Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch69- Welcome to Kukan’yu Kingdom

Time seemed to warp, and soon the announcement came of their impending descent. They were landing at a secluded airport, reserved for the delegates of esteemed nations. As the plane touched down, a burst of activity began within the jet.

Canary, her protective instincts taking over, took her position behind Haruto, ensuring his safety.

Canary stood vigilant behind Haruto, every nerve in her body attuned to potential threats. As the jet's door opened, a small delegation from the Kukan'yu Kingdom greeted them, all dressed in ceremonial attire befitting their roles.

An elegant woman stepped forward, her voice resonating with a blend of warmth and formality. "Welcome to Kukan'yu Kingdom, King Haruto. We are honored by your visit."

Haruto met her gaze, the sheer intensity of his eyes commanding respect, yet he spoke with an almost disinterested tone, "The pleasure is mine."

Feitan, observing from the sidelines, whispered to Phinx, "Remember, this is just a pitstop. The main event awaits."

Phinx nodded subtly, the shared knowledge between them palpable. They both understood the significance of this journey and the underlying conditions set by Feitan.

The Kukan'yu representative continued, "We have arranged accommodations befitting your status, Your Highness. Please allow us to escort you."

"Lead the way," Haruto responded with a simple nod, his demeanor exuding an air of effortless authority.

As the group moved towards the arranged convoy, Killua's eyes darted around with unbridled curiosity. Yet, amidst the grandeur of his surroundings, he felt the weight of insignificance. While Haruto and his entourage were treated with utmost reverence, Killua was like an afterthought. The towering figures around him seemed worlds apart, their experiences and stature dwarfing his own.

Trying to break through the layers of formalities, Killua piped up, "This place looks amazing! I've heard stories about Kukan'yu Kingdom, but seeing it firsthand is something else!"

Feitan smirked, ruffling Killua's hair in a rare show of affection, "Save your excitement, kid. The real show hasn't started."

Pakunoda, catching up to them, playfully remarked, "Patience is a virtue, young one."

Killua's grin was almost sheepish, "Guess I'm just too eager."

The convoy came to a halt in front of a grand edifice, second only to the royal palace in grandiosity. Towering marble pillars framed an entrance that seemed to beckon visitors with its aura of subtle dominance. As they entered, every attendant – be it a servant, maid, butler, or worker – stopped what they were doing and offered Haruto a silent, respectful bow. Their deference was palpable.

Approaching him was the lead delegate from the Kukan'yu Kingdom. “King Haruto,” she began, her voice echoing a reverence reserved for a select few, “This residence shall serve as your haven during your stay. Every comfort has been arranged for, every whim anticipated.”

Phinx, carrying the weight of his role as Minister of Foreign Affairs, responded with a nod of gratitude. "Your hospitality is appreciated."

The delegate, her posture impeccably straight, shared the plan for the morrow. "Tomorrow, our King wishes to engage in an official meeting with you. Following its conclusion, the two of you will address the press, revealing the outcome of your discussions. In this session, the King intends to publicly announce the Hunter Exam and your distinguished involvement. The day's events will culminate with a banquet in your honor at the palace."

The weight of the announcement was evident, yet Haruto's demeanor remained unwavering. As his gaze settled on Phinx, the latter understood the implicit go-ahead. "Thank you for outlining the proceedings. We would like a brief overview of the proposed meeting's agenda to ensure that our discussions are productive."

The delegate nodded, her poise intact. "Of course, Minister Phinx. A detailed agenda will be provided to you. We value King Haruto's time and will ensure that the discussions are concise and fruitful."

The group was ushered to their respective quarters within the grand mansion. Canary instinctively chose the room adjacent to Haruto's, a strategic choice that would allow her to rush to his side should anything happen.

Once they arrived at the entrance to Haruto's suite, she gestured for him to wait a moment. It was a routine check she performed, ensuring that the chambers assigned to Haruto were free of any potential threats or surveillance equipment.

Opening the door, the sight that greeted her was not what she had anticipated. Sixteen women, scantily clad, of varying ages and appearances, stood inside, their heads bowed. The room was heavy with a mix of perfumes, and the ornate setting only amplified the lavishness of the scenario.

Upon noticing Haruto, they greeted him in unison with a harmonized bow, "Your Highness."

Canary's brows furrowed in annoyance, her eyes darting to gauge Haruto's reaction. While she knew that kings and men of power often indulged in such luxuries, she had never seen Haruto participate in such diversions.

Unmoved by the scene before him, Haruto simply waved a dismissive hand. "Leave. I have no use for you here."

One of the women hesitated, then mustered the courage to speak, swallowing hard before saying, "If it's our appearance that displeases you, we can—"

He cut her off, his voice low and firm, "I said you're not needed."

There was a tangible pause. Then, the women, their faces a mix of relief and disappointment, filed out of the room, their footsteps echoing down the long corridor.

Haruto casually moved further into the suite, settling onto a plush sofa, his posture relaxed but still exuding a quiet authority.

Canary approached him, a small, amused smile playing on her lips. Without a word, she began to help him out of his outerwear, the familiarity of the act demonstrating their close bond. From the large ornate mirror on the opposite wall, Haruto caught a glimpse of her smile. He remained silent, but the faintest hint of a smirk tugged at his lips.

Haruto watched as Canary, with practiced precision, began to help him shed the layers of his outer garments. Every move she made was meticulous, her fingers gliding effortlessly across the fabrics, unbuttoning and unwinding. Their reflections in the mirror bore witness to a quiet intimacy; one built from time, trust, and mutual understanding.

It wasn’t the act itself but rather the weight of shared memories that charged the room. The large ornate mirror captured not just their present actions but also echoed glimpses of their shared past. As she continued, the reflection showed him looking at her, his usually impassive eyes now holding a hint of warmth. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second, and in that moment, everything seemed to stand still.

That almost kiss from the past was an unspoken chapter between them. It lingered in the air whenever they were this close, a reminder of what almost was but never came to be. Now, as Haruto took in her features, he was irresistibly drawn to her lips, remembering how they had almost tasted the forbidden.

Canary felt his gaze, her hands trembling slightly as she continued. The weight of his stare, combined with the memories flooding back, made her heart race. A part of her wished to drown in that gaze, to revisit that unsaid promise of the past, but the other side, the pragmatic one, told her to remain in control.

He cleared his throat slightly, breaking the tension. "Canary..."

She met his eyes, her voice soft, "Yes, Your Highness?"

The honorific, usually so common, seemed to carry more weight in this moment. A gentle reminder of the walls that stood between them.

Before Haruto could reply, the clinking sound of the last buckle broke the spell. Canary finished her task, giving him a curt nod. "You're set, Your Highness," she murmured, her voice betraying a hint of unease.

As she moved towards the exit, her pace slightly hastened by the heavy atmosphere, he found himself calling out softly, "Thank you, Canary."

She hesitated for just a moment at the door, then without turning back, replied, "Always at your service." With that, she slipped out, leaving behind a room filled with the echoes of unsaid words and untaken actions.

Feitan, who had been observing the duo for a while, leaned against the doorway with a smirk. "It's amusing how even the most powerful of us can be rendered so... human by emotions."

Haruto, regaining his typical aloof demeanor, simply looked at him. "Is there something you need, Feitan?"

Feitan laughed lightly, "Nothing at all. I merely came to remind you of tomorrow's schedule. Rest well, Your Highness. The morrow holds great promise."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Haruto watched as Feitan retreated, the silence of the room only disturbed by the faint sounds from outside.


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