Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch76- Hunter Exam Begins

The day had come for the Hunter Exam, and Haruto led his small, elite group from the palace. A thousand men from his kingdom were also set to take the exam, but they would have to find their own way; the search for the location was part of the challenge, after all. Under Haruto's directive, the men dispersed in small groups, left to their own devices.

His party consisted of Canary, who had discovered the exam location in record time; Feitan and Phinx, who were more like brothers than advisors; and Killua, trailing quietly at the back. In a bid to avoid leading others to the hidden location, they went discreetly, eventually arriving at an inconspicuous dining establishment.

"Welcome! What can I get you?" the chef greeted as they stepped in.

Haruto tilted his head subtly toward Killua, cueing him to speak. "The Steak Meal," said Killua.

The chef's eyes narrowed. "How would you like it cooked?"

"Slowly, over a weak fire," Killua responded, eyes meeting the chef’s in mutual understanding.

"It's coming right up," the chef said. A waitress gestured for them to follow her to a side door. As they entered a private room laden with dishes, the floor began to descend.

Feitan and Phinx didn't wait for formalities. They dove into the food, relishing each bite as if it were a prize won in battle. Killua joined them, albeit less voraciously. Canary, however, began arranging a plate for Haruto, selecting the best morsels with a keen eye.

Feitan looked up, meeting Haruto's eyes. "Any strategy, Haruto?"

"Adapt. That's the only plan we need," Haruto replied, tasting the food that Canary handed him.

Phinx chuckled. "That's always been your way."

"It's served us well so far, has it not?" Haruto said, finally showing the barest hint of a smile.

As the elevator reached the ground level, the door slid open to reveal a sprawling underground chamber, reminiscent of an expansive tunnel system. A worker approached them, carrying a set of badges.

"Congratulations on being the first to arrive," he said, extending the badges toward the group. Canary picked up the badge labeled #1 and pinned it gently onto Haruto's chest, meeting his eyes for a brief, silent exchange. She then picked up the #2 badge for herself. Feitan took #3, Phinx #4, and Killua #5.

Without a word, Haruto walked to a section of the wall, where he gracefully lowered himself onto the floor. Canary followed, her eyes clouding with a mixture of concern and affection. "You should at least sit on a cushion, not the ground."

Haruto chuckled lightly. "Worried about my comfort, Canary? We have faced far more challenging terrains."

Finally surrendering, Canary leaned gently against his side, her gesture wordless but filled with tenderness. Feitan and Phinx settled down beside them, the tension of the pending Hunter Exam hanging in the air.

The next few hours were quiet. Canary, Feitan, and Phinx reminisced about their early years.

"I remember our first big steal. Haruto was the one who came up with the plan," Feitan smirked.

Phinx chuckled. "Ah yes, we nearly got caught. But Haruto had a backup plan, like always."

"You were reckless," Haruto interjected, "but you learned. Now you're the ones who come up with plans."

Killua sat a bit apart, listening intently. The tales of survival and camaraderie in the unforgiving Meteor City painted a vivid picture of the kingdom's origins. The stories weren't just entertaining; they were educational. His respect for Haruto deepened, as did his understanding of the kingdom he now represented.

"Killua," Haruto finally spoke, his eyes meeting the young man's. "From now on, I want you to be on your own. You represent your age group in Meteor Kingdom."

Killua nodded respectfully and took his skateboard under his arm, separating himself from the group.

Soon after, the chamber filled with people. Most were familiar faces, men from Haruto's army claiming badges ranging from 6 to 18.

However, badge #19 was taken by a man who didn't seem to fit in. He was portly, with an unassuming demeanor and a sheepish smile. As his gaze met Haruto's, he looked away nervously, sweat trickling down his forehead.

Opting instead to approach Killua, the stranger extended a hand. "Hi, I'm Tonpa."

Killua eyed him suspiciously. "Nice to meet you."

Tonpa took a seat, but his eyes kept darting back to Haruto and his close-knit group. Haruto sensed the man's unease but didn't acknowledge it. His focus remained on his group—Canary, Phinx, and Feitan—three people who had been by his side since those early days in Meteor City.

Tonpa looked over at Killua and then at the badge on his chest. "Ah, badge number 5. You must be pretty skilled to get here so early. Do you know anything about the guy with badge number 1?" he asked, trying to mask his curiosity with casual interest.

Killua grinned mischievously. "Oh, that guy? You really want to know?"

Tonpa leaned in closer, eager for a scoop. "Absolutely. Is he as tough as he looks?"

"Well," Killua began, letting the suspense hang in the air for a moment, "he's not just tough. The stories say he's a man-eater, literally. Eats the hearts of his enemies to gain their power."

Tonpa's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and intrigue flooding his face. "Really? Eats hearts?"

Killua nodded, keeping his expression serious. "They say he once walked into an enemy camp alone, tore it apart, and then had a hearty meal. If you know what I mean."

Tonpa looked aghast, glancing nervously at Haruto, who was engaged in quiet conversation with his comrades. "Wow, that's… something. He doesn't look the part."

"Appearances can be deceiving," Killua shrugged, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Tonpa hesitated, then decided to switch gears. "What about you? What's your story?"

"I’m just here for the experience," Killua said, leaning back and tossing his skateboard into the air, catching it effortlessly. "I've heard the Hunter Exam is challenging. Should be fun."

"You call something that attracts man-eating psychopaths 'fun'?"

Killua chuckled. "Well, life's boring without a little danger, isn't it?"


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