Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch15- Nen Battle

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Haruto found amusement in his opponent’s outbursts. His lips quirked up, a glimpse of arrogance surfacing. "Interesting. I always thought Nen users were supposed to be composed."

"I’ll show you composed," the man growled, lunging towards Haruto with his fist wreathed in furious Nen.

Haruto danced away, nimbly avoiding the enraged man's assault. He was akin to a shadow, the echo of his movements lingering just long enough to mislead his opponent, only to appear elsewhere in the next breath. His boyish frame was deceptively agile, a surprising grace lending elegance to his evasion.

"I didn't come here to engage in idle talk," Haruto declared, closing the distance once again. He was quick as a flash, darting forward and aiming a series of precise strikes at his adversary's exposed flank.

Caught off guard, the man attempted to spin around, to shield himself from Haruto’s assault. But Haruto was faster, landing a swift kick that sent the man sprawling on the floor.

The man was back on his feet in an instant, a fresh surge of aura coating his body. "Insolent brat!"

"Your stance is off," Haruto said, his voice even. He circled his opponent, eyes narrowing slightly at the pattern of the man's aura. He might not be able to use Nen yet, but he had a keen sense for it, for its rhythm and flow.

The man, however, was becoming more and more agitated by Haruto's cool composure. His aura spiked and swirled unpredictably, like a storm threatening to burst its banks.

"What would you know?" the man snapped, lunging at Haruto with a grunt of effort.

Haruto easily sidestepped the attack, a wisp of a smirk playing on his lips. "Quite a lot, it would seem."

His voice, level and composed, was a stark contrast to the older man's increasing frustration. The man charged at him again, each attack growing wilder than the last. But Haruto was unfazed. He saw the battlefield as a chessboard, each move made by his opponent a piece in a grand strategy. Except that his adversary’s moves were becoming more and more desperate, his strategy unraveling.

"Predictable," Haruto said, evading another punch. He had studied his adversary's movements, his strategy, his weaknesses. Each attack thrown at him was not a threat, but an opportunity.

"Shut up!" The man's aura flared, his control slipping. "You're just a child, you have no right—"

But Haruto was already on the move. He ducked under the man's wild punch, darting to the side and landing a quick jab at his opponent’s exposed side. The man stumbled, a grunt of surprise and pain escaping him.

Haruto didn’t wait for his opponent to recover. "Rights have nothing to do with it." He struck again, targeting the man’s weak points with unerring precision. Each move was calculated, his target clear.

"Stop... mocking me!" The man seethed, his aura spiraling out of control.

"Stop making it so easy," Haruto retorted, a spark of challenge in his eyes. He danced around the man, drawing him further into the open, away from any potential cover.

Haruto's sharp wit, his boyish arrogance, and his unyielding determination, all were reminiscent of the King-like aura he seemed to embody. It was as if he saw himself not as a player on the board but as the one controlling the game. Even without Nen, his presence was formidable.

The man’s anger bubbled over, his aura flaring out in a chaotic burst of energy. "I'll crush you!"

Haruto merely grinned at the threat, his eyes glinting in anticipation. He moved with grace, avoiding the man's desperate lunges with ease. "Your actions speak louder than your words," he said, his voice calm as he countered the man's reckless assault.

"No more games!" the man roared, gathering his energy for a direct attack.

Haruto met his gaze head-on, his eyes glowing with steely resolve. "Oh, I assure you," he said, "I am quite bored of it already."

Haruto’s eyes flickered to Phinks, gauging the progress of his battle. The burly boy was engaged in a whirlwind of movement against the fiery woman, his powerful blows causing the air to shudder. Even as Phinks was being pushed back, a triumphant grin was plastered across his face. The boy thrived on the challenge, his muscles straining against the force of the Nen user's attacks.

Haruto took in the scene with the keen awareness of a chessmaster surveying the game board. A strategic idea sparked in his mind, one that required impeccable timing and skillful maneuvering.

“Phinks, change of plan!” Haruto called out, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle. The brawl in the room seemed to still for a moment as Phinks’s focus shifted, eyeing Haruto with newfound interest.

"The plan was fine," Phinks grumbled back, dodging a blazing swipe from the woman.

"No more brute force. Draw her out," Haruto instructed, his gaze not leaving the irate man in front of him.

As Phinks skillfully began to retreat, drawing the woman away from his own fight, Haruto returned his attention to his own opponent. His mind was racing, each second bringing him closer to the moment of execution.

"Hiding behind your friend now, are you?" the man sneered, gathering his energy for a powerful attack.

"Is that fear I hear?" Haruto retorted, meeting his opponent’s gaze with a smirk.

The man's face twisted in rage, his hand glowing with swirling Nen. "I'll show you fear!"

But Haruto was already moving, positioning himself strategically between his opponent and Phinks’s adversary. As the man charged forward, Haruto nimbly sidestepped, leaving nothing but open air between the man's deadly punch and the woman's unsuspecting form.

The man's attack found a new target. Caught off guard and completely unsuspecting, the woman turned just in time to meet the full brunt of the man's ferocious strike. The force of the blow was so immense that it caved in her skull, spraying blood and bits of bone across the marble floor.

The hall fell into an eerie silence as the woman's lifeless body crumpled to the ground. The man stood frozen in disbelief, his fist still extended, dripping with the woman's blood. A cacophonous ringing echoed through the space, amplifying the shock of what had just occurred.


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