Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch14- A Real Battle

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This was not a typical brawl, where his brute strength could easily overpower his opponents. The woman was a skilled Nen user, her body enhanced with an energy that Phinks could not compete with. He was panting heavily, his muscles straining with the effort of keeping up with her.

"You're all brawn and no brains," she taunted, her words punctuated by a sharp punch to his stomach.

Doubling over from the blow, Phinks spat out a retort, "And you're all talk, lady!"

Phinks's anger erupted like a raging wildfire, his muscles straining as he retaliated. He could not use Nen, but that didn't mean he couldn't fight. He fell back on his other training, Rhythmic Echo and Shadow Steps, techniques that focused on footwork and timing. He attempted to create an illusion of his movement, echoing his previous position while launching himself at her from another angle.

"Let's see how you handle this," Phinks growled, his voice echoing through the hall.

His form shimmered, his movements too fast for the naked eye to follow. The woman hesitated, her eyes trying to keep up with his rapid movement. Phinks saw an opening and threw a punch, but she nimbly sidestepped, her body flickering with the intensity of her Nen.

He felt the air swoosh past his fist, a harsh reminder of the difference in their abilities. Phinks was strong, but this woman, this Nen user, was on another level.

His mind raced, thoughts tumbling over one another in a desperate search for a solution. He needed a new tactic, a new strategy. He needed to remember everything Koshiro had drilled into him during their arduous training sessions.

Meanwhile, Haruto and his opponent clashed, their battle echoing through the halls of Kagen's residence. Their movements were fluid and coordinated, like a deadly dance. Haruto was holding his own, his king-like demeanor emanating with every move he made.

Phinks stole a glance at Haruto, a grimace etched on his face. He couldn't afford to lose. Not here, not now. He couldn't let Haruto down.

He breathed in deeply, centering his mind. His training with Koshiro flickered in his memory. He focused on the echoes of Koshiro's advice: exploit weaknesses, anticipate movements, use the environment. These were things Phinks could do, even without Nen.

His eyes flicked around the room, taking in the pillars, the grand staircase, the decorative hangings on the wall. He quickly formulated a plan. He had to be faster, smarter.

Phinks shifted his footing, launching into a series of Shadow Steps, his body moving in an unpredictable pattern. His rapid movement forced the woman to retreat, creating space for him to maneuver.

"Stand still, you irritating boy!" she spat, her frustration evident.

Phinks just smirked, "What's wrong, lady? Can't keep up?"

Phinks felt a surge of satisfaction at her evident annoyance. His taunts seemed to be working, drawing her focus away from their battle. He needed to keep her off balance, to take the offensive.

Phinks advanced, his movements a blur. He darted around the woman, his every action calculated to confuse and bewilder her. She swung at him, her aura flaring, but he dodged, his form flickering between one position and another.

Suddenly, he launched himself at a nearby pillar, using it to propel himself forward with more force. His fist connected with her side, sending her stumbling back. A triumphant grin spread across Phinks's face. His strategy was working.

However, the woman recovered quickly. She spun around, her aura swirling around her like a flame. Phinks felt a chill run down his spine. This was not over, not by a long shot.

She charged at him, her aura flaring. Phinks tried to dodge, but he wasn't quick enough. A punch landed on his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

Meanwhile, Haruto engaged the man. His aura was a quiet storm, a manifestation of his calm yet deadly determination. Every move he made was precise, every strike aimed to incapacitate his opponent. Despite the disparity in their ages and experiences, Haruto held his ground, his determination unwavering.

The grand hall of Kagen's residence echoed with the rising crescendo of battle. The Nen-imbued protectors moved like specters, their auras blazing with fierce intensity. Haruto and Phinks moved in sync, their determination matched only by their audacity.

For Haruto, the battlefield was not just a war zone but a vast game board. The Nen users were chess pieces, moving strategically, exploiting every possible advantage. Haruto, however, was not a pawn on the board, but the player maneuvering the pieces. This perspective, this calculated detachment, was his strength.

Despite his young age, Haruto was remarkably adept at quickly assessing the situation. He saw patterns in the chaos, identified strengths and weaknesses, and exploited them with the precision of a seasoned tactician. Even without using Nen, he was formidable.

"Underestimate me at your peril," he warned, his voice echoing through the hall.

The older Nen user, his aura rippling around him, sneered at Haruto's statement. "You're just a child, you stand no chance." He lunged, his fist swinging toward Haruto in a devastating arc.

The older man was fast, but Haruto was faster. He sidestepped the attack, closing in on his opponent's flank. His agile movement, a blur to the untrained eye, spoke volumes about his combat proficiency.

"You speak too much," Haruto retorted, striking back. His fists moved in a series of swift jabs, each strike calculated to bring his adversary down.

"You're just a brat!" the man repeated, seething with frustration as he attempted to strike Haruto once more.

The king-like demeanor of the young boy in front of him, paired with the daunting reality of his swiftly deteriorating position, was causing his temper to flare. He swung his aura about him in a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, but Haruto's agility and keen perception kept him one step ahead.

“Child or not, I’m your adversary,” Haruto retorted, effortlessly dodging another reckless lunge. He allowed himself a fleeting smirk, his calmness contrasting sharply with the man's mounting agitation.

The man’s brows knitted, the room turning more intense with every passing second. "Silence! You won't be smirking for long!"


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