Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch78- Second Stage

Satozs led the way, but candidates in the rear started to drop. A high-pitched voice rang out, mimicking a human cry for help, "Danger ahead! Go this way!" One candidate veered off the main path, his face flushed with gratitude for the supposed warning. Seconds later, a gurgling scream filled the air. A predatory bird swooped down and started to peck at the remains. Haruto and his comrades never glanced back.

Ahead, a series of colorful fruits glistened on the back of a turtle-like creature submerged in the water. Two candidates eagerly approached to pick the fruits. As they leaned in, the creature snapped, jaws closing in a violent grip. Their screams were brief.

"Amateur mistakes," Feitan muttered.

Suddenly, the ground beneath a candidate erupted as a giant frog leapt from its hiding place. The frog's jaws clamped around the man, swallowing him whole before diving back into the marsh.

A candidate to their left kicked a mushroom, which promptly exploded into a cloud of spores. The spores entered through his mouth and nose, and within moments, the man collapsed, convulsing as seedlings started to sprout from his body. Nearby, a group of beautiful butterflies descended upon another candidate, who sighed as if entranced by their beauty. He soon fell asleep, never to awaken again as the butterflies began their gruesome feast.

"Let them weed themselves out," Phinx commented, pulling a blade from his coat. "Makes it easier for us."

As they pressed further into the swamp, Feitan noticed Killua's group lagging behind. His eyes flicked to Hisoka, who was hovering close to them. Before he could move, Haruto's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Let him take care of himself. He is not here to sightsee."

Feitan met Haruto's gaze and gave a curt nod. He knew Hisoka wouldn't dare mess with them, especially not with Haruto present. Gon and Leorio seemed to be the objects of Hisoka's idle amusement, but Killua and Kurapika were left alone—perhaps because they hailed from Meteor Kingdom.

Finally, the candidates emerged from the treacherous swamp into a clearing with a single building. As they approached, the door swung open to reveal an elderly man. It was Netero, standing with an amiable smile, but the eyes said it all. His gaze settled on Haruto.

"Welcome, candidates. This exam isn't over yet," Netero announced, locking eyes with Haruto for an extended moment.

Just a few days ago, Haruto had been the honored guest at a grand feast thrown by King Tanoshi of the Kukan'yu Kingdom. He arrived at the Kingdom with a massive entourage of 1,000 men, each eager to participate in the Hunter Exam. While Haruto and Netero only exchanged a few words during the feast, the tension was palpable. Both men knew that Haruto's show of force was a bold challenge to the authority of the Hunter Association. Now, as they faced each other in the clearing, Netero couldn't help but remind Haruto, albeit subtly, that the Association was not to be trifled with.

the clearing. The elder then motioned to the colossal labyrinth behind him, its dark entrances gaping like the mouths of ancient beasts.

"Welcome to the Labyrinth stage of the Hunter Exam," Netero began. "The task is simple, yet deceptive—find an exit within 48 hours. Thirty exits are hidden throughout, each allowing only one passage. Once utilized, the exit will close permanently. You'll be given a ten-minute countdown upon finding a door. Use it, or lose it."

Haruto's eyes narrowed slightly. This was a test of attrition, designed to whittle down the numbers. His eyes met Netero's, and he saw the faintest glint of challenge there. The old man knew Haruto had come with a thousand men, and this stage was a perfect trap to eliminate most of them, thereby sending a resounding message—don't challenge the Hunter Association.

"This labyrinth isn't just a maze—it's a death trap," Netero continued. "Creatures, traps, puzzles, riddles—you'll find them all. Your wits are as crucial as your combat skills here."

"Are there any questions?" Netero asked, though the unspoken challenge hanging in the air made it clear that this was less an inquiry and more a finality.

The candidates were silent. Then, Netero clapped his hands, and they found themselves teleported to different sections of the labyrinth.

Haruto looked around. He was alone in a dimly lit corridor that forked in three directions.

Haruto assessed the dimly lit corridor before him, eyes darting between the three separate paths that loomed ahead. He reached for the communicator, already knowing it would be futile. As expected, it was dead. Netero might have thought that isolating them would weaken their resolve, but Haruto was two steps ahead.

Every person under his command had been trained in a secondary Hatsu known as "Ant King's Pheromones." Developed by Haruto himself, this specialized technique allowed for a form of silent communication through Nen signatures. These signatures could only be decoded by those trained in the same technique. Yumeko, the Hive Harmonizer who had been instrumental in Meteor Kingdom's rise, had connected the minds of Haruto's men to teach them this unique skill.

Haruto released a pulse of his aura, subtle but precisely modulated. He didn't need to say a word; his intentions traveled silently through the network of Nen signatures that his men had been trained to recognize. Moments later, Canary, Phinx, and Feitan materialized beside him, navigating through the labyrinthine maze with ease.

"Three paths. Any preferences?" Feitan looked at the branching corridors before them.

"The one that challenges us most," Haruto said, a half-smile crossing his face.

Feitan chuckled. "Of course."

They chose the middle path, its darkness looking just a bit more ominous than the others. They walked in single file, Haruto leading the way. The corridor twisted and turned, its walls lined with carvings that shifted and distorted as they moved. Suddenly, a wall of flames erupted before them, blocking their way forward.

"So, it begins," Phinx said, unsheathing a blade.

"Stand back," Haruto ordered, his voice tinged with a sense of finality.

Without a gesture or incantation, the flames parted before him. They reformed behind him as the group advanced, as if bowing to his unspoken command. Phinx shared a knowing glance with Feitan but said nothing. There was no need.


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