deep, almost mystical quality of her large gray eyes. Those eyes, so often focused and determined, now held a different light—a blend of excitement and slight nervousness.

"You look beautiful, Canary," Haruto remarked, his voice genuinely appreciative.

She smiled, the twinkle in her eyes making her whole face glow. "Thank you, Haruto. You are, as always, quite the sight yourself."

Haruto grinned, a rarity in itself. He extended his arm, which Canary graciously accepted. The two made their way to the limo, the driver opening the door for them. As Canary slid in, the soft fabric of her dress shimmered under the muted lights of the limo's interior.

Once settled inside, the limo began its journey towards one of the city's most renowned skyscrapers, home to the elite 'Celestial Plateau' restaurant. The city lights zipped by, creating a mesmerizing blur, but inside the limo, the world seemed to slow. It was just them—two souls amidst the vast city, en route to an evening that promised to be memorable.

"Are you excited?" Haruto asked, breaking the silence.

Canary looked at him, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It's not every day you get to dine at the Celestial Plateau. But more than that, it's the company that makes it special."

The limo pulled up to the skyscraper's entrance. The greeter, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, recognized Haruto immediately and nodded respectfully. "Welcome, King Haruto, Miss Canary. It's an honor to have you both at the Celestial Plateau tonight."

"Thank you," Haruto replied, his tone courteous yet authoritative.

Inside, the restaurant was a testament to luxury and elegance. Tall glass windows provided a panoramic view of the glittering city below. The ambient lighting created an intimate atmosphere, and soft instrumental music played in the background.

A maitre d' led them to a private section overlooking the city, the table set for two, adorned with crystal glassware and fine porcelain. "Your table, Your Highness," he said, pulling out a chair for Canary.

"Thank you," Canary replied, taking her seat.

Once they were settled, a sommelier approached. "A special bottle for this evening, on the house," he announced, presenting a vintage wine.

The wine was decanted gracefully, the rich aroma wafting through the air as the sommelier poured the liquid into their glasses. Haruto swirled his glass gently, admiring the wine's deep ruby hue before taking a tentative sip. Canary followed suit, her eyes momentarily closing to savor the flavors.

"Not bad," Haruto mused, taking another sip.

Canary nodded in agreement. "One of the finest I've tasted. They certainly know how to impress their guests here."

As the night progressed, Haruto and Canary delved into various topics, their discussions reflecting their unique status and the world they inhabited. The gentle clink of their cutlery accompanied their conversation, adding a rhythm to the evening.

"I heard the V5 is planning a summit next month in Padokia," Canary said, referring to the five major world powers. "They want to address the increased presence of rogue Nen users along their borders."

Haruto considered this. "It's a growing concern. Many are flocking to the allure of power without understanding the responsibilities and dangers associated with Nen."

The first course arrived—a delicate foie gras terrine, garnished with a truffle reduction. Haruto tasted it, nodding appreciatively at the rich flavors.

Their meal progressed, and they enjoyed a range of gourmet dishes, from steamed grouper with ginger-infused sauce to succulent cuts of Aijin beef, seasoned to perfection. The two spoke of nations, trade deals, and the latest whispers in the underworld—topics befitting their status, yet their conversation remained fluid and intimate.

Dessert was served—a masterful assembly of textures and flavors: a delicate sorbet of Golden Gossamer fruit, renowned in the Yorbian continent for its fleeting seasonal presence, paired with a rich custard made from Meteor Valley milk.

"This reminds me," Canary began, a glint of mirth in her eyes, "of the time you had Feitan and Phinx scale the Yorbian cliffs for a single Gossamer fruit, only to find it wasn't the right season."

Haruto smirked, recalling the memory. "A youthful whim. I think they've yet to forgive me for that escapade."

Canary chuckled, "They endured quite the journey, but the tales they returned with—priceless."

Haruto took a spoonful of the dessert, savoring the exquisite blend. "A testament to the adage that sometimes, it's the journey and not the destination."

Canary nodded, "Intriguing how some lessons come from the most unexpected quarters."


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