Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch24- Hatsu!

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The scene was familiar to them. Haruto's Nen was so potent that it often triggered involuntary reactions from the environment around him, especially when his mood shifted. His Specialist type was unique, even among Specialists. The corroding leaves were an ominous visual cue of his unique capabilities, a haunting reminder of the raw power he possessed.

“Who would have guessed, eh?” Phinx muttered, sidestepping the now wilted leaves around his feet.

Feitan only grunted in response, his sharp gaze fixed on Haruto, who stood in the midst of the corroded leaves, untouched and unmoved.

Canary, however, remained silent, her eyes flitting between Haruto and the wilted leaves around him. But she didn't step away. She moved closer to Haruto, a silent declaration of unwavering loyalty, despite the manifest power that just showcased itself.

“Today, we begin the process of developing your Hatsu,” Koshiro announced. His words echoed in the yard, the only noise cutting through the tense silence. “Remember, a Hatsu is the reflection of oneself. It is an embodiment of who you are.”

He paced the length of the training yard, his gaze heavy on each of them. “Enhancers, like you Phinx, typically create Hatsus focused on reinforcing their natural abilities or objects. The attack can be straightforward but powerful.”

Phinx just nodded, accepting the information without question.

"Transmuters often create Hatsus that involve transforming their aura into a substance or property they can manipulate," Koshiro continued, turning his gaze onto Canary. "Like altering the properties of your Nen to be sharp, hot, or even sticky."

Canary gave a quiet nod, her eyes serious as she absorbed the information.

“Conjurers, such as you, Feitan,” Koshiro said, leveling his gaze at the young boy, “create Hatsus that involve conjuring objects with their aura. These can range from simple physical objects to complex mechanisms, even mimicking special abilities.”

Feitan met his gaze and shrugged. It wasn’t a dismissive gesture, but more of an acknowledgment of his words.

Koshiro turned to Haruto last, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “Specialists... they are unpredictable. They tend to develop unique abilities that do not fall into the other categories. Their Hatsus can range from manipulating others to precognition. Only time will tell, Haruto.”

Haruto nodded, his expression unreadable.

The yard fell into a contemplative silence as each of them considered their possible Hatsus, the possibilities as limitless as their imaginations.

A sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air as Koshiro began to outline how their Nen types corresponded to varying levels of proficiency in manipulating their aura. "Remember," he began, his voice steady despite his advanced age, "While each type has the most proficiency in their main category, this proficiency lessens as it moves across the types. Like water trickling from its source, it loses its intensity as it moves further away."

He picked up a stick from the ground, sketching a circle in the dust, and divided it into sections. Each section bore a name representing the different Nen types. He pointed towards the Enhancer section and traced a line to the neighboring types: Transmuter and Emitter. “An Enhancer like you, Phinx, has 80% proficiency in Emission and Transmutation. However, it drops to 60% in Manipulation and Conjuration.”

Moving his stick, he pointed towards the Transmuter section next, and the process was repeated. “Canary, as a Transmuter, you will have similar proficiency in Manipulation and Enhancement, with a lower affinity for Emission and Conjuration.”

Feitan listened attentively, as Koshiro traced a similar pattern for him, focusing on the Conjuration part of the circle. “Being a Conjurer, Feitan, you share the same affinity with Canary, but in a different order, of course.”

"And now for you, Haruto," Koshiro turned towards the silent boy, his voice carrying an undercurrent of curiosity. "Specialization is... different. It's an anomaly within the Nen system. Specialists possess abilities that do not fall into the five other categories and cannot be replicated, regardless of how close one may be to this category. You could say, it's exclusive in its truest sense."

The old man paused, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, "Just like the people who possess it. Unpredictable and unique."

Haruto remained unmoving, a thin eyebrow arching in response to Koshiro's statement. His silence seemed to amplify his aura of authority, drawing the unwavering attention of the others.

The dust of the training grounds twisted into small cyclones as a gust of wind blew through the yard. Haruto's gaze flickered over the area, his mind undoubtedly churning with possibilities.

A brief silence followed, only broken by the rustling of corroded leaves under Koshiro's feet as he moved back to his original position, signaling the end of the day's session. "Remember," he warned as he started to leave, "Your Hatsu is not just a mere technique, but a reflection of your very soul. Choose wisely."

Canary was the first to move after the aged man had left. She moved closer to Haruto, her footsteps as silent as the breeze that danced around them. Her actions, though simple, were filled with a resolve stronger than any words could convey.

Phinx, not to be left out, stepped up as well, his eyes meeting Haruto's, acknowledging him in a silent agreement. His actions were less delicate than Canary's, yet they carried the same message.

Feitan remained where he was, his hands clenched at his sides. His eyes never left Haruto, a fierce flame burning within them. He wasn't one for open expressions, yet the silence he maintained spoke louder than words.

With that, the four dispersed, each disappearing into their own corners of the compound, deep in thought about their potential Hatsus.

The next few weeks were a storm of brainstorming and trial-and-error, their daily schedules packed with rigorous training and constant practice. The yard resonated with the sound of focused grunts and the occasional outburst, a testament to the intense dedication each carried.

Hatsu creation was a daunting task, not something achieved in a fleeting moment of inspiration. The process was painstakingly slow, requiring patience and rigorous attention to detail. While the young students were wrestling with their newfound abilities, Koshiro began teaching them more advanced applications of Nen.

One of the first techniques was Gyo, a method of concentrating a larger than normal portion of Nen into a particular body part. Haruto, ever the strategist, found this technique particularly useful. It allowed him to sense hidden movements, enhancing his tactical acuity on the battlefield.

In was another crucial application, an advanced form of Zetsu, allowing them to hide their aura from others while still being able to use it. It was here that Canary's natural stealth came into play. Her abilities, already impressive, were significantly augmented by In, making her an even more formidable opponent.

The use of Ken was introduced to them as a means to defend against enemy attacks. Essentially a defensive application of Zetsu, Ken allowed the user to extend their aura evenly across their body, serving as a shield. Phinx, with his sturdy build and unyielding resolve, was a natural at this, his aura's protective capacity seeming almost impenetrable.

Ryu, the technique of fluidly shifting Nen proportions in different body parts, was something Feitan, despite his volatile temper, took to with surprising grace. His fluid, unpredictable movements made him an even more challenging adversary, the added dimension of Ryu enhancing his natural agility.

Shu was another technique they learned, an extension of Ten, allowing the user to extend their aura over objects to use them more effectively. Haruto took a particular interest in this technique, seeing potential beyond the immediate. He often tested this application on mundane objects, exploring the possible strategies he could incorporate with such a technique.

Finally, they were taught Ko, a deadly application of Zetsu involving the concentration of all the user's aura into one particular body part. Though dangerous due to the exposure it caused, the damage it could inflict was considerable. This technique had a raw, brutal appeal that Feitan was drawn to. The inherent risk was part of the allure for him.


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