Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch70- Breakfast

The first light of dawn bled through the room's drapery, and Haruto arose, drawn from sleep's embrace. The cool morning greeted him as he stepped into the bath. The water embraced him like a silk garment, and he sighed, feeling it seep into his pores, washing away the remnants of sleep.

The door creaked softly, a silhouette emerging. Canary, her steps light and practiced, entered with a tray of food. Initially, she hesitated at the doorway, her eyes darting to the bath, then meeting Haruto's. It was an intimacy she had grown accustomed to over time, but some remnants of initial hesitancy always lingered.

Haruto glanced up, eyes betraying neither surprise nor discomfort. “Canary,” he acknowledged, his voice even.

“Your Highness,” she began, but catching his faintly admonishing look, she corrected, “Haruto. I’ve brought your breakfast.”

Laying the tray down, the aroma of fresh food filled the room. With familiar grace, she approached him from behind, retrieving a washcloth. “Let me,” she murmured, gently running the cloth over his back.

“You’ve always been thorough,” Haruto commented lightly, a subtle smile tugging at his lips.

“It's the least I can do for you,” Canary responded, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude, the past never too far from her memories.

Haruto merely hummed, sinking further into the bath, allowing the sensation of warm water and Canary's gentle touch to pull him into a relaxed state. He felt no need to address the past, preferring the present's simple pleasures.

As Canary's fingers grazed his skin with the cloth, she couldn't help but blush slightly. The subtle change in the hue of her dark skin was hard to catch, but it was there, a faint rosiness that peeked through. She stole a quick glance at Haruto's form, noting his sculpted physique, a testament to years of training and discipline.

Haruto, with eyes still closed, broke the silence. "Canary, did you inspect the other rooms as well? While they may not dare to directly spy on me, they might find it easier to eavesdrop on those closer to me."

Canary's fingers paused momentarily before continuing their rhythmic motions. "Yes, I checked them all. No hidden devices or suspicious activities."

A satisfied hum escaped him. "It seems the King of Kukan'yu Kingdom might indeed be sincere."

She glanced at him, her eyes reflecting the light filtering through the drapery. "That's comforting to know. But, should we be wary?"

Haruto leaned his head back, allowing the water to lick at the nape of his neck. "Always. Trust, Canary, is a luxury, not a given. But for now, we'll give him the benefit of doubt."

Canary pressed the cloth gently against his shoulder, squeezing out water droplets. "He's extended a hand in alliance, but the fingers could easily become a fist."

Haruto chuckled. "Well put. But even if that fist were to clench, we'd be ready."

She allowed herself a small smile. "I know. Your strength isn't just in your combat skills but in how you read people, how you see through their intentions."

After the gentle, rhythmic cleansing had concluded, Haruto gracefully rose from the bath. Canary, without a moment’s hesitation, extended a plush towel towards him. There was a practiced ease in the way they moved around one another; their trust palpable, even if left unspoken.

Canary did her best to maintain her focus, though her gaze occasionally wandered over Haruto’s form, appreciating the refined lines and muscles of his physique. Haruto  didn’t seem to notice or, if he did, gave no indication.

Once dried, Haruto dressed with Canary assisting, smoothing out any wrinkles or adjusting a collar, ensuring he looked impeccable. They communicated more in gestures and brief exchanges than many would in long conversations.

Having settled at the table, Haruto started on his breakfast, the array of dishes a testament to Canary’s impeccable taste. After a few bites, he broke the silence. "Have you considered participating in the Hunter Exam?"

Canary nodded, her eyes filled with unwavering dedication. "Wherever you go, I'll be there."

Haruto’s smile was soft, yet the weight of it carried an unspoken understanding. "I know you’re protective, Canary. But have you eaten?"

Canary replied, slightly hesitant, "I haven’t had my meal yet. After attending to your needs, I planned to."

With a subtle gesture, Haruto shifted, indicating the space next to him. "Sit with me."

Canary blinked in surprise but didn’t protest. Sliding into the seat beside him, she tried to hide her astonishment when Haruto began preparing a slice of steaming bread for her. The motions were deliberate and practiced, spreading butter smoothly and then drizzling honey over it. He then held it up to her. She could feel the warmth of the bread and the intensity of his gaze.

She took a moment before hesitantly partaking, her face flushed, but her eyes sparkled with appreciation.

"Now, update me on our plans," Haruto instructed, sipping his tea while maintaining eye contact.

With a subtle nod, Canary began, "I've successfully persuaded a worker from the Hunter Association. We have clearance – there's no rule preventing us from broadcasting the Hunter Exam."

Haruto's lips curled into a slight smile. "Excellent. We can monopolize the broadcast. If it's only shown through our Kingdom's channels, we can use that coverage to our advantage."

Canary added, "This would also be a platform to portray our Kingdom's might, not through mere words, but a visual testament. People need to see what Meteor City has become under your reign."

He nodded, taking another sip of his tea. "It's not just about showcasing our power. We have transformed a land of ruins into a beacon of prosperity. I want the brightest minds to witness this and be drawn to us. An influx of talent can accelerate our progress."

"And there's also the fair Nobunaga proposed," Canary continued. "With the influx of viewers and spectators, it would be an opportune moment to introduce the unique crafts and merchandise our Kingdom offers."

Haruto’s gaze intensified. "Turning the Hunter Exam into both a spectacle and a marketplace – it's an ambitious move. But the benefits are multifaceted. Profits, reputation, and an influx of potential citizens.”

"Your vision always amazes me, Haruto,” Canary whispered, a hint of admiration in her voice.

His eyes met hers. "It's not just my vision, Canary. It's our shared dream. Our Kingdom, our home."

She smiled, taking another bite of the bread he'd prepared for her. "I remember how we started. From nothing to this grandeur."

He chuckled, the sound soft yet commanding. "From nothing, we've carved out a destiny. And we’re just getting started."

There was a quiet moment as the two of them continued their meal, the weight of their shared history and future aspirations enveloping them.

Canary, eager to continue the discussion, leaned in. "Speaking of plans, Feitan has been scouting. He believes we have potential allies in the upcoming rounds."

Haruto nodded, a glint of interest in his eyes. "Feitan has always had a knack for recognizing potential. Relay my message: proceed but exercise caution."

"He’ll be pleased to hear that. You know how he values your trust," Canary replied, her tone softening.

"Feitan has earned it, time and again," Haruto responded, finishing his tea. "Now, let’s proceed with the next phase. The world watches, and we mustn't falter."

With a decisive nod, Canary responded, "We're ready. This Hunter Exam will be a turning point."

Haruto looked at her with a resolute expression. "Then let’s ensure it turns in our favor."

Canary then suddenly remembered, "Is there a specific reason why you brought Killua with us?"

Haruto looked at her, "Killua? Has he been of any concern?"

Canary shook her head. "He's a child, still finding his way. He hasn't obstructed or assisted our goals."


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