Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch13- Operation Begins!

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Feitan and Haruto's relationship was complicated, entwined by a strange fusion of brotherhood and hierarchy. He found the infant Haruto in the crumpled ruins of a burnt-out home in Meteor City. The infant's cries echoed through the rubble, and Feitan, a mere toddler himself, stumbled upon the wailing baby. From that day on, he considered Haruto his brother, taking care of him with an almost parental instinct.

Yet, as they grew, the dynamics subtly shifted. Feitan, once the protector, found himself following Haruto, his natural gravitation toward leadership evident even in his infancy. There was a magnetism to Haruto that Feitan could not ignore. A silent promise of greatness whispered through Haruto’s every action and, in some strange way, Feitan felt it was contagious. He could see their lives stretching out before them, intertwined in a destiny that would raise them above the rubble from which they came.

Their bond was built on shared trauma and a common goal: survival. Yet, as Haruto began to exhibit traits of authority and majesty reminiscent of a legendary King, Feitan found himself drawn into the whirlwind of Haruto’s innate ambition. He didn't question Haruto's leadership, not out of a lack of understanding or ambition but because he saw in Haruto a reflection of his own aspirations. It wasn't blind faith that led Feitan; it was a shared dream of overcoming their beginnings and making a mark on the world.

As Feitan disappeared into the darkness, leaving Canary to her watch, his mind whirled with the strategy Haruto had laid out. The village of Dosu lay below them, seemingly peaceful under the soft glow of lamps and a blanket of stars, oblivious to the storm about to descend.

Stepping into the shadowed path leading to the village, Haruto moved with calculated grace, his dark eyes gleaming with determination. Phinks followed closely behind, his muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. Haruto's command echoed in his mind: stealth first, combat later.

Kagen's residence, a pretentious structure looming at the heart of the village, was not far now. The two young infiltrators kept to the darker paths, carefully avoiding the sparse patrols of Kagen's henchmen. As they neared, they could sense the presence of two distinct Nen users - a warning of the resistance they were about to face.

Haruto signaled to Phinks to halt with a swift hand gesture. "Wait. The aura is stronger here. Two Nen users. We need to proceed with caution."

Phinks frowned, his instinct to rush headlong into battle at odds with Haruto's calculated approach. However, he held his ground. Haruto's leadership was not to be questioned. He had proven his strategic acuity time and time again, often saving their lives in the process.

As Haruto slowly led the way, they could sense the two Nen users more distinctly. They were indeed inside Kagen's residence, their auras swirling in a turbulent mix of anticipation and readiness. Haruto knew they were aware of the impending attack.

Without exchanging words, Haruto and Phinks slipped into the manor, the silent shadows their accomplices. The dimly lit halls echoed with the soft hum of their target's Nen, its intensity sending a clear signal: they were ready.

Suddenly, two figures appeared from the darkness. A tall man, his aura bristling with a chill akin to a winter gale, and a shorter woman, her aura seething with the intensity of a wildfire. They were Kagen's Nen protectors.

"Who dares to infiltrate our master's abode?" The woman's voice echoed menacingly through the hall.

Haruto stepped forward, his gaze as firm as steel. "We are here for Kagen. Stand aside, or you will be eliminated."

His warning was met with cruel laughter. The man stepped forward, an icy wind seeming to accompany his movement. "Eliminated, you say?" He smirked, his aura intensifying. "I'd like to see you try brats!"

Without any further provocation, the battle commenced. Phinks lunged at the woman, his aura flaring up. His fists hammered through the air, each strike a blur of power and speed. The woman nimbly dodged his blows, her fiery aura crackling as she retaliated with swift, lethal strikes.

Meanwhile, Haruto engaged the man. His aura was a quiet storm, a manifestation of his calm yet deadly determination. Every move he made was precise, every strike aimed to incapacitate his opponent. Despite the disparity in their ages and experiences, Haruto held his ground, his determination unwavering.

As Phinks squared off against the woman, he felt a surge of adrenaline. She had a fierce aura around her, intimidating despite her petite size. Phinks, who was more muscle than finesse, squared his shoulders and charged at her.

He swung his fist, expecting it to land solidly against her body, but she moved with a swift, catlike grace, easily sidestepping his punch. His fist hit nothing but air. Before he could recover, she was already attacking. Her movements were a sharp contrast to his. Where he was strength and brute force, she was agility and precision.

"Hah, not as easy as you thought?" Her voice was a low, mocking purr as she dodged another punch from Phinks, countering with a rapid flurry of hits that sent him stumbling backwards.

Phinks grunted in frustration. He was not used to being on the backfoot, especially against an opponent who, on first glance, seemed so much less formidable than him. But he underestimated the strength that Nen could provide. Her every move was enhanced, her strikes carrying an additional force that Phinks struggled to counter.

In his peripheral vision, Phinks saw Haruto trading blows with the tall man. Their battle seemed equally intense, the air around them crackling with their combined auras. But he couldn't afford to be distracted. The woman was not giving him any room to breathe, let alone observe.

"Keep up, little boy!" Her taunting words were accompanied by a swift roundhouse kick, which Phinks narrowly managed to block.

Phinks responded with a growl, his anger flaring. He hated being underestimated and mocked. He rushed at her, trying to use his superior size and strength to his advantage. However, every punch he threw, she evaded with a graceful twist or turn, making him feel clumsy and slow in comparison.


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