Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch23- Chessboard

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The harsh winds of Meteor City whipped through the training grounds, churning up dust and debris as the four young combatants squared off. Haruto, standing at the center of the makeshift arena, eyed his opponents with a calculating gaze. Feitan, Canary, and Phinx returned the stare, their stances mirroring their individual determination. They didn’t have Hatsu yet, but they made up for it with pure tenacity.

"Stay out of each other's way," Haruto warned, his tone as cold as the wind sweeping across their faces. He maneuvered himself strategically, forcing the others to counteract each other's attacks rather than focus on him. This was a lesson they had learned the hard way - in a fight, every advantage counts, and Haruto was proving to be a master strategist.

With a burst of Nen energy, the training battle commenced. Feitan was the first to strike, his speed astonishing, darting towards Haruto with an aggressiveness that belied his age. But Haruto was ready, shifting his position in a way that put Canary directly in Feitan's path.

Caught off guard, Canary stumbled back, muttering a curse under her breath. Phinx seized the opportunity to move in on Haruto, but the young prodigy was already three steps ahead. Phinx found himself lunging towards Canary instead, who narrowly avoided his incoming attack.

Feitan growled in annoyance, quickly adjusting his trajectory to prevent crashing into Canary. The three of them were soon locked in a chaotic frenzy of attacks, each narrowly avoiding the other’s strike due to Haruto’s meticulous orchestration.

“Stop getting in my way!” Feitan snarled at the others, his eyes flaring with anger.

“Look who’s talking!” Phinx retorted, narrowly sidestepping a lunge from Feitan.

The next three years were a blur, filled with grueling training sessions that pushed their bodies to the limit. Koshiro taught them the basics of Nen - a foundational aspect of their power that was crucial to their survival. They learned to channel their life energy into physical strength, resilience, and speed. The training was relentless, pushing them to the brink of collapse each day. Yet, they persevered, each driven by their individual goals and the shared camaraderie that stemmed from their common circumstances.

Haruto grew into his role as the group's tacit leader. His inherent majesty and ambition were evident in his every move. He led by example, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to their collective cause. Despite his youth, his authority was rarely questioned, commanding respect from his comrades.

Feitan, with his explosive temper and unyielding determination, proved himself to be a force to be reckoned with. His ruthlessness often sent shivers down the spines of his companions, but he was dependable in his own way.

Phinx, despite his inherent nonchalance, was ever reliable. His strength and resolve were rivaled only by his loyalty to his companions. He would go to the ends of the earth for them, a fact they all acknowledged and respected.

Canary, the youngest of the group, held her own with remarkable tenacity. Quiet yet fierce, she adapted and learned with a speed that often left the others in awe. Despite her soft-spoken nature, she carried a strength that was impossible to ignore.

"You always play the same hand, Feitan," Haruto taunted, moving just enough to put Phinx in the path of another of Feitan's relentless attacks. "Unpredictability is a weapon too."

“Damn it, Haruto!” Phinx snapped, blocking Feitan’s incoming blow. “Stop playing puppeteer!”

“I’d prefer not to be a puppet then!” Canary called, her nimble movements a stark contrast to the brute force displayed by the boys.

Haruto chuckled, a hint of condescension in his tone, "I control the battlefield. That's why I lead and you follow."

Feitan gritted his teeth but said nothing. He knew Haruto was right. For now. And that 'now' was the motivation for Feitan to push harder, train harder. Haruto’s arrogance was his motivation.

As the dust settled, their bodies drenched in sweat and their breaths heavy, Koshiro’s words echoed in their minds. "Remember, power is earned, not given."

The day of Hatsu creation finally arrived, bathed in the golden light of the morning sun. Koshiro, a weathered man of 67 winters, took his usual place across from Haruto, Feitan, Phinx, and Canary in the training yard. There was an anticipatory silence as Koshiro set before each of them a cup of water with a leaf floating atop its surface.

Koshiro began to outline the six categories of Nen mastery. His voice, though gruff from age, carried an undeniable gravity as he explained. He spoke of Enhancers, whose Nen alters the volume of the water. He talked of Transmuters, who change the taste of the water with their aura. Emitters, he explained, change the color of the water, while Conjurers cause impurities to appear in it. Manipulators, he described, can move the leaf without touching it, and then there were the Specialists, who cause changes that fall outside the norm.

Once the explanations were finished, it was time for the test. Canary went first, her aura seeping into the water, changing its taste subtly. A soft gasp left her lips as she processed the implications. She was a Transmuter.

Next was Phinx. As his aura mingled with the water, it caused the volume to increase slightly, revealing him as an Enhancer. A smirk played on his lips, but he said nothing, merely stepping back to allow the next in line.

Feitan followed, his aura causing small impurities to appear in the water. A Conjurer, his aura proclaimed him. He sneered at the water, kicking the cup away before moving aside with a huff of annoyance.

Haruto was the last. The moment his aura touched the water, the leaf on top corroded instantly. A chill ran through the yard as the other leaves began to corrode as well, disintegrating as though they had been kissed by an invisible acid. The young boy remained unaffected, his gaze as icy as ever, merely watching the spectacle in silence.


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