Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 31: Martial Artist.

Chapter 31: Martial Artist.


In Nanchang City, there is a traditional Chinese house with a courtyard surrounded by buildings on all four sides that cover a large area. That house belongs to the Wu family, one of the top powers in the Wu kingdom because they are related to the Wu royal family, and today there is a commotion.


A girl is fuming as she comes out of the house gate. While being followed by several people with a sword on their waists.


Inside a room, a black-haired man and a woman in their thirties wearing silk clothes are sitting on a chair. The man has a worried face, while the woman with hair tied in a hairpin is gazing at the door entrance with a stern gaze.


"Wife, you are too hard on our daughter."


"It's all your fault you spoil her too much."


"Can’t we stop the engagement?"


"This has been arranged before Wu Yi is born between the Wu and Li families." The woman makes a tired face. "Even I can’t stop it."


The man can only sigh, he is a merchant and falls in love with his wife from the Wu family. However, to marry her, he needs to abandon his family name. Although his family is against it and people make fun of him, he still wants to be together with the person he loves and have a daughter. When he thought everything would be normal, the patriarch told them about the engagement a few weeks ago, and now they are ready to discuss it with their daughter.


The reason the Wu and Li families wanted this marriage was to be allies. Not to mention, Wu Yi has a special constitution for learning martial art. However, since she lives a carefree life, she is too lazy to train.


Outside the city, a girl is riding a horse while being followed by a group of men and women.


"Young miss, please slow down." Said a woman riding a horse beside her.


Only after some persuasion did the girl finally stop near a river and sit near a tree, looking absentmindedly.


Wu Yi feels betrayed by a family member, but there is nothing she can do to escape her fate. ‘Wait, I can become a martial artist and escape; there is still time before the wedding.’ While she is thinking of her plan.


Her protectors look at her with heavy hearts, but they can’t do anything about the engagement. While they are thinking, arrows are coming at them from the woods. Most of them manage to deflect the arrows, and only a few of them get hit and fall to the ground holding their wounds.


"Stop, don’t pull out the arrow; you will bleed to death!"


"Protect the young miss!"


A group of black-clad men, covering their bodies and mouths, comes out while pointing their blades at the protectors. The girl hides behind the woman's protector, scared.


"Who are you?"


Without answering, both sides begin fighting, although there are many black-clad men. The woman's sword movement is like a dance and decapitates the attacker's head. Blood sprayed from the headless body before it fell into the river.


The protectors are strong, and in several minutes, several of the attackers are already dead.


"Retreat!" Seeing that they can’t harm the protectors, they flee in all directions. Some of the protectors want to chase them but have been stopped by the woman.


"Let's treat the injured first and throw the attacker's corpses into the river!" The protectors open the clothes covering their faces and don’t recognize any of them.


Riding their horses, they leave the area quickly, afraid the attackers might come back with reinforcements.




Levi's small turtle head comes out of the hole, and he sees a human corpse and can hear swords clashing. Only when the fighting stopped did he finally come out from hiding.


He doesn’t know what has happened since becoming a turtle he never leaves this place.


Seeing the corpse Levi has a complicated feeling because it is different from converting the dead body to death point. To get to the evolution point, he needs to eat the human corpse. It reminds Levi of an unpleasant memory from one of his past lives when he needed to eat a human corpse to survive. At that time, there was a famine, and to survive, many people acted like animals.


Coming closer to the corpse, Levi searches for the wound that killed the human, opens his mouth wide, and takes a bite. Fortunately, his taste bud is a turtle, not a human, or he might vomit and need to swallow his vomit back.








The evolution point gradually increases.


Levi continues eating the corpses in the river. Other predators came, but they ignored him and focused on eating the corpses. Thanks to his evolutionary ability, he will not get full and keep eating.


One week later. Several corpses in the river have gone, eaten by Levi and other creatures. Levi swims toward his hiding hole and rests inside. Levi doesn’t know how, but his body has become bigger like an adult Chinese box turtle, and because of that, the hole feels a little bit cramped. His only conclusion is that evolution has the ability to Levi closed his eyes.


[Evolutionary species path.]




[Change species: Baby Eastern Dragon.]


[Cost: 3000 evolution points.]




[Change species: Baby Water Dragon.]


[Cost: 2000 evolution points.]




[Change species: baby dragon turtle.]


[Cost: 1000 evolution points.]




[Change species: Baby Wyrm.]


[Cost: 700 evolution points.]




[Change species: baby water drake.]


[Cost: 500 evolution points.]




[Evolution Point: 791]


Seeing the point, Levi is happy that finally he can change his species. There are two options available: the baby water drake and the baby wyrm. However, he still doesn’t choose any of them.


"Right now, baby Wyrm is the best option, but I have a feeling that the more the evolution point costs, the more powerful the species will grow in the future." After contemplating, he decided to wait since he still had time. The stronger he became, the better. Levi also doesn’t know how powerful humans in this world are or if other species are more powerful than humans. In 60 years, anything can happen.




Inside a dilapidated house in the slump, a group of people are having a discussion.


"We can’t go on like this; this is the third attack, and we failed!" Ever since the failure to assassinate Wu Yi near the river. They tried two more times but failed.


"How about we terminate the contract? There are too many casualties, although we can recruit new members. But it will take time to train them." One of the people suggested


"No, according to the leader, if we manage to complete this mission, the reward can advance our assassin organization to the next level."


"Why don’t we change the target to the Li family? We only need to stop the marriage."


"We can't allow the Li family scion to be harmed."


"It’s hard since the Wu family is related to the Wu royal family."


"Don’t worry, although they have the same family name, the royal family will not interfere with this matter."


"We still need to be careful."


"Has our spy in the Wu family given us new information?"


"Our target, Wu Yi, has been training hard in martial arts."


The man frowns and looks at the man who gave him the information. "Next time, give me useful information that can help the mission."




"When will the reinforcement will arrive?"


"The other is busy with other missions it will take them three to six months to complete."


"We can only wait; we still have time." In the end, the group decided to wait, since the date of the marriage was still not decided.




In the Wu family courtyard, a girl is training with her sword.


"Young miss, you can stop." Said the female protector.


"Yu Su, how?"


Yu Su shakes her head. "It’s not easy to advance to second-class martial artist, with your strength now you are barely considered a third-class martial artist."


In Tianxia World, there are people called martial artists, the strongest of them can even fight an army alone. The martial artist rank is divided into four, the lowest Third class martial artist, second class, first class, and the highest called the Peak martial artist or Martial Master.


Yu Su can be considered a second-class martial artist. Ever since the first attack from the assassin, the young girl has been begging Yu Su to teach her martial art. With the young miss parent's permission, she finally agreed.


"Young Miss, you can’t rush this thing. Although you are talented, there is still no Qi energy in your attack."


In this world, as long as the martial artist can use Qi, he or she is already considered a second-class martial artist.  


Wu Yi looked disappointed, but after seeing her blistered hand from holding the sword, she soon regained her spirit again. She can’t give up; if she were strong enough, she could escape her fate.


Yu Su can understand her young-miss feeling since she is also a woman.


Watching from afar Wu Yi's parents are peeking near the window.


"Can’t we do anything?" Wu Yi's father is wiping his tears with a handkerchief. Seeing his daughter suffer, pain his heart.


While the father is sad and worried. Wu Yi's mother's gaze is complicated. She has tried to consult with her father, but it has been futile. But anything can happen in the future.


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