Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch79- Puzzles

After the wall of flames subsided and the group advanced, they found themselves facing a large chamber with a circular pattern on the floor, which was comprised of tiles with various symbols: animals, geometric shapes, celestial objects, and elements. In the center of the chamber was a stone pedestal with an inscription.

"The way forward opens only to those who comprehend nature's truths," Canary read aloud.

Haruto hummed, studying the tiles with detached interest.

Phinx approached the pedestal, examining the intricate patterns that surrounded the inscription. "Seems like we need to find the correct sequence to unlock the path ahead."

"Then let's not waste any more time," Feitan chimed in, cracking his knuckles.

Canary, Feitan, and Phinx began experimenting with different sequences of tiles, guided by the symbols and a basic understanding of nature's relationships. Fire and water, earth and sky, predator and prey—they attempted to find the logic behind the riddle, stepping on tiles in various combinations. Nothing happened.

After several minutes, Haruto broke the silence. "You're making it too complicated. Nature has its own elegance in simplicity."

He stepped forward and walked in a spiral starting from the sun tile, moving outward through tiles representing air, water, plants, animals, and finally ending on the moon. As his foot landed on the final tile, the entire floor glowed, and a path ahead became visible, revealing a door.

"Simple, yet profound. That's the essence of nature," Haruto stated as he walked through the newly opened doorway, not even sparing a glance back. His comrades followed, their faces a mix of admiration and relief.

The door led them to another chamber, this one filled with mirrors that covered every inch of the walls, floor, and ceiling. Dotted between the mirrors were large, grotesque statues. As soon as they entered, the door behind them closed and vanished.

"Mirrors and illusions. It's like walking inside someone's nightmare," Feitan said, gripping his blade more tightly.

Phinx stepped forward, carefully avoiding the statues. "Stay in the middle. These statues might not be just decorations."

No sooner had he spoken than the statues came to life, lunging at them. Haruto lifted his hand in a dismissive gesture. The statues froze and crumbled to dust. He then focused his gaze on one mirror in particular. The reflection staring back was not his but rather an ever-changing array of faces.

"Break it," he commanded.

Feitan hurled his blade at the identified mirror. It shattered, and the room instantly reverted to a state of normalcy, a door appearing on the far side.

"Deceptive but ultimately futile traps," Haruto commented as they moved on.

The next room appeared empty, but as they took their first steps inside, their feet sank into the floor. It wasn't a floor at all but a giant marsh, covered by a thin layer of deceptive material.

"The swamp wasn't enough; now we've got quicksand," Feitan groaned.

In the marsh-like chamber, Phinx sighed as the floor beneath him gave way, sucking him deeper into the muck. He attempted to pull his leg free but realized the quicksand's grip was unyielding. The ground around them continued to dip, and Feitan also found himself sinking.

Haruto watched, almost bemused. "Keep moving. The quicksand's viscosity will be affected by movement."

As if in defiance of the laws that bound the marsh, Haruto calmly treaded over the sinking ground to a raised platform at the center of the room. His steps seemed to barely touch the surface, as if the quicksand knew better than to challenge him.

Canary, Feitan, and Phinx moved as advised, their steps calculated and controlled. By maintaining constant motion, they managed to reach the platform where Haruto stood. Once they were safe, a rumbling sound echoed through the chamber, and the quicksand solidified into a firm path leading to another door.

Phinx chuckled. "Well, that's one way to cross a swamp."

Canary smiled for a moment but caught herself and returned to her composed stance. "It seems we're not out of this yet."

Haruto led them through the door, entering a hall adorned with intricate tapestries depicting various battles and mythological events. What caught their attention was the ceiling, which was formed of concentric circles, each one filled with a pattern of star constellations. Directly beneath was a circular platform, inscribed with markings resembling a celestial calendar.

"The heavens themselves," Feitan noted, squinting at the constellations. "Interesting."

Haruto placed his hand on the platform. "Time for us to move the heavens, then."

Using his impeccable knowledge of celestial mechanics—acquired not out of necessity but as a tribute to the grandeur of the universe—Haruto began rotating the dials to align with the current celestial configuration. The ceiling responded, the constellations shifting into their corresponding positions. With a click, the platform sank into the ground, revealing a downward spiral staircase.

"Another door won't do," Haruto commented dryly. "Down we go."

The staircase descended into a cavernous chamber illuminated only by bioluminescent fungi. In the middle of the room was an intricate mosaic depicting a giant serpent coiled around a tree, its mouth open wide, displaying sharp, crystalline fangs. Each fang seemed to be an actual crystal embedded into the mosaic.

"Perhaps a serpent guarding the Tree of Life," Phinx hypothesized.

Haruto walked over to the mosaic and looked closely at one of the fangs. He reached down and effortlessly plucked it from its setting. The moment he did, the room darkened, and the bioluminescent fungi dimmed. A hissing sound emanated from the walls as multiple slits opened, and real snakes slithered out.

"Ah, guardians," Haruto said, not a trace of concern in his voice.

Canary and Phinx readied their weapons. Feitan took a step back, providing room for Haruto to maneuver. But Haruto simply looked at the incoming swarm of snakes and then back at the fang he held. With a swift movement, he reinserted the fang into the mosaic.

As though recognizing their master's will, the snakes retreated, slithering back into the walls, and the bioluminescent fungi regained their glow.

"Respect must be paid, even to guardians who have forgotten their place," Haruto stated as a passageway opened opposite the mosaic.


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