Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

N99- Have Dinner With Me

With Canary's each word, the Ten Dons sweated. How could they not recognize the speech that had reverberated throughout the world? When the Meteor Kingdom first released this warning, all the other countries had laughed, but soon their laughter turned into incredulous silence. Meteor Kingdom had risen so rapidly, becoming a powerhouse in technology and Nen—a secret few knew—and consolidated their power. No one dared to even harbor the thought of crossing this Kingdom. The Ten Dons knew it too, but far away from the Kingdom, in the shadows, they ran their businesses, hoping they wouldn't be noticed.

Canary stepped back, giving a respectful nod to Haruto before rejoining him. He did not speak, but his eyes swept over the assembly, capturing each individual in an unspoken understanding of their new reality.

"What say you, Ten Dons?" Canary finally broke the silence, the weight of her question hanging in the air.

Nothing. What could they say? They were caught red-handed. Haruto tilted his head, the movement a simple and yet all-encompassing gesture that carried the weight of an unspoken verdict.

"Underground of Yorknew City, you are no more."

Canary, Machi, and Kortopi moved at the same time, their actions fluid like clockwork. Haruto watched them, his gaze a tacit seal of approval on their ensuing activities. Shadow Beasts—the Nen Masters committed to protect the Ten Dons—materialized out of the thin air, but their presence was as futile as a candle's flame in a storm.

Canary vanished into the shadows, emerging next to Leech, her blade singing a song of retribution. His eyes widened, the swarm of leeches he summoned dissipating into oblivion. Before he could even grasp the weight of his mistake, Canary's blade had already punctuated the end of his life. She stepped back, her figure blending into the darkness once more.

Machi’s needles glittered under the dim light as they found their way into Owl's and Worm's vital points. They froze, their Nen abilities rendered useless as the needles manipulated their aura channels. Machi pulled the threads tied to her needles, and in a grotesque display of her mastery over Nen, Owl and Worm crumbled to the ground, lifeless.

Kortopi, whose stoic demeanor rarely faltered, charged. His fists were his narrative, each blow a sentence, each contact an exclamation point. Porcupine, Rabid Dog, and Hedgehog could barely muster their Nen abilities before they were met with Kortopi's brute force. Their powers—once frightening and unyielding—now looked like childish tricks before his unspoken might.

Fish tried to create a pool of dread but found himself drowning in it as Machi’s needles sealed his fate. Bat attempted to envelop the area in darkness, but Canary appeared out of nowhere, her blade slashing through the veil and ending Bat's life. Frog’s attempts to consume Kortopi's essence were futile; Kortopi broke free, turning Frog's void of oblivion into his own tomb.

The remaining Shadow Beasts, Mule and Hedgehog, tried to bolster their Nen defenses. Mule's strength, which could usually withstand the fiercest of storms, was nothing before Haruto’s unyielding aura. A simple flick of Haruto's wrist, and Mule was down, his mountain of strength reduced to a molehill.

The once-entrenched and unassailable power structure of Yorknew City’s underworld had been annihilated in a matter of minutes.

Haruto finally stood up, stepping down from his throne. No words were needed as he walked past the lifeless bodies of the Shadow Beasts, his mere passage through the room an unspoken testament to his authority and dominion.

He reached the Ten Dons who were now quivering, their facades shattered, their underworld empire in ruins.

"What say you, Ten Dons?" Canary finally broke the silence, but this time her words were almost redundant. Their very existence was the answer.

Haruto looked at them, his eyes locking onto each one's. They couldn't meet his gaze, their eyes shifting away.

"Thought so." Haruto’s words were soft, almost a whisper, but they carried an irrevocable judgment. "Your reign ends here."

Turning away, Haruto walked back to his throne. Canary, Machi, and Kortopi joined him, their actions having spoken volumes, their loyalties evident.

"You can dismantle this pitiful establishment," Haruto commanded, his voice not rising, but every syllable filled with an irrefutable finality. "The Meteor Kingdom has spoken."

As he said so, the army of the United States of Saherta stormed the underground, their entrance marked by the immediate presence of Nen Masters from the Hunter Association. Haruto had already foreseen this, allowing President Hiden the freedom to bend the narrative as he saw fit. His objective had been clear—to send a message. He had no care for stealing the spotlight. Hiden could have it; it made no difference to him.

With the serene grace of an unfolding lotus, Haruto turned and began walking towards the exit. Canary, Machi, and Kortopi followed suit, their movements synchronized yet distinct, each a complement to Haruto's tacit authority. Cameras flashed, capturing this historic moment, but Haruto's focus wasn't on the lenses aimed at him. Instead, his gaze fell on Canary for just a moment, and in that unspoken exchange, an entire universe of understanding unfolded.

The Hunter Association’s Nen Masters began detaining the Ten Dons and their subordinates, but Haruto and his group walked by, seemingly oblivious yet deeply aware.

As Haruto and his group returned to the palace provided by President Hiden, Canary relayed updates on the international stage. "The Kakin Empire has labeled your actions as impulsive, deeming you a child king. Some nations, however, have voiced their support," Canary informed.

Haruto merely nodded, eyes closed. "And the citizens of Meteor Kingdom?"

"They're appearing worldwide, free from their shackles," she continued.

Haruto opened his eyes. "Good, that's as it should be."

The palace's interior was a display of modern opulence, a far cry from the dark underbelly they had just purged. As they entered, the four settled into the plush seating area. Haruto took his place at the center; Machi, Kortopi, and Canary naturally took their positions around him, like planets revolving around their sun.

"I have to say," Machi began, "The reaction from the Kakin Empire is bold, especially considering their own dealings."

Haruto smiled ever so faintly. "Insecurity often manifests as loud judgment. We have little to worry about."

"And what if they attempt to move against us?" Kortopi asked, his voice ever so neutral, yet tinged with underlying curiosity.

Haruto looked at him. "They won't, and if they do, they'll learn why it's a mistake."

Canary's eyes met Haruto's for a fleeting moment. He didn't need to say anything; her knowing glance told him she understood.

Turning to Canary, he said, "Arrange a conference call with the allied nations. I want them to hear from me directly. Oh, and get the lawyers started on drafting economic sanctions against all countries still holding our citizens."

"Understood," Canary replied, before pausing and adding, "Haruto."

As she turned to leave, Haruto called out, "Canary, have dinner with me tonight."

The slight blush that brushed Canary's cheeks was something no one else in the room could understand—nor was it meant for them to. "Yes, Haruto," she managed, her tone professional but unable to mask the underlying emotion.

Kortopi and Machi exchanged glances, recognizing the palpable change in the room's energy.


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