Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch75- Forget the Title!

Several sunrises had colored the Kukan'yu horizon since the Meteor Kingdom's arrival. Negotiations had progressed, mostly favoring Meteor, with the Kukan'yu Kingdom displaying eagerness for Meteor's advanced technology and coveted Nen techniques. Haruto delegated the discussions to Feitan and Phinx, fully aware of their competence in squeezing the most out of King Tanoshi and his advisors.

Amid the lavish decor of Kukan’yu, Haruto found himself momentarily distracted from the weight of diplomatic duties. One morning, the sun painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson, its light filtering through ornate windows. It was on this day he chose to explore the sprawling capital, not as the King of Meteor, but as a man wanting to experience a new place.

"Canary," Haruto’s voice was a mix of command and familiarity, "I’d like to see the sights. Will you accompany me?"

Her usually impassive face registered a brief surprise. "Of course, Your High—Haruto." There was the faintest pause as she corrected herself, almost imperceptible to anyone but him.

As they walked, the streets were alive with the bustle of the city. Vendors called out, children played, and life went on. It was an unusual scene — the formidable king, with his sharp eyes and presence that demanded space, strolling alongside Canary, always poised and watchful.

While Haruto appeared to be merely taking in the sights, every so often his attention would linger on a structure or artwork, revealing a curiosity for the world around him.

They paused at a bridge overlooking a tranquil river. Fish swam below, and petals from nearby cherry trees floated gracefully on the water's surface.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Canary remarked, her gaze fixed on the serene waters.

"It is," Haruto responded, his voice carrying a note of reflection. "Such tranquility amidst the chaos of life."

A comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the city and the gentle flow of the river.

As they continued their exploration, Haruto's gaze occasionally shifted to Canary, observing the faint expressions that crossed her face. She seemed more at ease, more... human, away from the confines of the palace. And he realized, he too felt a freedom he seldom experienced.

In the heart of the market, a vendor caught their attention. He was selling intricate amulets, each said to carry a unique blessing.

After the brief interlude with the amulet seller, Haruto continued his exploration of the city, with Canary ever-present at his side. They meandered through narrow alleys, past majestic fountains and stone-carved structures, gradually ascending the hilly terrain that dominated Kukan'yu's landscape. The distant cries of hawkers and children faded as they reached the hilltop.

Before them stretched an exquisite panorama: a vibrant tapestry of architecture juxtaposed against the azure of the sea. Buildings with gilded roofs shimmered under the sun, while the waters mirrored the cloud-streaked sky. The view was as if an artist had painted it with meticulous strokes.

Haruto moved toward an old tree, its leaves swaying gently in the wind. Without ceremony, he started to sit beneath its shade.

Canary hesitated, her eyes widening slightly. "Your Highness, it's not appropriate—"

Ignoring her concern, Haruto deftly removed his royal mantle, laying it carefully on the ground. Its simplicity belied the quality of its make. "Sit, Canary," he commanded, his voice gentle yet firm.

"But, Haruto, it's not befitting for you—"

He cut her off with a raised hand. "Sit."

Biting her lower lip, Canary finally relented, easing herself onto the expensive fabric. Their shared silence wasn't awkward, but it was thick with unsaid words.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Haruto's voice broke the quiet. "Do you remember, Canary, the days before all this?" His outstretched hand gestured at the sprawling city below. "When titles and formality didn't dictate our interactions?"

Canary shifted uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze. "Times have changed, Haruto. Your position demands—"

Haruto turned his head, his violet eyes meeting her deep black ones. The intensity of the moment seemed to amplify the ambient sounds around them. "I never wanted a flawless guard," he admitted, his tone softer. "I want the spirited girl I once knew. That’s what made you the best protector; your heart was in it."

She met his gaze, searching for any hint of insincerity. Finding none, her voice was barely above a whisper, "It's my duty to protect you. The weight of your title—"

Haruto leaned in slightly, the intensity of his gaze never wavering. "I don’t need an emotionless sentinel. I need my sister. The girl who used to chase after me, scold me when I was reckless, and laugh freely."

Canary blinked, stunned by Haruto's heartfelt words. In this world of political plays and power dynamics, it was rare for raw emotions to break through. She shifted slightly closer to him, her shoulders trembling. It wasn't from the cold; it was the weight of suppressed memories and feelings.

As the wind whispered past, their arms brushed against each other. A jolt of unexpected electricity passed between them, making her heart race. Canary knew it wasn't the right place, the right moment, but the pull was undeniable. Gently, she let her head rest on his shoulder.

Haruto released a sigh of contentment, tilting his head slightly to accommodate her. The warmth of their shared moment eclipsed the grandeur of the view in front of them.

"I've never been one to get caught up in titles or protocols," Haruto murmured, his gaze fixed on the shimmering city below. "It's the people, the bonds we share, that matter most."

She looked up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I've missed this... just being with you without any walls between us."

He chuckled lightly. "That's because you've built those walls. I've always been right here."

Their fingers tentatively entwined, neither wanting to break the spell. Their dynamic had evolved, yet the familiarity of old times still lingered.

Canary straightened, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Your High—"

Haruto raised a brow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Haruto," he corrected gently.

She let out a soft chuckle. "Haruto, I missed you."

Haruto turned to look at her, the morning sun casting a soft glow on Canary's face. She met his gaze, and the familiar warmth that once defined their relationship was evident in her eyes. As if on impulse, he reached out, tucking a curly strand of her hair behind her ear. Their proximity created a palpable tension, the silent promise of deeper emotions yet unspoken. Gently, he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. "I've missed you too, Canary."

They sat there for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, taking solace in the other's company. The scenery before them was nothing short of mesmerizing, but the silent connection they shared was even more poignant.

"Remember the days we'd sneak out from Feitan's watchful eyes to explore?" Canary asked, a hint of mischief evident in her tone.

Haruto smirked. "Feitan was always too cautious. Probably still is. We had some great times, didn't we?"

Canary chuckled softly. "We did. Racing through the streets, you always had this confidence, this certainty. Even then, you carried yourself with such... command."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I was an arrogant brat?"

She elbowed him playfully. "Only sometimes. But there was no denying who you were destined to be. Everyone saw it."

Haruto's gaze settled on the horizon, his demeanor contemplative. "Destiny or not, I'm nothing without the people around me, without you, Phinx, Feitan..."


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