Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch74- Netero

After the extensive press briefing, the grand doors leading to the palace's opulent dining hall were thrown open. Lavishly adorned with golden drapes and an intricate ceiling fresco, the room was a testament to the Kukan'yu Kingdom's wealth and artistry. At the center stood a long banquet table, draped in white cloth and set with the finest porcelain, crystal goblets, and ornate silverware. On either side, guests of high status, including dignitaries, nobles, and influential members of the community, murmured amongst themselves, waiting in eager anticipation.

As Haruto made his entrance, accompanied by his ministers, the room's buzz softened into an appreciative hush. He moved with an inherent authority, not demanding attention but effortlessly drawing it. His gaze swept the room, taking in every face, every reaction. It wasn’t a look of arrogance or superiority; it was the quiet assurance of a leader who knew his path.

Canary, as the Head Royal Guard, stayed close to Haruto, her eyes constantly scanning for any signs of potential threats. Phinx, exuding the grace befitting his role, subtly engaged various guests, setting the tone for international diplomacy. Feitan, though in a setting far removed from the battlefield, displayed the alertness and poise of a general, ready to act on a moment's notice.

King Tanoshi, playing the perfect host, stepped forward to introduce the elite guests. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present King Haruto of the Meteor Kingdom and his esteemed ministers?"

Zeno Zoldyck, ever the observer, quietly analyzed the room's dynamics, gauging the political intricacies at play. Nobunaga, with a sharp eye for potential trade alliances, noted the businessmen and influential merchants present. Pakunoda, ever poised, subtly represented the Meteor Kingdom's cultural face, occasionally acknowledging and answering queries from curious attendees.

As the night progressed, conversations flourished. Phinx found himself discussing international relations with a renowned diplomat from Kukan'yu, while Nobunaga was deep in talks about potential trade routes and economic partnerships. Pakunoda was approached by various artists and scholars keen to understand the Meteor Kingdom's cultural landscape.

At one point, a renowned poet from Kukan'yu recited a piece celebrating the potential union of the two kingdoms. Pakunoda, gracefully acknowledging the gesture, reciprocated with a traditional Meteor Kingdom song, encapsulating their history and aspirations from the days it was treated as a garbage land by other nations.

While most were engaged in conversations, some couldn't help but steal glances at Haruto, not just for his status but for the inherent magnetism he carried. The way he listened, the way he responded, every gesture exuded the natural grace of someone who led not by force but by vision.

The atmosphere shifted as the room was blanketed in a hush. The announcer, with a voice that seemed to echo throughout the vast hall, proclaimed, "Presenting the head of the Hunter Association, Isaac Netero."

King Tanoshi rose from his seat with a warm smile, walking forward to greet the old man who entered. His lively eyes shone, and his demeanor radiated an affable nature. "Ah, Mr. Netero! Your presence here is an honor for Kukan'yu."

Netero's eyes twinkled as he looked towards Haruto. "I heard rumors that the King of Meteor Kingdom was in attendance. I had to see for myself."

Haruto met Netero’s gaze, and while his expression remained unchanged, a flicker of caution lit up his eyes. It wasn't hostility, but a deeply instinctual wariness, as if memories he couldn't quite grasp were urging him to be careful. "Your reputation precedes you, sir," he replied, his voice even, yet with a depth that seemed to pull listeners in.

Netero chuckled softly. "And yours as well, Young King."

"Mr. Netero," Zeno greeted, extending his hand. "It's been years. I still remember the stories my father told about you."

Netero's face crinkled into a smile, reminiscent and warm. "Ah, Zigg. We had our fair share of escapades, didn't we? I'm pleased to see how the Zoldyck family has flourished under the Meteor Kingdom."

Zeno's eyes twinkled with a touch of mischief. "Well, when assassination becomes passé, one must find other ways to stay relevant." The room around them laughed softly, appreciating the lightheartedness in an otherwise serious gathering.

Netero turned his attention to Haruto. "Your Highness, it's an honor to meet you."

Haruto gave a slight nod, his face betraying no emotion, but his posture radiated a quiet confidence. "Mr. Netero, the honor is mine."

Canary's gaze flitted between the two, her body coiled and ready, though her face remained impassive. She caught Haruto's eye, the subtlest tilt of her head conveying her concern. He offered the faintest of nods in return, reassuring her without a word.

Phinx, seeing an opportunity, interjected with a diplomatic flourish, "Mr. Netero, we've heard so much about your leadership at the Hunter Association. It's a pleasure to finally meet."

Netero chuckled, his eyes shining. "The pleasure is all mine. And might I add, your efforts in fostering international relations haven't gone unnoticed."

Phinx smiled, bowing his head. "Your kind words are appreciated."

Netero studied Haruto for a moment, his gaze sharp but not confrontational. There was a weighing in those aged eyes, an assessment that betrayed the years of experience behind them.

"King Haruto," he began, his tone light but tinged with seriousness, "I've heard tales of a young king, accompanied by a thousand Nen Masters, attending this year's Hunter Exam. It's an impressive entourage. Some might interpret it as a... display of power."

Haruto's eyes met Netero's unflinchingly. He offered a faint smile. "Our world is vast and filled with myriad talents, Mr. Netero. The Hunter Exam is famed for attracting the best. My people wish to test their mettle against such challenges. Can one fault their ambition?"

Netero chuckled. "Ambition, indeed. The Hunter Association appreciates talent. But, given the scale of your delegation, some may feel it's more than just ambition. They may see it as a statement."

Feitan and Phinx exchanged glances, sensing the underlying tension in the room. Canary's stance shifted subtly, always vigilant.

Haruto responded calmly, "If bringing the talented to a place that values skill is making a statement, then let it be heard. My intention is for Meteor Kingdom's brilliance to be acknowledged, nothing more."

Netero leaned forward slightly. "Ah, and brilliance should be acknowledged. But do tell, King Haruto, in your opinion, what does it truly mean to be a Hunter?"

"It means to be in relentless pursuit," Haruto replied, "of one's goals, of knowledge, of strength. It's a title bestowed upon those with the determination to seek, even when the path is treacherous."

Netero nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "And do you, yourself, seek the title of Hunter?"

There was a beat of silence. "Titles hold little appeal for me, Mr. Netero. I'm more interested in the essence of the pursuit."

A hint of amusement flickered in Netero's eyes. "Then let me rephrase: Is the essence of the Hunter's pursuit something you desire for yourself or for your kingdom?"

The room's ambiance grew heavy, the weight of the conversation pressing down.

"For my kingdom," Haruto replied, his voice unwavering, "every experience, every challenge confronted and overcome, strengthens its foundation. I am here because I believe the Hunter Exam offers such an experience."

Netero hummed thoughtfully. "Many have underestimated the Hunter Exam, thinking it a mere formality. But it’s more than that. It tests the soul. Will your Nen Masters be prepared for such a trial?"

Haruto's eyes held a steely determination. "They are not mere representatives; they are the embodiment of Meteor Kingdom's spirit. They are prepared for any challenge, as am I."

Netero smiled, a genuine expression of warmth. "I look forward to seeing it. Our world needs strong leaders, and from our conversation, it seems you fit the bill."

Haruto inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the compliment. "Thank you. But leadership isn’t solely about strength. It's about vision and understanding. It's about recognizing potential and fostering it."

Netero paused, considering Haruto's words. "And what of the Hunter Association's potential? How do you view our role in this world of yours?"

Haruto replied without hesitation, "As pillars. Your association has stood the test of time, shaping the course of many destinies. I respect it, and I wish to see how our destinies might intertwine."

The atmosphere, once dense with tension, now held a sense of mutual understanding. The two leaders, both powerful in their own right, had tested each other's resolve, and each found the other not lacking.

Netero extended his hand. "Then let this be the beginning of a relationship built on respect and mutual ambition."

Haruto took it, the grip firm and meaningful. "Indeed, Mr. Netero. Let's see what the future holds for both our kingdoms."

As the two parted, the room gradually returned to its previous liveliness. Conversations resumed, wine glasses clinked, and the night continued, but the exchange between the old master and the young king remained etched in the minds of all who witnessed it.


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